Phil and Sandy Whipple with the drawing by Barbara Bosworth.

Phil and Sandy Whipple with the drawing by Barbara Bosworth.

Staff and spouses.

Staff and spouses.

Staff and spouses praying Numbers 6:24-26 over Phil and Sandy Whipple.

Staff and spouses praying Numbers 6:24-26 over Phil and Sandy Whipple.

On Thursday evening, September 3, the staff of the National Office held a farewell get-together for Bishop Phil and Sandy Whipple. Bishop Whipple led the US National Conference, including overseeing the National Office, for six years, 2009-2015.

Staff and spouses met the Whipples at the home of Jeff and Charlene Bleijerveld in Fort Wayne, Ind. All of the current staff, and all but one spouse, attended.

The evening began with a catered meal of brisket, pulled pork, and beans. Melissa Hull provided cheesecake and cupcakes for dessert, while her husband, David, mixed homemade ice cream.

After the meal, everyone gathered in the family room as some gifts were presented to the Whipples. A primary gift was a copy of a pencil drawing which will be placed in the National Office. On the walls of the main hallway are pencil drawings of every bishop going back to Martin Boehm and William Otterbein, the first two United Brethren bishops when the church officially organized in 1800. There were 23 bishops prior to the division of the church in 1889, and 31 bishops since then, making Bishop Whipple the 54th bishop to serve our denomination.

The drawing was done by Barbara Bosworth, whose husband, Darrel, is pastor of Kilpatrick UB church in Woodland, Mich. Barbara is a very talented artist who specializes in pencil drawings. She has her own studio in Lake Odessa, Mich. The portrait features the new United Brethren logo with the “All for Christ” tagline, which was adopted under Bishop Whipple’s watch.

The drawing also includes very appropriate words from Acts 20:2, “He traveled throughout the region, speaking many words of encouragement to the people.” Bishop Whipple made a point of visiting every UB church during his first two years, and was constantly traveling on behalf of the Church. Much of his work was done personally with pastors and spouses, and with congregations.

After the presentation of gifts, everyone gathered around Phil and Sandy, laid hands on them, and together prayed Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT) as a benediction for them:

May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. Amen.

Later in the evening, Bishop Whipple was given opportunity to make some remarks of appreciation to the staff and spouses. Gary Gates, director of Ministerial Licensing, then led in prayer for Phil and Sandy and whatever their future holds, after which the staff broke into a spontaneous verse of “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

It was an evening filled with much fun and laughter. But it was also an emotional time, as the staff bid a very fond farewell to this couple who gave so much of themselves to the Church during the past six years. Nearly 40 photos can be viewed on the UB Facebook page.

john-townsendAbout 400 people attended the first Symposium for the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling on August 29. It was a great way to kick off this major new program at Huntington University. Participants received top-tier leadership and counseling training by Dr. Townsend (right) and several of his colleagues and fellow authors.

A second Symposium will be held later this month:

Date: Friday, September 18.
Time: 8:30 am – 5 pm.
Location: Merillat Centre for the Arts, Huntington University.
Cost: Free.

On Friday, September 18, Huntington University will host the second Symposium for the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling. Dr. Townsend will be joined by these Institute Fellows, either in person or by video:

  • Ray Hilbert, CEO and co-founder of Truth at Work, an association which helps Christian business leaders build strong organizations.
  • Richard Halderman, CEO of Teays River Investments, a food and agribusiness company with over 1,200 employees.
  • Daniel Amen, M.D., psychiatrist, brain disorder specialist, best-selling author, founder of the Amen Clinics.
  • John Baker, co-founder of Celebrate Recovery with Rick Warren, on pastoral staff at Saddleback Church, popular author.
  • Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, and popular author, including the book Finding Home.

Although this training event is free, but you will need to register.

Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are available through the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) for two presentations (one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon). The cost is $25 per hour ($50 for 2 hours total). Check the schedule for more specific information about CEUs. You must preregister and pay for CEUs prior to the event.

There is limited seating for a luncheon with Dr. Townsend, the Institute Fellows and Faculty. It will include a Q&A period.

The annual outdoor service at Camp Michindoh.

The annual outdoor service at Camp Michindoh.

Pastor Lester Smith delivering the book of Philippians.

Pastor Lester Smith delivering the book of Philippians.

The annual outdoor service at Camp Michindoh.

The annual outdoor service at Camp Michindoh.

Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) held its 17th annual outdoor service at Michindoh Ministries Camp & Conference Center on Sunday, August 23. A capacity crowd of about 450 packed into the Fireside Memorial Chapel (amphitheater) to see Pastor Lester Smith, clad as the Apostle Paul, deliver his letter to the Philippians.

Earlier in the day, about 100 people attended an indoor service at the church. That gave Hillsdale an attendance of 538 for the day, including guests from Ohio and Indiana.

