January 20, 1984, was the conclusion of a five-day Church Leaders Clinic in Columbus, Ohio. A total of 242 United Brethren spent five days under the teaching of John Maxwell, now a best-selling author. Of those, 146 were current United Brethren pastors, making it the largest-ever assembly of UB pastors to that point. Another 75 were pastors’ wives, and a smaller contingent consisted of headquarters officials and spouses.

Maxwell’s sessions–18 of them, each 90 minutes long–resembled a stream of consciousness marathon, with numerous excursions down unplanned rabbit trails. But his humor, captivating stories, energy, and charisma kept people glued to him. He communicated a deep passion for everything pertaining to the local church, and particularly for winning people to Christ. He filled every session with boundless laughter, bantering freely with people, but he could also turn serious, leaving people in tears.

It was an amazing week with a revival atmosphere. Scores of broken, humbled, but thoroughly renewed pastors went back to their congregations, and the Holy Spirit used them.

Reports poured in about crowded altars, new converts, and of pastors standing before congregations and transparently confessing their failings. Pastors were boldly confronting people about their relationship with Christ, and new souls were being added to the Kingdom. There were many, many such stories.

Bishop Todd Fetters speaking to the cluster leaders on Monday night.

Bishop Todd Fetters speaking to the cluster leaders on Monday night.

Twenty cluster leaders came to Huntington University for the 2017 Cluster Leader Winter Gathering. The event started on Monday night, January 16, with a meal and service. It continued Tuesday morning with a short message from Bishop Todd Fetters, followed by a time of leadership training led by Mike Dittman, Director of National Ministries.

Two cluster leaders are retiring as pastors during January. Charlie Milliken retired on January 8 after 29 years as a United Brethren minister, including 1995-2017 at the UB church in Franklintown, Pa. Marshall Woods is retiring as of January 29 after 16 years as pastor of Mill Chapel in Reedsville, W. Va.

Bishop Todd Fetters recognized both men on Monday night, and there was a prayer time as these men and their wives enter this new period of their lives.

Here are some photos from the Winter Gathering.

Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University, welcomes the cluster leaders on Monday night.

Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University, welcomes the cluster leaders on Monday night.

Matthew and Emilyn Hann, from College Park UB church, led a time of singing on Monday night.

Matthew and Emilyn Hann, from College Park UB church, led a time of singing on Monday night.

Mike Dittman talking to the cluster leaders.

Mike Dittman talking to the cluster leaders.

Todd Fetters presenting a gift of appreciation to Charlie and Paula Milliken.

Todd Fetters presenting a gift of appreciation to Charlie and Paula Milliken.

Praying for Charlie and Paula Milliken, who have retired after 29 years of pastoral ministry.

Praying for Charlie and Paula Milliken, who have retired after 29 years of pastoral ministry.

Todd Fetters and Marshall Woods.

Todd Fetters and Marshall Woods, who is retiring after 16 years of pastoral ministry.

Jeff Bleijerveld praying for Marshall Woods, one of the two cluster leaders who is retiring as pastor.

Jeff Bleijerveld praying for Marshall Woods, one of the two cluster leaders who is retiring as pastor.

David Kline, associate director of Global Ministries, told about upcoming regional Ignite! conferences sponsored by Global Ministries.

David Kline, associate director of Global Ministries, told about upcoming regional Ignite! conferences sponsored by Global Ministries.

Mike Dittman, Director of National Ministries, led the training time on Tuesday morning.

Mike Dittman, Director of National Ministries, led the training time on Tuesday morning.

The first service of Immanuel UB church (Carlisle, Pa.) was held on January 17, 1982. The church was a joint effort of Pennsylvania Conference and Prince Street church in Shippensburg, Pa. The first service was held in a Seventh Day Adventist school outside of town, with 28 people attending. Fred Johns, pastor of Prince Street, served as supervising pastor.

Rodney Minor, a seminary student, conducted services for seven months. Then, in August, the conference assigned Patrick Jones as pastor of Immanuel, in addition to his work as associate pastor of Prince Street. On his first Sunday, ten people attended. The next summer, he was assigned to Carlisle fulltime, and attendance climbed into the 50s. In December 1983, they bought their own building for $50,000 with help from Prince Street. Jones remained at Carlisle until 1988.

In 2000, Immanuel merged with a non-UB church to form a United Brethren congregation now called Bethany Evangelical Church.

The congregation at Litao Village in 2001.

The congregation at Litao Village in 2001.

