The ROCKtoberfest Tent (click to enlarge)

The ROCKtoberfest Tent (click to enlarge)

Inside the ROCKtoberfest Tent

Inside the ROCKtoberfest Tent (click to enlarge)

Teddy Fairchild (right), senior pastor, The Rock (Findlay, Ohio)

The tent went up, the bouncy house went up, the food tables quickly found themselves piled high with goodies of every kind, but the temperatures just kept going down!

October 6 was a chilly night, but that did not stop the Rock Church from hosting its first fall festival. ROCKtoberfest kicked off with food, fun, and fellowship while the bands took their places for a night of entertaining and uplifting music. The lineup included:

  • The Rock worship team.
  • The bluegrass gospel band Living Water.
  • Solo artists Jennie Walter, Elijah Cunningham, and Molly Pickett.

For a small little church with an average attendance of 60, we were excited to see God bring in 134 people to join the celebration! We are already looking forward to next year’s festival, but may change the name to get some warmer weather for the outdoor event! Mark your calendars for ROCKtember!

Right: By the time she met her surgeon, Hermmy's smile had returned. Dr. Honjo was surprised, too, that she was going home. Left: Hermmy back at Joan's place, on the couch with one of her prayer blankets.

Right: By the time she met her surgeon, Hermmy’s smile had returned. Dr. Honjo was surprised, too, that she was going home. Left: Hermmy back at Joan’s place, on the couch with one of her prayer blankets.

Joan Sider (right), New Hope church (Toronto, Ontario)

Hermmy, a girl from Haiti, was brought to Canada by UBs there to have surgery to repair a hole in her heart. Here’s the original post. She is staying with Joan Sider. Here is an October 15 update from Joan.

Hermmy is home at my house! That has to be some kind of miracle in itself, eh?.

When I arrived at the hospital this morning, expecting to do the day and overnight shifts, I was greeted with the news that Hermmy was being discharged. She required an “echo” and the two remaining drainage tubes removed. Hermmy was pretty happy–until the tube removal time–then she was traumatized. It only took 5 minutes to do, but she needed about 30-40 minutes to recover, so upset was she. It took a while for that winning smile to appear–but it came.

Hermmy has had her first meds at home, and I have my alarm set for the 4-hour and 6-hour doses. This will happen for a couple days, and then we’ll be able to slacken off. I know she is not going to be happy when I remove one of the bandages over a drainage spot tomorrow and then the last two on Wednesday–but we’ll manage, and she’ll be okay and glad to have them off. It is the anticipated pain that starts the ball rolling.

Poor kid–she had no idea what was involved in having her heart fixed! But she already has noticed that she isn’t tired while walking or having to stop and rest while eating.

Her first post-op appointment back at Sick Kids is Monday, October 22–1 week from today.

Scott and Tanya Hardaway

Scott and Tanya Hardaway

Tanya Hardaway, 38, was diagnosed last week with a uterine sarcoma, which is a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Tanya is the wife of Scott Hardaway, senior pastor since 2001 of Pathway Community Church in Jackson, Mich.

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic are working to identify the exact cell type of the cancer, and their findings will determine what kind of chemotherapy Tanya will receive. Pray that these results will come back quickly, that chemo can start soon, and that she will respond well to the treatment.

Scott and Tanya have two sons–Jared, 6, and Caleb, 2.

Cards can be sent to:

Tanya Hardaway
5225 Clinton Road
Jackson, MI 49201

In January 2010, we reported about Ethan Conley, an eight-year-old who came very close to dying. Ethan, the grandson of Chet Conley (right), associate pastor of First UB (Findlay, Ohio), Ethan, had developed Viral Myositis with Rhabdomyolysis, a virus that attacks the muscles.

Darwin Dunten, pastor of First UB, gave this update on October 15, 2012:

“We called the churches to pray for Ethan. God healed him. He is the only person in the world to have been healed of this disease after it had reached this severity.

Ethan Conley (left) with his father, Seth.

Ethan Conley (left) with his uncle, Seth.

“Today, Ethan is playing football. He has been featured in the Journal of American Medicine. And now, on Friday, October 26, my associate pastor’s grandson will be featured on the Animal Planet’s  “Monster Inside Me.”