United Brethren people have been busy writing, performing, and publishing worship music. Here are some projects you can find on the internet.

  • Chris and Bethany Solyntjes are husband and wife worship leaders out of Renew Communities, the United Brethren church in Berea, Ohio. Their album of worship music, “Refuge,” is currently streaming for free on the Relevant Magazine website.
  • The worship team from Colwood UB church (Caro, Mich.) has released a full-length worship album titled “DOXA” (as reported in July on UBCentral). The album has 3 original songs and 7 re-arranged hymns. It is available now on iTunes and AmazonMP3. In iTunes, do a search on “doxa colwood”.
  • Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind., has produced several projects that are available on the Emmanuel website.
  • Matt McKeown, a pastor at First UB church in Holly Hill, has created some worship music of his own. It is available on iTunes.

L-r: Dennis Sites, Sherwood Cook, and Janis Creason (East region); Greg Voight, Todd Rhoades, and Andy Sikora (Central region).

L-r: Dennis Sites, Sherwood Cook, and Janis Creason (East region); Greg Voight, Todd Rhoades, and Andy Sikora (Central region).

L-r: Randy Carpenter, Bob Tobey, and Mark Wilson (North region); Gary Dilley, Kevin Smith, and Tomi Cardin (West region).

L-r: Randy Carpenter, Bob Tobey, and Mark Wilson (North region); Gary Dilley, Kevin Smith, and Tomi Cardin (West region).

On July 16, the US National Conference elected eight persons to the Executive Leadership Team–one minister and one layperson from each of the four regions. That left four additional members to be appointed by the ELT.

Bishop Todd Fetters nominated four persons for appointment to the Executive Leadership Team, and all four have been approved by the ELT via online voting. They will serve two-year terms. They are:

  • East Region: Janis Creason, a county treasurer from Devonshire Church (Harrisburg, Pa.).
  • Central Region: Andy Sikora, founding pastor and senior pastor of Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio).
  • North Region: Mark Wilson, senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowerville, Mich.).
  • West Region: Tomi Cardin, executive director of Redemption House Ministries, from Anchor UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

You can view on the UB website the entire Executive Leadership Team for 2015-2017.


The Grow in His Word materials, used by many United Brethren churches, can now be ordered directly from the Grow Ministries website. (They will no longer be available through the National Office.)

Grow is written by Dennis Miller, pastor of Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind. Since the 1980s, Grow has been used by several dozen UB churches as a discipleship tool, taking students through the entire Bible. During the past year, the Grow booklets were completely redesigned. They can be used in various ways–discipleship groups, personal study, home-school curriculum, etc.

The Grow Ministries plan is an orderly study of the Bible to help you grasp not only what happened in Scripture, but in what order. Designed to follow specific themes through the Bible, Grow in His Word also provides hooks and memory tools to help students remember what they learn. Because of the acrostics that are used to designate time periods in the Old and New Testaments and the life of Christ, students can remember what they learn and, hopefully, where to find it.

The adult material is a four-book series with 52 lessons that take students through both the Old and New Testaments, as well as Church history. Each lesson includes application questions to stimulate discussion and some spiritual wrestling.

book-1-leader-front-cover__mediumA kids’ version, Grow for Kids, is also available. This two-book series consists of a 16-week study of the Old Testament and a 14-week study of the New Testament and Church history.

Leader’s guides are available with both the adult and children’s studies. The Grow Ministries website also includes thousands of photos of the Holy Land, taken from Pastor Miller’s numerous trips there, along with some teaching videos at biblical sites in Israel.

Todd Fetters leading the National Conference business session on July 16, 2015.

Todd Fetters leading the National Conference business session on July 16, 2015.

Steve Dennie, Director of Communications

The business meeting of the 2015 US National Conference was held on Thursday, July 16, at ResLife Church in Grandville, Mich. The official minutes have now been submitted by Roxton Spear, the conference recording secretary.

Using the minutes, we updated the United Brethren Discipline. You can read the 2015-2017 Discipline online and download a PDF version to print out. The complete Discipline can also be read in the UB App.

Here is a blow-by-blow report of the business meeting, with a focus on how delegates dealt with the 13 proposals that came before them. All of the reports they considered can be viewed online.

Report 2: Rules & Procedures

Todd Fetters, chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:12 am.

After the roll call, the delegates approved the Rules & Procedures report, which explained how the meeting would be conducted. This report was published in mid-June. Two amendments were made–to recognize Todd Fetters as chairman (in place of Bishop Phil Whipple) and Paul Hirschy as vice chairman (in place of Lester Smith, who was still struggling with illness). Other officers:

  • Recording secretary: Roxton Spear, senior pastor of Mongul UB church (Shippensburg, Pa.).
  • Parliamentarian: Craig Burkholder, senior pastor of Hudson UB church (Hudson, Ind.).

