Rev. Roger Overmyer, a United Brethren pastor for 48 years in Ohio and Pennsylvania, passed away Saturday evening, March 1, 2025.


Overmyer graduated from the Kentucky Mountain Bible Institute in 1957, and the next year began pastoring a United Brethren church in Youngstown, Ohio and was ordained in 1960. That was followed by 18 years as pastor of First UB church in Findlay, Ohio. In 1980 he began pastoring the Seneca and Victory Heights UB churches near Franklin, Pa. The two congregations united in 1984, and he continued serving them until July 2006, when he retired from the United Brethren ministry.


In 2008, Overmyer became Pastor of Visitation at Oak Grove Church, a non-UB congregation in Mercer, Pa. Also since 2008, he has been president of Portage Holiness Camp near Bowling Green, Ohio.


Roger and Darlene were married in 1956 and had three children.


The family is planning a memorial service later in the year.


Read more about Roger’s life and legacy in his obituary.

(Submitted by Steve Dennie)

Mount Pleasant Church in Chambersburg, PA is offering a young leader the opportunity to join our ministry team for a 2-year Pastoral Residency. Our residency program is designed to develop competency in all aspects of pastoral ministry by providing personalized mentoring and practical experience, including preaching on a monthly basis.

Our next pastoral resident will have a clear sense of calling and the desire to serve in the lead and/or solo pastoral role, possess a Bachelor degree in a ministry related field or its equivalent, and the demonstrated capacity for ministering in a team-based environment.

Mount Pleasant Church is a growing congregation of about 300 people in a thriving community along the I81 corridor in south-central PA. We are committed to investing in God’s Kingdom by developing, equipping, and releasing the next generation of pastors, leaders and global workers.

Here’s what previous residents have said about their residency experinece:

  • “My experience as a Pastoral Resident was the best practical “rounding out” of my education I could have asked for. In preparing for ministry, you learn plenty in the classroom, but a long-term position developing and honing the skills to pastor well is now something I consider “necessary” given how helpful it was for me. Mt. Pleasant Church offers a great environment with a perfectly-sized congregation to get to know, intentional mentorship under Pastor Jim, and plenty of opportunities to exercise ministry. You will be blessed and come out better equipped to fulfill God’s call to pastoral ministry!” – Rev. Colin Raab | 2021-2023 | Pastor, Zanesville United Brethren Church, Zanesville, OH
  • “The Pastoral Residence at Mt. Pleasant Church has been an invaluable resource in my ministry. Through the help of the helpful pastoral staff and a loving congregation, I have learned so much in my two years about how to be a pastor, not just in the practical aspects, but in the personal spiritual side as well.” – Heath Lewis | Current Resident

This position is full-time, with competitive compensation, including health insurance. If this sounds like something for which God has been preparing you, please send a resume highlighting ministry experience, a cover letter, and a brief (no more than 300 words) testimony describing your spiritual journey and call to ministry to Pastor Jim Bolich.

Good resources can be hard to find, but there are a few coming soon, and one recently released, from pastors and friends of the United Brethren Church. You can find more information about each of these resources below, including where to find them and how to purchase them.

Recently Released:

Death, Life, and Discipleship: Seven Ways Jesus Defeated Death Before the Resurrection

This book explores Jesus' victories over challenges like ignorance, sin, and Satan, offering a deeper understanding of His power. Each chapter examines a specific victory and draws practical principles for discipleship. It encourages personal spiritual growth and equips readers to make disciples themselves, fostering a deeper understanding of holiness and a Christ-centered worldview. This is a fantastic resource for personal and small group study. The author of Death, Life, and Discipleship, Victor Collins is the Associate Pastor at Kilpatrick Church in Woodland, Michigan. Purchase here through Amazon.

Coming Soon:

Grit & Joy: Help for Bewildered Families of Teens

In today's fast-paced world, teens often crave something deeper than fleeting distractions. Grit & Joy guides parents and mentors in cultivating lasting, authentic faith in young people. It blends practical advice, compelling stories, and insights from social and brain science with biblical wisdom, providing a roadmap for helping teens develop a meaningful relationship with Christ. This book is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to help teens find enduring joy. Dr. Dave Rahn was an influential professor at Huntington University, has been a featured speaker at UB Youth and Associate Pastor Summits, and will be the keynote speaker for youth workers attending the UB Youth Camp this summer. Co-author, Ebonie Davis is a veteran youth worker, researcher, and author who received her M.A. in Youth Ministry Leadership at Huntington University. The release date for this book is February 25 but you can preorder your copy here.

