Andy Sikora (right, senior pastor, Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio)

We had a wonderful time worshiping together and celebrating the resurrection! We used on John 16.33, with Jesus saying “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We focused on the invitation Jesus extends to us as his followers to unite with him, take heart, and have peace.

We shared the video above of our friends from Renew, Neil & Katie Frohnapple. It tells about the troubles they’ve faced in this last year and how clinging to the resurrected Jesus has carried them through.

Pastor Adam Wlil (back) with seven teens interested in attending Huntington University.

Pastor Adam Will (back) with six teens interested in attending Huntington University.

Adam Will, pastor of Mt. Hermon UB church (Pomeroy, Ohio), brought a group of teens to Huntington University on Friday, February 5. They stayed overnight in the dorms and learned about HU’s offerings in the areas that interested them, which included Business, Education, and Nursing.

Andy Sikora (right), senior pastor, Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio).

This year at Renew Communities we did “The Last Place Christmas Projects.” It was born out of the idea that Jesus calls his followers to take last place and live as servants of all. We encouraged people to come up with people they could bless and then recruit others from inside and outside our church to participate in these projects.

The video above shows some of the great stories that came out of these projects.

The last story shows the completion of our 2014 Home For Christmas project where we partnered with two other local churches to buy and renovate a house for a woman and her kids graduating from a homeless/crisis shelter here in Cleveland. In 2014 we raised nearly $25,000 and had other partners give $15,000 that went to rehabbing the home. As part of the Last Place Christmas Project this year, people from Renew collected all the furnishings and tons of Christmas gifts for the family.

Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.) honored military veterans during the service on Sunday, November 8. The guest speaker had been a Prisoner of War during World War 2. Forty veterans were among the 345 people who attended the service. A meal was held after the second worship service to honor all veterans.


Sunday, November 1, was a joyful and momentous occasion at King Street Church. Dr. Jody Bowser was introduced and preached his first sermon as King Street’s new senior pastor. As a part of celebrating the beginning of the next chapter in King Street’s 137-year history, Jody and his wife, Caryn, were prayed for in each of the four services. Bishop Todd Fetters was on hand to participate in the services.




Bethel Temple of Praise Church, now in its 11th year, has purchased the Yonkers Gospel Mission’s property located at 191 North Broadway in Yonkers, New York. Here are excerpts from a press release from the church:

On behalf of our pastor, Dr. Dalton Jenkins (right), and the Bethel Temple of Praise Church family, we express our gratitude to all those who have assisted financially and prayerful towards this purchase, especially Bishop Phil Whipple and the UB headquarters staff.

Our first Sunday service was held on Sunday, September 27 at 11:30 am.

The sanctuary and attached buildings will house the church’s ministry programs:

  • Soup kitchen/food pantry.
  • Housing for missionaries and pastors on sabbatical.
  • After-school/daycare program.

This purchase will allow us to fulfill our mission to reach the unsaved through the proclamation of the Gospel. We desire to make disciples through the teaching of the Word of God and to foster fellowship by strict adherence to biblical doctrines and ministries.

Bethel, an 11 year old church plant, offers a unique opportunity for global/urban ministry. Located in Yonkers, New York, it is only a 30-minute train ride from Grand Central Terminal, NYC. The church is much needed in this multicultural, multi-ethnic populated environment.

If you are planning your short term missions trip and need a place to go, please consider us at Bethel. We have several projects that can fulfill your plans. If you are led to help us please contact Dr. Jenkins.

The fall 2015 CH Global newsletter has a short article about the King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. King Street decided to come alongside the Arcahaie United Brethren church in Haiti with various kinds of support. As part of that, King Street challenged its members to sponsor 50 children from Arcahaie through CH Global. They far surpassed that goal, ultimately sponsoring 98 children.

The funds from these sponsorships enabled CH Global to pour more money into the United Brethren school at Arcahaie. The school had been struggling to pay teachers and was on the brink of closing. No more.

Presenting a check for $700 to Water4. L-r: Chet Conley (impact minister at First UB), Ron Monday (Mission’s chair), and Jerry Rieger of Water4.

Presenting a check for $700 to Water4. L-r: Chet Conley (impact minister at First UB), Ron Monday (Mission’s chair), and Jerry Rieger of Water4.

Darwin Dunten (right), senior pastor, First UB Church (Findlay, Ohio)

The 2015 theme for First United Brethren Church (Findlay, Ohio) is, “Whatever you do to the least of these, you have done it onto me.” In Matthew 25, part of that discourse focuses on giving a cup of water in Jesus’ name.

In February, a goal was presented to FUBiC to raise $1500 for one water well for the Water4 organization out of Oklahoma City. These wells are drilled in Third World countries by the citizens of that region.

When the goal was presented to the congregation, one elder proclaimed from the sanctuary that we can do even better–that we could raise enough for 10 wells. After six months, the church had raised $6270, which was enough for four wells.

Jerry Rieger, director of Global Resource Development for Water4, called the church and said that since we were first-time givers, the money donated would be doubled by an anonymous donor. That donor, in turn, would be doubled by another donor. Therefore, the funds donated would be quadrupled.

More funds were raised to even the donation to $7000. With the matching grants, the funds raised now stood at $28,000. This was enough for 18.5 wells.

On Sunday, September 27, Jerry Regier traveled to Findlay, Ohio, to receive the donation and share a message to the church.

Mark Smith, Morocco UB church (Temperance, Mich.)

On September 13, Morocco Church held its annual Family Fun Fest. We had a wonderful morning service with music and a message from Tom Treece a local man who has a heart to serve the Lord. Following the service the church offered pork sandwiches, salads, along with other goodies. We offered cotton candy, snow cones, face painting, a bouncy house, and other games. Later in the day came our annual homemade ice cream contest.

Many of our children who attended VBS attended with their families, along with several other area families. The day’s events were all free and a way to share God’s Love with the community. We praise God for the blessings he provides and the growth we are seeing at Morocco Church.

Dr. Jody Bowser (right) has been appointed as senior pastor of King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. King Street is the second-largest United Brethren church, with a weekly attendance of over 1500.

Dr. Bowser has been senior pastor for over 12 years at Moses Lake Alliance Church in Moses Lake, Wash. His ministry experience also includes five years as youth pastor at First Baptist Church in Visalia, Calif., and over ten years as director of Student Ministries and Preaching Associate at The Chapel in Akron, Ohio.

He and his wife, Caryn, have six children, three of whom currently attend Christian colleges in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Their oldest son, Jay, is on staff as a video producer at a church in Charlotte, N. C.

Jody’s doctor of ministry degree, with an emphasis on preaching, is from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass. His doctoral preaching studies were done under Dr. Haddon Robinson.

Jody’s first Sunday in the pulpit at King Street will be November 1, 2015. King Street Church is excited to see where God takes us under Jody’s leadership. The congregation has been without a senior pastor since Dr. John Beukema left in January 2014 to become pastor of a church in Houston, Texas.