On January 16, 1996, Bishop Ray Seilhamer dedicated the new United Brethren church in Litao Village, high in the mountains of northern Thailand. For three years, Hong Kong Conference had been supporting the ministry of Rev. H. M. Lee among the Akha, a tribal group with roots in China. The former military officer started the church and a school in Litao Village.

It was a Tuesday afternoon service on January 16. About 80 people gathered, many of them children, at the nice building which had been completed in November–a cement building with a wood superstructure holding up the tin roof. The dedication ceremony began outside. Bishop Seilhamer unlocked a padlock on the front door, and some words were spoken and translated. Then everyone moved inside and sat on the floor for the rest of the service. Before going in, people slipped off their footwear, mostly sandals and flip-flops, and left them around the entrance.

Bishop Seilhamer’s words went through a series of translations–from English to Cantonese to Mandarin to Akha. So that took considerable time, and you couldn’t be sure how much the bishop’s words matched what the people actually heard.

The church property covered several acres. For years, new Christians were expelled from their homes or no longer felt welcome by their neighbors. So, they built thatched homes on the church property. The land was expected to eventually become a separate enclave, a community of Christians on the edge of town. However, the persecution and alienation eventually stopped, as people saw the good things the church and Teacher Lee brought to the village.

Nancy N'Gele, center, with Milton and Erika Pacheco, who spoke in September 2016 about their upcoming ministry  with the UB team in Thailand.

Nancy N’Gele, center, with Milton and Erika Pacheco, who spoke at Mt. Hope UB Church (Carson City, Mich.) in September 2016 about their upcoming ministry with the UB team in Thailand.

On January 15, 1957, Nancy Hull N’Gele began the first of three terms as a missionary in Sierra Leone. She was the daughter of Rev. Charles and Emma Hull, who pastored UB churches in Michigan for over 50 years. Very early in life, Nancy sensed God calling her to missionary service, and she never doubted her call.

Nancy graduated from Huntington College with a degree in elementary education and went on to earn a masters degree from Michigan State. She responded to the call for teachers in Sierra Leone, serving first at Minnie Mull girls’ school followed by nine years at Centennial High School in Mattru. In addition to teaching, she supervised the girls’ dorm and participated in village evangelism.

In 1970, Nancy returned to her hometown of Carson City, Mich., where a teaching position awaited her. She continues living there in a house on the Carson City Campground and attending the nearby Mt. Hope UB church.

For a number of years, we worked cooperatively with two other denominations, the Evangelical Congregational Church and the Primitive Methodist Church. We jointly sponsored missionaries and Sunday school curriculum, and the leaders met every year. We called it The Federation.

The 1981 General Conference instructed that we “aggressively pursue merger” with those denominations. A lot of meetings followed, and the three denominations tried hard to make it work. They saw a lot of advantages—for missions, colleges, camps, overhead, pastors, and other areas.

But in the end, it came down to Freemasonry. The other two groups allowed church members to also belong to the Masonic lodge, and we didn’t. If we changed our stand, it would have been hugely divisive.

January 14, 1983, at a meeting in the UB National Office, leaders of the three denominations published a statement saying that merger wasn’t going to happen. They saw benefits to cooperating in various endeavors, but real problems going a step further and merging.

Said Bishop C. Ray Miller, “I personally am interested in beefing up the Federation. But in light of the problems I see that would be divisive, I am not interested in merger.”

Jeff Bleijerveld (right), Director of Global Ministries

The following email was received Friday morning, January 13. Director Bleijerveld and associate director Michelle Harris are at Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone with a ten-person medical team. They return to the US tomorrow, January 14. 

This morning the doctors are making their last rounds before we begin the trip back to Freetown. We’ll stay there overnight, and then begin the trip home with a layover in France.

Since I last wrote you, two babies were successfully delivered–one naturally, the other by c-section. We’ve also continued to receive new patients, and a variety of procedures have been performed. We are sad to report that one of the three babies admitted with cerebral malaria passed away the first night, but the other two are recovering.

Just this morning a set of twin babies with club feet were brought to the hospital. We’ve been in touch with the Ministry of Health to determine whether there is an orthopedic surgeon in the country able to perform the corrective surgery.

I am happy to report that the first installment of funding from a major donor has been received. Additional funds will come from another foundation, and Global Ministries will be contributing $50,000. The entire project will cost $430,000 but will benefit the hospital with new income from the sale of surplus power to the community and from small businesses they’ll operate at the hospital, like the water purification/packaging project.

