26 Oct 17 Ministerial Licenses Granted Since Spring
The Pastoral Ministry Licensing Team (PMLT) has been busy this year approving and granting ministerial licenses to United Brethren people. Here are 17 new licensees from 2018.

L-r: Brad North, Philip Kandeh, Jerald Jones, Dan Reed, Curtis Carnes, Matt McKeown, and Josh McKeown.
National Conference Licenses
- Brad North, appointed in April 2018 as senior pastor of South Scipio UB church (Harlan, Ind.).
- Philip Kandeh, from Mt. Zion United African Church (Philadelphia, Pa.).
- Jerald Jones, appointed in March 2018 as senior pastor of McCallum UB church (Delton, Mich.).
- Dan Reed, Family Pastor since August 2016 at Bethel UB church (Elmore, Ohio).
- Curtis Carnes, Pastor of Missional Discipleship at Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio).
- Matt McKeown, associate pastor of First UB (Holly Hill, Fla.).
- Josh McKeown, appointed in August 2017 as senior pastor of Faith UB (Port Orange, Fla.).

L-r: Don Swartz, Nik Walborn, and Brandon Groff.
Specialized Ministry licenses
- Don Swartz, Executive Pastor at Dillman UB church (Warren, Ind.).
- Nik Walborn, Student Ministries pastor at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).
- Brandon Groff, Student Ministry Pastor at Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).

L-r: Nicholas Balsiger, Andrew Franks, Eric Griffon, Adam Keath, Lissa Litka, Julie Llewellyn, and Jason Peterson.
Provisional Licenses
- Nickolas Balsiger, Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Student Ministries /Youth at The Well (Huntington, Ind.).
- Andrew Franks, Youth Pastor at New Hope UB church (Huntington, Ind.).
- Eric Griffon, Worship Pastor at Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
- Adam Keath, Director of Restoration and Recovery at King Street UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.).
- Lissa Litka, Spiritual Journey Director at Morning Star Church (Kokomo, Ind.).
- Julie Llewellyn, Pastor of Early Childhood Ministries at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
- Jason Peterson, Children/Youth Pastor at Atlantic Avenue UB church (Franklin, Pa.).