Colwood Releases 10-Song Worship Album

doxa-cover300Colwood UB church (Caro, Mich.) has just released a full-length worship album titled “DOXA.” The album has 3 original songs and 7 re-arranged hymns. The music team from Colwood led worship last week during the first two nights of the US National Conference.

Track Listing:

  1. Doctrine & Doxology
  2. For Your Glory
  3. Before the Throne
  4. He will Hold Me Fast
  5. There is a Fountain
  6. Follow
  7.  It is Well
  8. Come Thou Fount
  9. Nothing But the Blood
  10. Doxology

It is available now on iTunes and AmazonMP3. (In iTunes, do a search on “doxa colwood”.)

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