Report 11: ELT Minutes

Todd Fetters turned the chair over to Paul Hirschy to process the ELT minutes (Report 11) from the past two years. There was a motion to adopt the ELT minutes.

After some discussion, a motion was made to enter into executive session to discuss circumstances related to the resignation of Bishop Phil Whipple. Executive session would be limited to clergy delegates, lay delegates, and advisory members. Everyone else was asked to leave the room.

Gary Dilley, a member of the executive committee of the Executive Leadership Team, read a letter of explanation from the ELT. Questions were answered, and there was discussion. Nothing was recorded in the minutes.

Executive session ended at 10:26, and a break was called. Business resumed at 10:42 with a motion to close the executive session.

The delegates voted to approve the ELT minutes, with the exception of the appointment of Todd Fetters as Interim Bishop.

Paul Hirschy presiding over the conference.

Paul Hirschy presiding over the conference.

Interim Bishop

There was much discussion basically around the question, “What happens now?”

Eventually Steve Fish, teaching pastor at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), made this motion: “I move the United Brethren National Conference affirm the ELT’s decision to appoint Todd Fetters as the Interim Bishop, and that this body determine that time-frame to begin on August 7, 2015, until the meeting of the next United Brethren National Conference in 2017.”

There was more discussion, including two attempted amendments, both of which failed:

  • To change the effective date from August 7 to July 16, which would make the appointment start immediately.
  • To drop the word “interim” from the title.

The original motion passed. Bishop Emeritus Ron Ramsey then came forward to lay hands on Todd Fetters and pray for him. Todd Fetters then shared some remarks with the conference.

Bishop Hirschy returned the chair to Todd Fetters. Hirschy was given a standing ovation for leading the conference through the ELT minutes, the executive session, and the discussion surrounding the appointment of Todd Fetters as Interim Bishop. (more…)

All of the ordination candidates, spouses, and assistants lined up across the platform.

All of the ordination candidates, spouses, and assistants lined up across the platform (click to enlarge)

Six men were ordained as United Brethren elders during the concluding service of the US National Conference on July 18, 2015. Two of them currently serve as senior pastors, and the other four serve in staff roles. Bishop Emeritus Paul Hirschy officiated at the ordination of each person.

The ordination service began with all six men being asked a series of questions, to which they responded individually. Then each couple came forward and knelt at the front of the platform. Ordination candidates always choose two ordained ministers to stand with them, persons who have had an impact on their life and ministry in some way. These persons stood behind the couple, laying hands on them as Bishop Hirschy said, “Take authority to execute the office of an elder in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

The couple then stood. Bishop Hirschy presented a Bible to the ordination candidate and said, “Take authority to preach the Word of God and to administer the ordinances in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.”

Here are the six persons who were ordained at National Conference.

Bill Blue has been senior pastor since 2011 of Shoreline UB church in Oak Harbor, Ohio. Prior to that, he served in youth ministry at several UB churches going back to 1976. Assisting were Rev. Carlson Becker and Bishop Emeritus Paul Hirschy (who in this case filled a double role, since he also officiated).

Jeff Evans has been Director of Youth Ministries at Morning Star UB church (Kokomo, Ind.) since 1999. Assisting in the ordination were Greg Reed, senior pastor of Morning Star church; and Steve Fish, teaching pastor at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind., and a former staff member at Morning Star.

William Flamer is assistant pastor of Park Layne UB church in New Carlisle, Ohio. Also serving there as co-assistant pastor is his wife, Mary, who was ordained in 2011. Assisting were Roland Albert, pastor of the Park Layne church; and Ed Harvey, pastor of the Lighthouse UB church in nearby Dayton, Ohio.

Ricky Hull has been senior pastor since March 2015 of Crossroads UB church in Charlotte, Mich. Before that, he pastored Mt. Hermon UB church in Pomeroy, Ohio. Assisting were Rocky Spear, senior pastor of Mongul UB church in Shippensburg, Pa.; and Todd Fetters, director of National Ministries.

Brian Kramer is Pastor of Student Ministries at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. Before that, he was youth pastor of King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. Assisting were Jason Holliday, Pastor of Family Ministries at Emmanuel; and Steve Fish, Teaching Pastor at Emmanuel.

Mark Vincenti has been Associate Youth Pastor since 2011 of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind. Before that, he was youth pastor for 11 years at King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. Assisting were Gary Dilley, senior pastor of College Park church; and Les Stine, Minister of Pastoral Care at King Street Church.

Ricky Hull, pastor of Crossroads UB in Charlotte, Mich.), with his wife, Jami.

