27 Oct Steve Fish Resigns at Shoreline Church
In a letter to the Shoreline Church, Pastor Steve Fish shares these thoughts with his congregation:
“You have heard it said, and scriptures states that there is a season for everything under the sun. It is with a heavy heart and many mixed emotions that I am writing this letter to inform you that I am resigning from my position of Lead Pastor with the church. My final Sunday will be November 14. This decision has come neither lightly nor quickly. I have been seeking counsel about this decision throughout the course of the past year. … We are asking God to provide you with new leadership quickly, but we are convinced that you will be committed to one another and the church should the wait be long. Kim and I have such a deep love for you. We are saddened to leave, and although this has been a difficult decision, we believe the time has come for us to depart. We have been well cared for and supported throughout these past four years. We have experienced the love of Jesus through you!”
Bishop Phil Whipple is prayerfully considering who God’s man for this hour would be for the Shoreline Church. Your prayers are appreciated during this transition not only for the Shoreline Church, but for Pastor Steve Fish.