We’re pleased to report that Steve Henry, pastor of Victory Heights UB Church in Franklin, Pa., did not have a heart attack as reported on December 6. Rather, the problems he experienced resulted from a leaking valve from a valve replacement surgery he had years ago. Steve will undergo another valve replacement surgery on Thursday, December 9.

Phil Whipple, bishop

Lansing UB had been using reserve funds to meet the pastor’s salary and operational costs, and Pastor Scott Hergert realized they would run out of money by the end of 2010. He laid out the options he saw: go to a part-time pastor arrangement, close the church, or close with restart in the process.

I met with the board and talked about what a restart might look like. A few weeks later, they voted to move in that direction. I led a local conference in September during which they voted to close the existing church and give their assets—including the church building and parsonage–to the restart. Their final service was held October 24.

The Lead Team from Michigan, which had supported the Imagine This church plant in Grand Ledge, Mich., was looking for their next project. We had already settled on starting a church somewhere in Lansing, but weren’t thinking about the existing Lansing congregation. So I suggested to the lead team that we throw our energies together—lead team and restart project—rather than start two different things in  Lansing at the same time.

The church planter will be Tim Flickinger (right), formerly senior pastor of Fowlerville UB (Fowlerville, Mich.). In September, when the Lansing UB people made the decision to close, they had no knowledge about who the church planter would be. We had been talking to Tim about starting a church, but weren’t ready to announce anything at that time. However, a week before Lansing’s final service, Tim came to talk to the congregation to share his vision for the new church.

We took Tim Flickinger through the assessment process, and sent him to a couple church planting training events. His assessment came through very positively.

We’re looking for funding. We’re using some money which was part of Michigan Conference. Fowleville UB has signed up to be a three-year supporter. The pastors who are part of the Lead Team will be raising funds from their churches to help support the project. Whether they use the Lansing facility has not been determined. It’s an older building and isn’t handicap accessible. It would cost quite a bit to update the building to be a contemporary, community kind of church.

Tom Blaylock is serving as a church planting coach for Tim Flickinger. Tim is working on setting a vision for what the church will be and developing a core group. Some people from Lansing UB have already affiliated with the Eden UB church in Mason, Mich. However, some people from Imagine This, who currently drive to Grand Ledge from Lansing, may become part of the core group.

Lake View UB church (Camden, Mich.) is putting on three performances of “The Christmas Song,” a dramatic musical presentation.

  • Friday, December 10, 7 pm
  • Saturday, December 11, 7 pm
  • Sunday, December 12, 6 pm

The Christmas Song features a 28-voice choir, inspirational drama, and music that will touch your heart. The remarkable story of God’s love is powerfully revealed…from the angel’s appearance to Mary; to the Decree of the Census and the journey to Bethlehem; to their desperate search for shelter; and finally, the breathtaking joy of the Christ child’s birth.

Tickets are free, but are necessary for admission. To obtain tickets, call: 517-567-8529

Lake View is located a half-mile west of M-99, 2 miles north of Pioneer, Ohio; and 16 miles south of Hillsdale, Mich.

New Hope's worship teams leads people in singing during the dedication service.

Senior Pastor Ray A. Seilhamer

The view from the upstairs technology booth.

New Hope UB church (Huntington, Ind.) dedicated its new Family Life Center during a 4pm service on Sunday, December 5. Bishop emeritus Ray A. Seilhamer, senior pastor of New Hope Church, emceed the service. Gary Dilley, senior pastor of cross-town College Park Church, gave the dedication address. A meal followed the service.

The 13,300-square-foot facility includes:

  • A gymnasium/fellowship hall with a large stage on one end.
  • A new kitchen.
  • A large lobby area.
  • A youth area upstairs.
  • An exercise room.

New Hope started out as Etna Avenue UB church. The congregation moved to the current location in 1976 under the leadership of senior pastor Jim Sturgeon (who passed away on October 22, 2010). In the mid-1980s, during the tenure of senior pastor Russ Birdsall, they added a Christian education wing with classrooms, a fellowship hall, a new foyer, and offices.

The congregation decided to build the Family Life Center in 2007, and launched a fundraising campaign. A groundbreaking service was held April 25, 2010.

The financial goal is $836,576. To date, they have raised $628,060 in cash, with a total of $751,857 in gifts and commitments. If the church meets its financial goals, they will have a debt of $93,000 after 2012.

New Hope has a membership of 150, with 200 people who attend at least one service a month. The total constituency is over 300. Ministries the church currently runs include:

  • The Stephen Ministry, which has existed for over 5 years.
  • GriefShare, a powerful ministry which will start its fourth group next spring.
  • DivorceCare, which just completed its first group.
  • Pioneer Clubs, a midweek children’s ministry.
  • A “Carpenter Shop” and food pantry, which minister to people within and outside of the congregation.

Beginning in January 2011, New Hope will work under College Park Church’s Upwards Basketball program. The new facility will provide practice space for the basketball teams and cheerleaders, and games will be held on Saturday mornings.

