18 Sep Update from Luanne Brooks
Luanne Brooks sent this update on September 15. She is a UB missionary serving with OMS International in Haiti.
“A few weeks ago I attended the Haitian National Convention for United Brethren in Christ. It was held in Port Au Prince, and was a great experience. I was able to address the conference in Creole and was very happy with the response I received. I sang with a Haitian choir, because I just happened to be wearing what they were wearing. They approached me and asked if I would sing with them, and of coarse I was happy to add my voice in praise to our Savior.
“Coming home to Cap Haitian, I was very ill, but I received a note from a prayer supporter in Michigan, who in the middle of that night answered Gods request to pray for me. Because of that prayer, I was able to sit through the OMS annual field council meetings and participate. I was elected to the position of Social Coordinator and placed on several committees. I will also be the editor of the field newsletter that I will start this month.
“At the council meeting, I learned that I would soon be sharing my house with a young lady from Indiana who would be teaching at the Cowman school. Later that week, Erica Thompson arrived and we have been settling in. She is new to Haiti and is having her anxieties, just as I did. Having a housemate is a new experience for me. I have been Queen of the hive since I was 17. Now for the first time I am sharing that top dog position. Please pray for me that I will remember that I am Erica’s housemate and not her mother! She is a sweet young lady who is looking for God’s will in her life.
“I have my reservations to come home for Christmas, December 18-29.”