May 8, 2014

Participants with their certificates for completing the program.

Juanita Chavez, superintendent of Honduras Conference, leading a training session for Honduran leaders.
Amount Needed: $9,200
Honduras National Conference has embraced a model for discipleship and theological education that is church-based. The approach is non-formal, as opposed to institutional, and aims to train up leaders in the context of the local church.
Two years ago, they began with just a handful of leaders from La Ceiba. Now they are now expanding to establish new centers throughout the country. The materials were created by BILD ( of Ames, Iowa, a church-multiplication movement committed to placing the church at the center of every aspect of Christian ministry (evangelism, discipleship, missions, theological education, theology, etc.).
The Hondurans will have 150 participants in the program in 2014/15. The cost for the entire program during this period of time is $15,343. The greatest expense involves establish new centers in local churches. In the future, current participants will serve as trainers, thereby lowering the cost. Participants’ contributions will cover 40% of the expense. The conference has asked if we would assist them with the remaining 60%, which comes to $9200.
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