“He is a walking miracle. The prayers of our church and many others were part of this miracle. The Conley family only agreed to this show if they could give honor and glory to the Lord. I share this with you to let you know that miracles happen today.”

You can view a preview of the Discovery network show.

Pastor Dan VanArsdalen takes a pie in the face from a young parishioner.

That appears to have been fun.

Dan VanArsdalen, pastor, Alvordton UB church (Alvordton, Ohio)

Our Fall tradition has been reawakened. Last year we offered some special music from a men’s quartet, and we were able to have 54 people in attendance. For us at Alvordton, this was a great accomplishment. So this year I challenged the church to Pack A Pew. Invite enough folks to fill your pew or two.

We invited the Buehrer Family Singers, who were fantastic in their singing and meaningful worship. And then I said if 54 people were there, I would take a pie to the face. And, If 64 or more would be there, we would make it two.

The Church came alive. Every week, people were telling me of people they had invited. Let me simply say that when people put their minds together and pray, God does move.

We ended up with 103 people with us on Sunday, October 14, and then celebrated with a wonderful carry-in dinner. God is so good, folks. All the time. And yes, I took the 2 pies to the face.

Dan Paternoster, serving as a greeter at the 2011 US National Conference.

Dan Paternoster, serving as a greeter at the 2011 US National Conference.

We’ve not updated you on Dan Paternoster in a while. Dan, a veterinarian from Fowlerville, Mich., was hit by a car on August 28 while he was riding his bike. He has been a member of the Executive Leadership Team since 2001. The ELT met earlier this week, and missed his presence and valued input.

Here are a few updates from this week from Dan’s wife, Nancy. They include the troubling news that Dan, on top of his serious physical injuries, may also have cancer.

Monday, October 8. Dan continues to amaze the therapists with how well he is doing with walking. Today’s challenge was to walk toe-heel, which really tests your balance, especially when you can’t look down due to your neck brace. Speech is coming along too, but still much slower than the physical progress.

Wednesday, October 10. Just talked to the surgeon who removed a tumor from the lining of Dan’s bladder. It hadn’t spread to any other part of his body yet, for which we are grateful. Dan says he hopes the doctor got all of it. He’s in a lot of pain right now after surgery.

Thursday, October 11. Dan’s feeling better today–not as much pain as yesterday. Thanks for your prayers. I’ll attempt to fill in some of the blanks that I created yesterday with my message.

The surgeon doesn’t know how long the tumor was there, but didn’t think it was there more than a few months. Was it a result of the accident? Only God knows. He also said that he was 85% sure that it was cancerous, so Dan was given a chemotherapy treatment right after the surgery. Evidently that is what caused much of the pain yesterday. We were told that Dan would feel more pain today, but that is not the case. He’s feeling tired, but good other than that.

We’re to the point now where Dan is realizing what is going on and how far he still has to go. What he doesn’t realize is how far he’s come already! We were informed today that his medical team feels he could benefit from 3-4 more weeks of rehabilitation here. That will take us to the end of October/beginning of November.

It’s hard to live apart like this. Dan asks me every night who is at the house where I’m staying and offers to come home with me. He’s also concerned about getting to the point where he can work at a job so that we can go out to eat and he can pay for it. These are all signs of Dan returning to normal.

The Executive Leadership Team, during its October 8-9 meeting, approved the Pastoral Compensation guidelines for 2013. Many UB churches use this formula to set salaries and budgets for the coming year.

The minimum fulltime salary (called Standard Base Salary) for senior pastors was set at $37,233 for 2013. This is an increase of 1% over the 2012 figure.

The Standard Base Salary is only the starting point. Other factors–such as experience, education, church attendance, staff size–add to the base salary.

Benefits such as parsonage, utilities, SECA, insurance, and pension round out the total compensation package.

To be a fulltime pastor, the compensation package must meet all of these criteria in full. If a church cannot meet these guidelines, a pastor may pursue supplemental employment to achieve the compensation level.

You can read the current compensation recommendation on the UB website.

A smile for Mommy Joan as Hermmy is prepped for surgery on October 10.

A smile for Mommy Joan as Hermmy is prepped for surgery on October 10.

Hermmy on her way to the ER--still smiling.

Hermmy on her way to the ER–still smiling.

