17 Aug Six Men Ordained at National Conference 2015

All of the ordination candidates, spouses, and assistants lined up across the platform (click to enlarge)
Six men were ordained as United Brethren elders during the concluding service of the US National Conference on July 18, 2015. Two of them currently serve as senior pastors, and the other four serve in staff roles. Bishop Emeritus Paul Hirschy officiated at the ordination of each person.
The ordination service began with all six men being asked a series of questions, to which they responded individually. Then each couple came forward and knelt at the front of the platform. Ordination candidates always choose two ordained ministers to stand with them, persons who have had an impact on their life and ministry in some way. These persons stood behind the couple, laying hands on them as Bishop Hirschy said, “Take authority to execute the office of an elder in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The couple then stood. Bishop Hirschy presented a Bible to the ordination candidate and said, “Take authority to preach the Word of God and to administer the ordinances in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.”
Here are the six persons who were ordained at National Conference.
Bill Blue has been senior pastor since 2011 of Shoreline UB church in Oak Harbor, Ohio. Prior to that, he served in youth ministry at several UB churches going back to 1976. Assisting were Rev. Carlson Becker and Bishop Emeritus Paul Hirschy (who in this case filled a double role, since he also officiated).
Jeff Evans has been Director of Youth Ministries at Morning Star UB church (Kokomo, Ind.) since 1999. Assisting in the ordination were Greg Reed, senior pastor of Morning Star church; and Steve Fish, teaching pastor at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind., and a former staff member at Morning Star.
William Flamer is assistant pastor of Park Layne UB church in New Carlisle, Ohio. Also serving there as co-assistant pastor is his wife, Mary, who was ordained in 2011. Assisting were Roland Albert, pastor of the Park Layne church; and Ed Harvey, pastor of the Lighthouse UB church in nearby Dayton, Ohio.
Ricky Hull has been senior pastor since March 2015 of Crossroads UB church in Charlotte, Mich. Before that, he pastored Mt. Hermon UB church in Pomeroy, Ohio. Assisting were Rocky Spear, senior pastor of Mongul UB church in Shippensburg, Pa.; and Todd Fetters, director of National Ministries.
Brian Kramer is Pastor of Student Ministries at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. Before that, he was youth pastor of King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. Assisting were Jason Holliday, Pastor of Family Ministries at Emmanuel; and Steve Fish, Teaching Pastor at Emmanuel.
Mark Vincenti has been Associate Youth Pastor since 2011 of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind. Before that, he was youth pastor for 11 years at King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. Assisting were Gary Dilley, senior pastor of College Park church; and Les Stine, Minister of Pastoral Care at King Street Church.

The ordination of William Flamer, with his wife, Mary. Standing behind them are Ed Harvey (right) and Roland Albert.

The ordination of Brian Kramer, with his wife, Amy. Standing behind are Steve Fish (right) and Jason Holliday.
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