11 Oct Senior Pastors in Transition

L-r: Dennis Wood, Linton Thomas, Gary Small, Marvin Schwartz.
Rev. Dennis Wood was appointed senior pastor of Park UB church (Bluffton, Ind.) effective July 29, 2018. The previous pastor, John Cole, had served there since 2010.
Gary Small is serving September and October as supply pastor of First UB (New Castle, Pa.). David Bell, who had been senior pastor there since 1990, passed away September 8 as a result of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). First UB is Gary’s home church, and where he began his ministry in 1985 with six years as youth pastor. He served at nearby Atlantic Avenue UB (Franklin, Pa.) 1991-2016.
Rev. Linton Thomas resigned as pastor of First Church Bronx (Bronx, NY) effective August 31, 2018. He had been the senior pastor for 20 years, 1998-2018.
Marvin Schwartz will retire effective November 11, 2018. He has been serving as pastor of Mt. Victory UB church (Decatur, Ind.) since June 2015. The church is waiting on an assignment.
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