Josh Kesler, pastor of Good Shepherd UB (Huntington, Ind.), reports: “As a break from the normal and an opportunity to combine our two services into one for a celebration of Christ’s birth, Good Shepherd rented the North Star Civic Center for our December 12 Christmas service.
“Weather was rough, but the Spirit was strong. It was a powerful service where two people made decisions to become followers of Jesus Christ for the first time. Nineteen other people made decisions to place Christ first in their life once again. It was an exciting time in the life of our church.”

Darwin Dunten, pastor of First UB (Findlay, Ohio), sent this Christmas-related information.
Findlay First UB gave out gift packets to the local prisoners in the county jail. The gift packets included socks, a pocket New Testament, a small candy bar, and a stamped Christmas card to send home to their family.
We also adopted a single mother who had cancer.
After Christmas, (the 26th) a group headed to Mexico to celebrate the Mexican Christmas with boxes filled with clothing, toys, and school supplies. They returned January 3.

Al Carter, pastor of West Pleasant Hill UB church (Rockbridge, Ohio), reports: “The youth at our church presented a short play called “Not the Last Straw.” It lead into a sharing of the Lord’s Supper. We had (by my count) at least 12 people who were normally not in our services.
“We also met at Pastor Al and Linda’s house for the New Years cellebration where we ushered in the new year with a candlelight and prayer vigil.”

  • Bishop Emeritus Wilber Sites, Jr., came home from the hospital on Sunday. 
  • Harold Wust, a former UB missionary and former associate director of Missions, has been diagnosed with leukemia. He and his wife live in Huntington, Ind. Today, he begins aggressive treatment in the oncology center at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind. He’ll be there for an extended time. 
  • Gary Reiber, pastor of Union Chapel (Fort Wayne, Ind.), remains in Fort Wayne’s Parkview Hospital after a serious bout with Toxic Shock Syndrome. On Friday, doctors operated on his knee to remove bad tissue and some infection. He’ll be on an IV with antibiotics for three weeks. The knee will need to be reopened today or tomorrow. 

Found on the internet, in an obituary: “They are consistent members of the United Brethren church and he is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.”

It’s always amusing when stuff like this surfaces.

Every two years, United Brethren churches are required to sign the National Conference Covenant, which includes your affirmation of six statements.

The unsigned covenant was mailed to your church in December. When Bishop Ramsey receives the signed covenant, he’ll sign it and return it to your church. The deadline for returning the covenant: March 15.

By signing the covenant, your church is affirming these six statements:
You are committed to the United Brethren Confession of Faith.

  • You agree with the core values of the United Brethren in Christ, International.
  • You agree to abide by the Constitution and Discipline of the US National Conference.
  • You are passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission through our local church.
  • You will support the ministry and mission of the United Brethren Church, USA, through the annual partnership fee.
  • You will participate in a cluster.

The covenant is discussed in chapter 15 of the UB Discipline.

Bishop Emeritus Wilber Sites has been hospitalized with double pneumonia. About 11:00 Wednesday morning, he checked into the Chambersburg Hospital (Chambersburg, Pa.).

Wilber Sites served as bishop 1977-1989. He is the father of Denny Sites, senior pastor of Jerusalem Chapel UB in Churchville, Va.

Please keep Bishop Sites and his wife, Mossie, in your prayers.

We received word that Bishop Emeritus Wilber Sites has been hospitalized with double pneumonia. About 11:00 this morning, he was checked into the Chambersburg Hospital (Chambersburg, Pa.). They are trying to drain the excess fluid, since it affects his heart.

Wilber Sites served as bishop 1977-1989. He is the father of Denny Sites, senior pastor of Jerusalem Chapel UB in Churchville, Va.

Please keep Bishop Sites and his wife, Mossie, in your prayers.