Essentials of United Brethren History: 10 Events, 10 Bishops, and 10 Issues You Should Know About

This is the latest release coming soon from Steve Dennie, our beloved United Brethren historian, author, and former communications director who served at the UB National Office for 45 years. Essentials of United Brethren History covers the denomination's history from its 1767 beginnings to the present day. Divided into sections on key events, influential bishops, and important issues, it tells the story of what has been important and what remains important to the United Brethren Church and its people throughout the years. This book is a valuable tool for anyone wanting to learn more about the United Brethren Church. It will be available this summer at the UB National Conference. You can find Steve's other works including All for Christ - Volumes 1 and 2 and Against the Blighting Curse here.

We hope these resources are helpful in your family, small groups, and discipleship ministries.

Park Community Church, located in the community of Bluffton, Indiana, is searching for their next senior pastor. This individual will be an effective communicator who seeks to develop his/her theological and biblical skills and disciple a congregation toward maturity. They must be able to work well with current ministry teams and be skilled in building new teams as needs arise. Most importantly, this individual will be attentive to the Holy Spirit and lead the church as directed.

Park Community Church is a growing church of approximately 50 adult members and an average worship attendance of 110 people. The worship service is warm, friendly and welcoming to visitors. There is a desire among the people to grow in maturity, serve their community, and, as their vision statement reads, to become a “real church for broken people.”

This senior pastor role is a full time position at Park Community Church with compensation based on the guidelines of the UB Church. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity further, please send a copy of your resume, a cover letter, and a recent photo to [email protected].

The Well in Huntington, Indiana, seeks a Worship Leader who facilitates an atmosphere of praise and spiritual connection by leading their congregation in musical worship. The role involves planning, rehearsing, leading worship services, coordinating with the pastoral, technical, and administrative staff, and shepherding a team of musicians and vocalists. Please see the full job description here.

If you are interested, please email a resume, cover letter, and any media highlighting your abilities to Pastor Josh Kesler.

Brown Corners Church in Clare, Michigan, is searching for a lead pastor. This individual will be responsible to the church for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, maintaining a consistent focus upon disciple-making as commanded in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20), and providing biblical leadership for the church. He shall serve as the chief under-shepherd and, along with the Elders, he shall provide Brown Corners Church with care and leadership in keeping with 1 Peter 5:2-4.

Brown Corners Church is a church of approximately 250 adult members and an average worship attendance of 300 people. It is a community-minded church with great facilities that are made available for use by partner organizations throughout the week. The church seeks growth through intentional community outreach and developing a robust small group ministry according to the vision and leadership of their next lead pastor.

This lead pastor role is a full time position at Brown Corners Church. A more detailed job description can be found here.

If you are interested in exploring this opportunity further, please send a copy of your resume, a cover letter, and a recent photo to [email protected].

Registration for the 2025 US National Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ is now open!

Visit the conference website to see all the details including who our keynote speaker will be, when childcare will be available, and what Huntington University has planned for middle school and high school students.

The conference will take place at the Grand Wayne Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 15-18, 2025. The cost to attend is $100 for adults (18 years and older) and $50 for students and children (17 years and younger).

Visit the conference website to learn more.

First United Brethren Church in New Castle, Pennsylvania is looking for an individual to join their team as the pastor of students and family life. This person will be responsible for overseeing children’s ministries and student ministries and developing lay leadership for all areas of family ministries. Some of the specific responsibilities include building relationships with students, families, and key leaders in the community, recruit and equip leaders to serve in children’s, student and family ministries, and assisting with the pastoral needs of the congregation.

First UB Church is a church of approximately 150 people led by pastor Marc Stephenson. The mission of First UB church is to effectively communicate the gospel of Christ by word and deed toward the end that people will be saved and become faithful disciples of Christ and responsible members of His church.

Pastor Marc has provided a more detailed job description for those interested in learning more. Further inquiries and resumes can be sent to [email protected] with a subject line that reads, “pastor of student and family life.”