Joan Sider, New Hope Community Church, Toronto, Ontario

We reported earlier about Hermmy Alexis, a 12-year-old Haitian girl who needed surgery to repair a hole i her heart. The UBs of Canada brought her to Canada for the procedure. She is staying with Joan Sider, who has made numerous trips to Haiti as part of work teams. The surgery occurred on Wednesday afternoon, October 10.

Six-hour surgery is complete. A great success! PTL!

We saw Hermmy for a few minutes, and she looks just like what you would expect. She is ventilated, has three chest drainage tubes. We could see they were doing their work. Obviously, she didn’t know we were there.

Her night nurse is a French-speaking Christian, and we’ve been most impressed with the care she is receiving–not only from Beth tonight, but each one who has been in the Cardiac Care Unit.

They will remove the breathing tube Thursday morning sometime. I’ve indicated to them that I want to be present when she is coming around so that when she opens her eyes she sees familiar faces.

How long will Hermmy be in the hospital? Good question. We’re not sure, but it will likely be two weeks.

It really helped as we were waiting to go see Hermmy, to watch several Youtubes to find out what the doctor had done. When he came out to speak with us, we had a picture up on the screen so he could point out what had taken place.

Hermmy’s fingernails are pink for the first time in her 13 years. Her oxygen level is 100–first time in life. She has been living with this level anywhere from 30 to 70 most likely.

Before her surgery, I told Hermmy that after she was well, she would play–run and skip–and her face lit up like a lightbulb. It was fun to see.

Keep praying for a good recovery.

Roger and Marilyn Reeck, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Honduras

On Sunday we eagerly watched the presidential elections in Venezuela. A few months ago we had little interest in that country but, since last May when we helped at the first One Story workshop, the Lord has laid this South American country on our hearts. We are consultant/trainers for two of the five One Story projects there.

During this past week we have feverishly worked on Spanish stories for the next One Story workshop. We leave on Wednesday, October 11, again for Venezuela. Our time will be divided between two activities. We fly together to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, and the next day leave separately to two different areas of the country. Marilyn will travel to a Karina village, and Roger will travel to the Amazonas to visit a Curripaco village area. We will be observing One Story projects among these ethnic groups. We will then travel to a retreat center near the city of Valencia for a one week workshop. There will be 5 different language groups represented.

La Ceiba One Story Workshop. This was truly an exercise in flexibility. The particular group of participants, the date (finally settled on September 17-27), and the focus of the workshop kept changing. Finally, plans came together and then things changed again. We were to have 3 participants from Venezuela, one from Mexico, 2 from Honduras, and one from Nicaragua. Then the day they were to arrive, 3 were not able to fly (passport and yellow fever vaccine problems). We regrouped and came up with new workshop topics and schedule. The participants included Braulio from Venezuela; Jotam, a Mayagna Indian from Nicaragua; and two Misquito men from Honduras. Praise the Lord that in spite of many difficulties, the goals were achieved.

The end of October, Roger will leave for Texas and be in the US until the middle of December. His pain level has remained high while here in Honduras, and we have chosen that he not be here during the months of the worst rains. We pray that being in a different weather situation will help relieve his pain. He continues to wear the boot and prosthesis on his left leg.

Front Line Foresters (l-r): Will Stauffer, James Parker, Jake Essig, Lance Wood, Brian Menzie, Kyle Geiss, Becca Berhai, Antonio Castillo (click to enlarge).

Huntington University has launched a student ambassador program to represent the student body to alumni, family, and friends of HU.

Nine students will serve as Front Line Foresters this year. They will host Foundation Breakfasts, participate in Prayer Ministry luncheons, host Homecoming & Family Weekend events, welcome the Board of Trustees to meetings, and show appreciation to donors with thank-you calls and letters.

Through these interactions, the student ambassadors will develop leadership skills and gain a basic knowledge of philanthropy and the workings of the Advancement Office at HU.

“Since beginning my role in advancement more than a year ago, I’ve had a strong desire to engage with and involve students in a more significant way in donor relations,” said Vince Haupert, vice president for advancement. “We asked our esteemed faculty to recommend students who are spiritually grounded, academically successful, and display a professional demeanor. We certainly didn’t lack for qualified students.”