Roger and Marilyn Reeck, UB endorsed missionaries in Honduras (serving with Wycliffe), sent this update at the end of December.

While in Costa Rica, Roger fell while mounting a bicycle and completely ruptured a tendon in his knee. He underwent major surgery, and was able to travel back to Honduras five days later. His cast will be removed the first week of January, and then he’ll undergo physical therapy. His first trip is to South America in February. He hopes to be walking by then.

All four daughters came home for Christmas.

  • Christi and her husband, Rigo, live an hour away in Honduras. Rigo works with two different groups which provide clean water to communities and organizations; Chrysti works at two pre-natal clinics, helps at a feeding center, and is involved in Bible Studies. They have three children: Anthony (almost 7), Amanda (5), and Adrian (3).
  • Teresa lives in San Antonio and is vice principal of a Christian school.
  • Amanda, living in Houston, took a year out of medical school to do research. She’ll return to medical school this summer for her final year.
  • Elisa is a science teacher at a Christian school in San Antonio, Texas. She completed her Master’s degree this year.

Phyllis Cherry passed away around noon today (Tuesday, January 5, 2010) in Bloomington, Ind. Her death resulted from complications involving cancer. She was the wife of Herb Cherry, a retired United Brethren minister.  They had been living in Bloomington.

We’ll post funeral arrangements when they are set. We’re told that the funeral will be held at Eden UB church in Mason, Mich.

Please keep Herb and their two children, Colette and Nathan, in your prayers. Herb Cherry is the brother of two other retired United Brethren ministers, Harold and Howard Cherry, and the uncle of Kevin Cherry, pastor of Heart O the Lakes UB (Brooklyn, Mich.).

Blueprints for a UB church in Mexico

Denis Casco, center, looks over blueprints for the Zacapu church in Mexico.

In all the years I’ve visited mission fields and seen new churches being built, I had never seen a set of engineered blueprints for a church building–that is, until I visited Mexico in early December 2009.

Rev. Denis Casco, Bishop of the Mexico National Conference, and I visited with the Zacapu Church in the state of Michocan. There we were shown the site where the congregation is building a church that will seat 300.

The congregation currently meets in warehouse area in the local municipal market, but they purchased a piece of property for $17,000 and have been paying as they go to construct the building.

Many of our 44 churches in Mexico have set their sights high and have been using their own funds to build churches that are proportional to the vision God has given them.

Troy Hendricks, UB endorsed missionary in Spain, gave this update on Facebook about his wife Julie and the broken knee she suffered in mid-December: “Just back from Julie’s follow-up appointment with the surgeon, and he removed the stitches and strips that were holding the incision. He said the knee looks good. Now comes the really tough part of physical therapy. He told Julie to begin today and only wear the brace when she leaves the house. Long painful road ahead, but HE has brought us thus far and will carry us onward!”

Melissa Kline, UB staff in Macau
On December 20, Living Stone Church celebrated Christmas by throwing a “birthday party.” For David and me, it was an incredibly special Sunday.

  • An English Language Program student from 8 years ago came with her family, and her son sang in the kids choir.
  • A PV student from 4 years ago came and brought his brother and cousin.
  • Three ladies from the women’s Bible study that has been meeting for 9+ years came along with a couple of their children.

Seeing all of these people in one room at LSC was the most amazing feeling. God does have us here for a reason!

Al Carter resigned as senior pastor of West Pleasant Hill UB church (Rockbridge, Ohio) effective December 31, 2009. He had been the pastor since August 2003.

Rev. Richard Raab, a retired ordained United Brethren minister, passed away at 4:15 pm on Friday, January 1, 2010. The funeral arrangements are as follows:

Visitation: Sunday, January 3, 2-5 pm and 6-9 pm.
Location: Stroo Funeral Home, 1095 68th Street, Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49508. Phone: (616) 455-9280.
Funeral: Monday, January 4, 11 a.m. Visitation 10-10:45 a.m.
Location: Banner of Christ UB church, 1111 68th Street, Byron Center, MI 49315. Phone: (616) 538-1313.

Dick pastored an Evangelical United Brethren church 1964-1967, and then pastored these four United Brethren churches:

  • 1967-1992: Gaines UB (Caledonia, Mich.)
  • 1992-1996: Shepherd Street UB (Charlotte, Mich.)
  • 1996-1999: Ithaca UB (Ithaca, Mich.)
  • 1999-2007: Richfield Road UB (Flint, Mich.)

Donelle Raab’s adddress is: 1914 Jack Pine Court, Dorr, Michigan 49323.

Dick had requested that any memorials be given to either of these:

  • The Building Fund of Richfield Road United Brethren Church (Flint, Mich.) where they served most recently.
  • The Banner of Christ church (Byron Center, Mich.), where they currently attend.

We learned that Dick Raab, a recently-retired minister in Michigan, passed away January 1, 2010, around 4:15 pm. On November 2, we reported that he had been diagnosed with cancer and given 3-6 months to live. Please remember his wife, Donelle, in your prayers. We’ll post funeral details as they become available.

Everyone’s publishing “decade in review” lists–best movies, best sports plays, most significant news stories, ground-breaking new products, top scandals, etc.

How would we recap the decade for the United Brethren church? Here are ten UB highlights of the decade, in roughly chronological order.

2001 General Conference. This was a historic conference. We adopted a true international structure, with 7 autonomous national conferences joined together by the Confession of Faith and an international constitution. Huntington, Ind., stopped being the United Brethren “world” headquarters, and became just the US headquarters. No longer does United Brethrenism revolve around the United States. Colonialism: RIP.

Open Theism. A whole lot of turbulence arose around Dr. John Sanders, a professor at Huntington University who was a leading proponent of what is called Open Theism. United Brethren theology clashed, hard, with academic freedom. Both church and college came under criticism from the broader evangelical community. In the end, an exit strategy was worked out for Dr. Sanders, and both church and college began mending the wounds.

Joining the Missionary Church. In early 2003, the UB Executive Leadership Team voted to pursue merging our denomination into the Missionary Church, a like-minded, larger denomination based in Fort Wayne, Ind. As leadership pushed this initiative, a group called UB Hope arose to rally people against it. Ultimately, UB members voted it down in a referendum, 56%-44%. This set the stage for lots of soul-searching about why we exist and the adoption of a whole new structure.