In the meanwhile we continue to assist the hospital in paying staff salaries. With the focus on fundraising for the solar project, donors have decreased their giving normal giving toward the salary support project. As a result we left the hospital this morning having left salaries for November and December still unpaid. We nearly have enough to pay November, but lack some $4000 to pay for December.

Begin praying for the next team that will be in the country during the last two weeks of February. It includes a medical team and a technical team.


On January 12, 2010, a monster 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, killing at least 220,000 people and displacing 1.5 million. The capital, Port au Prince, was hit especially hard. Two UB churches in Cite Soleil, the poorest area of Port Au Prince, were destroyed.

At the time, superintendent Oliam Richard was attending the General Conference meeting in Honduras. His wife, Esther, had flown into Haiti the day before. He spent that night, Tuesday, glued to CNN and seeking information on the internet. He tried to find passage home on Wednesday, but nothing was available.

During the closing service of General Conference on Wednesday night, at a packed church in La Ceiba, an offering of $800 was taken up for Haiti. The Canadian delegates added another $900, and the two Guatemalan delegates gave $50 out of their own pockets (said Jeff Bleijerveld: “This, believe me, is a LOT of money”). The money was presented to Rev. Richard, and the delegates from around the world laid hands on him in prayer.

Rev. Richard was eventually able to reach the Dominican Republic, and then travel by van across the border to Haiti. He found his wife and family shaken, but well. Although their home was still standing, they were staying outside because of the continued aftershocks.

United Brethren people proved very generous, as is usually the case after natural disasters. By June, Global Ministries had received over $170,000 designated for Haiti. In addition, money was sent to Haiti from Jamaica ($6900), Honduras ($900), Hong Kong ($7900), and Canada ($10,000).

Jeff Bleijerveld (right), Director of Global Ministries

The following email was received Wednesday morning, January 11. Director Bleijerveld and associate director Michelle Harris are at Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone with a medical team which will return on January 14. 

Our time in Sierra Leone is running down but the patients are increasing, especially since we were interviewed on the radio.

With the increase in patients, we have also dealt with some challenging needs. Three children under two were admitted with cerebral malaria. This morning one of them passed away. Continue to pray for the other two. We have also had three women admitted with cervical cancer. All three are terminal. Nothing can be done by the doctors to change their diagnosis. As Dr. Ron Baker always reminds us, “We treat, but it is God who heals.”

Micheal, who had major surgery, is doing better. So are a number of other patients who have had a variety of procedures, including a successful c-section and two hernia repairs. A molar pregnancy and DNC will take place today.

We have meetings with Bishop John Pessima and the hospital board later this day. There are some important, yet delicate issues to deal with. We’d appreciate your prayers.

Tomorrow, a group will be doing a medical clinic in Madena where Francis Mustafa and his wife, Bobbi, have started an elementary school with 400 students. Francis is from Sierra Leone, but taught high school biology in Indiana for many years. In fact, he was recognized as Teacher of the Year in Indiana some 15 years ago. The group will also visit the missionary cemetery in Gbangbaia where Dr. Ron Baker’s eight-year-old brother was laid to rest following a boating accident. Also buried there are many other missionaries who succumbed to a variety of diseases as young adults.

Yesterday we signed a contract with Daniel Kamara. He will be the new business manager at the hospital and will help us stay on track with the new income from the solar and water projects. He will be moving here with his wife and daughter and get started on January 30.

The team is healthy (aside from itchy bug bites) and sleeping relatively well. Unity has been great, and our interactions with the leadership and staff have been very encouraging. However, the pressing needs and sorrow many of the patients deal with on a daily basis weighs heavy on our hearts. Pray with us that our work today and in the future might be effective and seasoned liberally with God’s love and mercy.

Read Jeff’s earlier report from January 6.

koroma_ritaRita Wild Koroma, 87, passed away on January 8, 2011, in Oxford, England. She served as a missionary teacher in Sierra Leone 1954-1962.

Rita was the daughter of Rev. Fred Wild, who pastored UB churches in the Midwest for 48 years in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Illinois. She graduated from Huntington University, and later earned a Masters in History from Northwestern University.

Rita arrived in Sierra Leone during the early stages of Centennial High School, working alongside principal E. DeWitt Baker. She taught at the school for ten years, and served one year as interim principal while the Bakers were on furlough. In 1963 she married Adams Koroma, and spent the rest of her days in England.