24 Feb Update on Roger and Marilyn Reeck
Roger and Marilyn Reeck have been endorsed UB missionaries since the 1970s, serving with Wycliffe in Mexico and Honduras (where they continue living). They sent this update on February 24:
One time someone told me, “When a person retires they need to sit under a coconut tree in a hammock and sip on Coke all day long”——-Naught! Not the retired people we know! God has given us so many opportunities since we retired at the end of July.
We returned to Honduras at the end of September. Since then Marilyn has led four Healing Groups and three Trauma Healing Trainings. In December, she began mentoring four very capable and committed young people to continue on doing Healing Groups here in Honduras in her absence. We have several churches who have requested that we hold one for their congregation, so there are many opportunities ahead. It is such a blessing to hear the testimonies of people being healed from so many of their hurts.
Roger continues on doing Bible translation with language groups in Guinea Bissau by Zoom. One of the groups that he has been working with over the last 8 years just completed the translation of the whole New Testament! His next assignment is with a language group called Manjaco, and they will be working on the book of Esther.
We now leave back to San Antonio for three months. Part of the time we will be visiting churches in the eastern part of the US. Roger is flying straight to the US and Marilyn is stopping off in Mexico. She will be holding a Healing Group for Huastec Indians February 28-March 5. It is a large group of one and a half million speakers. There are New Testament translations in the 3 different dialects of the language. This is the first step toward producing Story Based Trauma Healing in their language. Another couple will help with the Healing Group and then Marilyn will stay on for a few days mentoring the translation team in how to produce the materials in their own language. We are very excited about this new Project!
God has been so good to us and we praise Him for His goodness to us. We thank Him for letting us continue serving Him, for His protection and His wonderful provision. We praise Him that so many of those who have supported our work for so many years are still being supportive during this new phase in of our lives.