December 3, 2010

Church people outside their newly-acquired building in Kutno, Poland.

The new building in Kutno, Poland.
Donna and Arek Delik (below, right) are endorsed staff with Global Ministries. Members of our Hong Kong Conference, the Deliks have been serving in Poland since 1999, starting a church and doing other ministry. They recently purchased a building which will become their worship center and be used as a rehabilitation center in their ministry to alcoholics, and as a teen center. Global Ministries has spotlighted the building as a project churches and individuals may want to contribute toward. Here is an update on the building from Donna Delik.
Donna Delik, Poland
We feel overwhelmed by the swift development of the building project! The whole bidding process was a nerve-wracking experience. We were in a tug of war with a businessman who was very determined, and so were we. In the end we won the auction with 430,000 zloty ($150,000 US), 20% higher than the basic price, but we believed that it was still a very reasonable price for this property.
When we went to see the building once again, we were convicted that it was the right property for our ministries, and we were overjoyed for this great gift from God.
We were supposed to pay the rest of the money, 400,000 zloty ($53,000 US), by December 3. That was absolutely impossible for us. So the next day we went to the owner and explained that we actually didn’t have all the money in hand and needed more time. PRAISE THE LORD–without a second thought he agreed to extend the deadline of payment to December 27, which gives us more time to find the money we need! Once again God assured us that He was on our side.
Within a very short time, we have already gathered about one-third of the money. For the rest we must look for loans from individuals and churches. We are very thankful that our home church in Hong Kong agreed to grant us a big loan, and we are very close to the target now.
There is some bad news about the building: the roof is leaking and there is water in the basement. Our architect and engineer friends have recommended that these urgent things need to be fixed for the winter; then we can work out a detailed plan for the whole renovation project when spring comes.
Please pray with us that the rest of the money will come before the deadline or even earlier, so that we could work on the roof before it causes more damage.
Thank you very much for those who have already responded to this financial need. Every penny counts, and your donation for this project is a great encouragement and blessing for our church.