Jeff Gordon (left), a UB member from Canada, with Mrs. Michel (right) and her son.

Jeff Gordon (left), a UB member from Canada, with Mrs. Michel (right) and her son.

The Michel family are members of our Delmas UB Church in Port au Prince, Haiti. The apartment building where they rented a small apartment was destroyed in the earthquake last January, so this widow and her son are living in a tent, unsure of what the future holds. The son has served as a capable translator for Canadian visitors on several recent trips (Canada Conference provides primary oversight of Haiti).

On Wednesday, June 16, Mrs. Michel will undergo a serious surgery. She will be away at a distant hospital (having to travel there by bus) for at least three weeks. Her daughter will remain with her during this time.

This surgery is possibly only because generous people helped with the finances.

Pray for a successful operation and complete recovery, and for the sons leftb ack in Port au Prince who will not be able to visit their mother. Also, pray for the daughter as she gives care to her mother at the hospital.

A recent survey of the Huntington University Class of 2009 showed that 72 percent of the 159 graduates surveyed had acquired fulltime employment within eight months after graduation. Another 15 percent are attending graduate school (an increase from previous years), and another 8 percent have found part-time employment.

“Considering this economy, I think our graduating students did very, very well finding jobs,” said Martha Smith, associate dean of student development.

Contact was made with 146 graduates for the survey.

In just two years, the number of HU students attending graduate school has increased from 5 percent to 15 percent. The largest areas of graduate studies for the Class of 2009 were counseling, social work, and theology.

I received a call this afternoon (June 14) from Robert Cassidy, co-leader (with his wife, Fonda) of the Honduras Medical Team which arrived in Honduras Friday afternoon, June 11. Here are some notes from our conversation.

  • They conducted a medical clinic in San Pedro Sula (the country’s second-largest city) on Saturday, June 12. They treated 430-some people. The clinic was held at the church which is pastored by Benulda and Moises Saenz. It was very hot in San Pedro–96 degrees.
  • Today (Monday, June 14) they held a clinic in Yoro. Robert called me during the clinic, with a couple hours yet to go. He expected that they would treat at least 400 people at Yoro. Yoro, located in the mountains, is a little cooler than San Pedro Sula.
  • Tonight, the team will travel back to San Pedro, where another clinic will be held in a village outside of the city on Tuesday, June 15.
  • All of the team members are doing well.
  • The group took down 19 large containers filled with medicine and other supplies, plus their own bags. Only one bag didn’t arrive. They expect to pick it up when they return to San Pedro Sula on Tuesday.

The group will return to the States on June 19.

As mentioned previously, one family at Mainstreet Church (Walbridge, Ohio) was hit especially hard by the June 5 tornado, which crashed through their home and took off the second floor. The four members of the Walters family all asleep in upstairs bedrooms when the home was flattened to its foundation.

Mary Walters, 36, and her son Hayden, 4, were both killed. Husband Ryan, 37, and daughter Madison, 7, were hospitalized, Ryan in critical condition.

On Sunday night, June 13, Ryan Walter passed away. Madison was released from the hospital on June 13, but continues recovering from some broken bones. Now she faces life without any of her immediate family.

Other news from Mainstreet:

  • The 705 Campus remains open, 9 am – 6 pm, as a collection center for relief donations.
  • On Saturday, June 12, they sent out 100 volunteers to help with cleanup and relief.

Bishop Phil and Sandy Whipple are currently visiting churches in the former Midwest Conference–Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas. On Sunday, June 13, they were at the Sabetha, Kansas, church in the morning and Trinity UB in St. Joseph, Missouri, at night. On June 15, they travel on to the church at Garnett, Kansas, then on to Abilene on June 16.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team has approved the following:

  • Troy Green for ordination effective March 16, 2010. He is senior pastor of Monroe UB church (Monroe, Ind.). Troy has held a transitional license with us since coming to Monroe in 2006. He had been ordained through the Missionary Church.
  • Mark Wilson for National Conference license March 30, 2010. He was previously ordained in the Wesleyan Church. Upon holding the National Conference license for a year, and completing the UB History course, his ordination will be effective. Mark was assigned at the beginning of May as senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).

The Local Church license, issued by individual churches, is the starting point for all ministers. Local church licenses have been issued to these persons:

  • Teddy Fairchild, Associate Pastor of Youth at Praise Point Church (Willshire, Ohio), on November 8, 2009.
  • Chris Dlugoleski of Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio) on February 2, 2010.
  • Stuart Johns, senior pastor of Idaville UB church (Idaville, Pa.) on March 9, 2010.
  • Jeff Stansbury, a student at Idaville UB church (Idaville, Pa), on April 14, 2010.
  • Mark and Stephanie Dill, members of Faith UB (Port Orange, Fla.). Bishop Phil Whipple was on hand to present these licenses on May 1, 2010.
  • Todd Lilley, senior pastor of Mt. Olivet UB church (Mt. Solon, Va.), on June 2, 2010.
  • Dan Lam, Outreach Pastor of Mt. Olivet UB church (Mt. Solon, Va.), on June 2, 2010.

In addition, cluster leader Dalton Jenkins reports that local church licenses will be issued on June 27 to these three persons from First UB Church of the Bronx, New York, where Linton Thomas is the pastor:

  • Youlet Staff, Minister of Music.
  • Aletha Beckford, local minister
  • Hyacinth Sang, deaconess, lay leader

Duane and Teresa Herlein sent this update on their 16-year-old son, Tyler, whose suffered a several head injury in a fall June 10.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Tyler.  He came home Saturday afternoon and seems to be doing extremely well. He was up for most of the day yesterday with minimal head pain.  He had a good appetite and didn’t feel sick at all. He will be following up with his regular doctor as well as a trauma doctor.  He will get another CAT scan in one month and then will see the neuro surgeon. Now the trick will be trying to keep a 16-year-old who is used to being very active as non-active as possible.

Our Hong Kong Conference runs several large youth centers in housing complexes through its Social Service division. A survey of 2,629 teens by the Social Service division found that 10% said they had been the victim of internet bullying. The results were published in the English-language edition of People’s Daily Online.