15 Jun Prayer for a UB Mother in Haiti
The Michel family are members of our Delmas UB Church in Port au Prince, Haiti. The apartment building where they rented a small apartment was destroyed in the earthquake last January, so this widow and her son are living in a tent, unsure of what the future holds. The son has served as a capable translator for Canadian visitors on several recent trips (Canada Conference provides primary oversight of Haiti).
On Wednesday, June 16, Mrs. Michel will undergo a serious surgery. She will be away at a distant hospital (having to travel there by bus) for at least three weeks. Her daughter will remain with her during this time.
This surgery is possibly only because generous people helped with the finances.
Pray for a successful operation and complete recovery, and for the sons leftb ack in Port au Prince who will not be able to visit their mother. Also, pray for the daughter as she gives care to her mother at the hospital.