Ricky Hull, pastor of Crossroads UB in Charlotte, Mich.), with his wife, Jami.

The ordination of Bill Blue, with his wife, Charlene. Rev. Carlson Becker is standing behind them.

The ordination of Bill Blue, with his wife, Charlene. Rev. Carlson Becker is standing behind them.

Jeff Evans, director of Youth Ministries at Morning Star UB in Kokomo, Ind.

Jeff Evans, director of Youth Ministries at Morning Star UB in Kokomo, Ind.

The ordination of William Flamer, with his wife, Mary. Standing behind them are Ed Harvey (right) and Roland Albert.

The ordination of William Flamer, with his wife, Mary. Standing behind them are Ed Harvey (right) and Roland Albert.

The ordination of Brian Kramer, with his wife, Amy.

The ordination of Brian Kramer, with his wife, Amy. Standing behind are Steve Fish (right) and Jason Holliday.

Mark Vincenti, associate youth pastor of College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.), with his wife, Angela. In the back is Gary Dilley, pastor of College Park Church.

Mark Vincenti, associate youth pastor of College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.), with his wife, Angela. In the back is Gary Dilley, pastor of College Park Church.

Nearly 450 photos from the July 15-18 US National Conference have been posted on the United Brethren Facebook page. You’ll find them in these albums.

Tuesday, July 14 (53 photos). The day of preparation, when the National Office staff and local volunteers arrive to begin setting things up.

Wednesday, July 15 (77). Preparations continue, with registration starting at noon. Attendees arrive all afternoon. At 6:30, the conference begins with the first evening worship service. The worship team from Colwood UB church (Caro, Mich.) leads the worship time, and Dr. Wayne Schmidt speaks. A reception is held afterwards.

Thursday, July 16 (78 photos). The day starts with a breakfast for delegates, sponsored by Logos Bible Software. The business session consumes the rest of the morning and afternoon. The evening service again features the Colwood worship team and a message from Dr. Wayne Schmidt. Afterwards comes a reception sponsored by the exhibitors.

Friday am, July 17 (73 photos). The morning features 19 workshops in two time slots.

July l7 Retiree Luncheon (27 photos). Retired pastors and spouses met at noon in the ResLife Olive Tree restaurant for a very nice meal. Dr. Kent Maxwell hosted the event, and gave the pastors and spouses opportunity to give an update on their lives. Dr. Mike Wanous, from Huntington University, spoke about his spiritual and occupational journey.

Friday pm, July 17 (38 photos). A new worship team for the evening service, this one from First UB church in Holly Hill, Fla. Dr. Wayne Schmidt gives his final message to the conference. After the service comes an ice cream reception sponsored by Global Ministries.

Saturday, July 18 (97 photos). The closing service, at 9:30, features a number of elements: the Florida worship team; a consecration time for Todd Fetters, as he prepares to assume the responsibilities of the bishop; a message from Todd Fetters; the ordination of six men; a communion service; and a clever promotional for the 2017 US National Conference in Lancaster, Pa.

Music in the park in Findlay, Ohio

Music in the park in Findlay, Ohio

Grilling hotdogs for the Back to School Bash

Grilling hotdogs for the Back to School Bash

The Findlay First UB church (Findlay, Ohio) organized a “Back to School Bash” on August 15 at a local park to celebrate the beginning of the school year for the Findlay area community.

The vision for the “Bash” started six months ago when several local churches came together and asked, “How can we make an impact on our community?” The idea of the school bash was planted.

Four area churches adopted two parks. One park enjoyed the eventual participation of five churches, a Toledo radio station, health department, and Child Evangelism. They provided free haircuts, health inspections, concerts, and games.

findlay-boy300Findlay First UB, along with a smaller church, adopted the Riverside park and provided the food and entertainment, the backpacks give away, and face painting by Child Evangelism.

The UB church collected 180 backpacks and filled them will school supplies and Bibles. They also collected 850 cans of pop and close to 1000 hot dogs to be grilled and handed out for free.

In preparation for this, flyers were handed out and Pastor Darwin Dunten was on two radio stations discussing the vision of the “Back to School Bash.” The musical group “Live 4:1” from Fort Wayne, Ind., provided the music and a Christian magician (arranged by the Crosspoint Church) provided the entertainment.

It is estimated that close to 400 individuals from Findlay passed through the “Back to School Bash” at the Riverside park, and 400-500 individuals passed through the Bernard park. Pastor Dunten was also approached by an individual for prayer, and several church women also prayed for a request that was given by an outside person.

The excitement at Findlay First is so great that one Sunday after the event, the people began discussing what they can do next year.

It is the vision of the ad-hock organization to eventually have one church adopt one park on the same Saturday of the year. Meaning, a city-wide “blitz” where the churches go to the people.