Rev. Philip R. Marxson, 83, passed away January 20, 2025. He and his family served as missionaries in Sierra Leone for six years, 1981-1987, and later pastored three United Brethren churches in Indiana and Ohio.

A Celebration of Life service will be held April 12, 2025, at Salem Church of God, 6500 Southway Rd #1, Clayton, OH 45315. Visitation will be from 10:00 to 11:00 am. The service will begin at 11:00.

Phil grew up in Shelbyville, Ind. He and Sondra were married in 1963 and had three children: Lisa (wife of Bishop Todd Fetters), Kristen, and Michael.

The family served three terms as United Brethren missionaries in Sierra Leone, starting in 1981. Phil was administrator of Mattru Hospital, while Sondra was a nurse and, in the second and third terms, matron at the hospital.

After returning from Sierra Leone, Phil entered Huntington University. He graduated in 1989 with a degree in Bible & Religion, and went on to receive the Master of Christian Ministry in 1991. He was ordained in 1993.

Phil and Sondra served three United Brethren churches: Bethesda UB outside of Huntington, Ind., 1989-1991; Otterbein UB in Rockford, Ohio, 1991-1993; and Olivet UB in New Lebanon, Ohio, 1993-2004. He retired in 2004.

After retiring from the United Brethren ministry, Phil served nine years as chaplain at BrookHaven Retirement Community, and also worked eight years at Gilbert Fellers Funeral Home, both places in Brookville, Ohio.

(submitted by Steve Dennie)

In July 2025, Fort Wayne, Indiana will host the U.S. National Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Beginning on Tuesday, the 15th, delegates will gather from UB churches across the country to worship, learn, and celebrate together. The business session of the conference will take place on Wednesday, July 16, in which delegates will discuss a variety of proposals, including potential changes to Part V of the U.S. Discipline. Bishop Fetters has formed a select task force to review, study, and recommend relevant changes to this section

Proposals, which must come from a group or official entity (e.g. local church board, denominational leadership team, denominational task force, clusters, etc.), must be submitted by March 31, 2025, to the Bishop’s office. The Bishop and the Executive Leadership Team will then be responsible for processing and approving each proposal and presenting them to the conference. The timeline from submission to presentation at the conference is as follows:

  • March 31, 2025 – Deadline for submitting proposals to the Bishop’s office.
  • April 15, 2025 – Proposals are finalized and formatted for the Executive Leadership Team.
  • April 29, 2025 – The ELT reviews the proposals.
  • May 1, 2025 – A draft of the proposals, as approved by the ELT, is posted on the conference website.
  • May 2025 – The draft is discussed in regional meetings. Suggested revisions are noted and, at the Bishop’s discretion, revisions are made to the proposals.
  • June 13, 2025 – A final version of all proposals is posted on the conference website.


How to Submit Proposals for Revising the Discipline:

  1. Submit the exact wording you would like to see used (rather than just a general idea).
  2. If it is new content, state where you suggest placing it (chapter and paragraph number).
  3. If it is a revision to existing content, state the chapter and paragraph number to be revised.
  4. Include a brief statement of the rationale for making the revision. A sentence or two may be sufficient, depending on the nature of the revision.


How to Submit Other Proposals:

United Brethren members may submit proposals that reach beyond revisions to the Discipline regarding the work and ministry of the U.S. National Conference. These proposals must also be submitted by a group (not an individual) and should include specific wording describing what you want to happen.


How Proposals will be Processed

  • All proposals will be channeled to the Bishop’s Office.
  • The Bishop will determine the best way to process proposals for eventual presentation to the national conference. Proposals may be referred to other leadership groups, and new committees and task forces may be formed.
  • All proposals will be presented at the April 2025 Executive Leadership Team meeting.
  • Proposals will be passed along to the National Conference delegates, either as proposals for consideration on the floor or as supplemental proposals. A supplemental proposal will not be considered on the floor unless delegates move to consider it.
  • No new proposals will be added after the April 2025 ELT meeting. However, revisions can still be made at the Bishop’s discretion until June 13, and later if he feels it is necessary.


Send proposals to Bishop Todd Fetters at: [email protected]. Or mail to:

Bishop Todd Fetters
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750