Steve HenrySteve Henry, pastor at Victory Heights UB Church in Franklin, Pa., had a heart attack on Sunday, Dec. 5, after shoveling snow. He has had two previous major heart surgeries. He is now in the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. Bishop Phil Whipple will visit Steve in the hospital Monday night, Dec. 6.

They’ve had a bit of snow, so pray not only for Steve and his recovery but for Phil and Sandy Whipple as they travel to Pittsburgh, then on to Cochranton on Tuesday.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

We’re glad to welcome Stephanie Hamil to the Global Ministries family. Stephanie, a member of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), will serve in South Africa with a college campus ministry.

Stephanie has a very winning, confident personality. She feels very comfortable communicating. Her whole college experience involved engaging people for Christ, and she is very passionate about doing it in the future.

Stephanie Hamil graduated in 2010 from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Spanish Education. Upon becoming a Christian during her freshman year in college, she received personal discipleship through Campus Outreach. Through her discipleship and World Vision seminars, Stephanie began to learn and understand the importance of missions to unreached people groups.

Stephanie is preparing to spend five years with an organization called Campus Outreach. She will work at the University of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa. Her prayer is that God would use her to evangelize, equip, and establish students on the university campus, with the goal of successfully sending them out into their spheres of influence.

Interestingly, in Pretoria she will live just a few blocks away from Joe and Natalie Reed, fellow Global Ministries staff who serve with Nieu Communities. The Reeds are currently in the States on furlough living in the Meyers Mission House in Huntington. They and Stephanie were able to get acquainted.

Stephanie hopes to leave in December 2010, and is currently raising her support.

Church people outside their newly-acquired building in Kutno, Poland.

The new building in Kutno, Poland.

Donna and Arek Delik (below, right) are endorsed staff with Global Ministries. Members of our Hong Kong Conference, the Deliks have been serving in Poland since 1999, starting a church and doing other ministry. They recently purchased a building which will become their worship center and be used as a rehabilitation center in their ministry to alcoholics, and as a teen center. Global Ministries has spotlighted the building as a project churches and individuals may want to contribute toward. Here is an update on the building from Donna Delik.

Donna Delik, Poland

We feel overwhelmed by the swift development of the building project! The whole bidding process was a nerve-wracking experience. We were in a tug of war with a businessman who was very determined, and so were we. In the end we won the auction with 430,000 zloty ($150,000 US), 20% higher than the basic price, but we believed that it was still a very reasonable price for this property.

When we went to see the building once again, we were convicted that it was the right property for our ministries, and we were overjoyed for this great gift from God.

We were supposed to pay the rest of the money, 400,000 zloty ($53,000 US), by December 3. That was absolutely impossible for us. So the next day we went to the owner and explained that we actually didn’t have all the money in hand and needed more time. PRAISE THE LORD–without a second thought he agreed to extend the deadline of payment to December 27, which gives us more time to find the money we need! Once again God assured us that He was on our side.

Within a very short time, we have already gathered about one-third of the money. For the rest we must look for loans from individuals and churches. We are very thankful that our home church in Hong Kong agreed to grant us a big loan, and we are very close to the target now.

There is some bad news about the building: the roof is leaking and there is water in the basement. Our architect and engineer friends have recommended that these  urgent things need to be fixed for the winter; then we can work out a detailed plan for the whole renovation project when spring comes.

Please pray with us that the rest of the money will come before the deadline or even earlier, so that we could work on the roof before it causes more damage.

Thank you very much for those who have already responded to this financial need. Every penny counts, and your donation for this project is a great encouragement and blessing for our church.

Three Michigan brothers from Morenci, ages 9, 7, and 5, have been missing since Friday, November 26. A widespread search was called off on December 2.

Ron Evans (right), senior pastor of Kunkle UB church, located across the border from Morenci, wrote on December 2: “We had a prayer service last night for the three missing boys. This service was open to the public, and we had 85 who gathered to seek God’s intervention and help for them.”

Former bishop Paul Hirschy, now on staff at Huntington University, sends out a monthly email newsletter spotlighting prayer concerns regarding the college. Here are three items from his latest newsletter, sent on December 1.

Economic Stress
Pray for the Huntington University community (faculty, staff, students, and families). The tight economic situation is impacting all of us in some way. Pray for guidance as leaders address several needs that were suspended from the budget.  Pray that morale will remain high! Please pray that our demonstration of faith in God will be a positive example to all who observe us!

Faculty Searches
We have faculty searches for mathematics, psychology, music, and librarian. Pray that God will direct the right people to apply for these positions! Pray for the people who are doubling up to cover these needs.

Nursing Program Accreditation
The university should receive word in April 2011 if the accreditation has been approved. Pray for the nursing faculty and staff as they follow up with the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education for this important accreditation.

If you are interested in receiving this newsletter, you can subscribe here.

The 2006 movie “The End of the Spear” told the story of five American missionaries who were killed in 1956 by Huaorani Indians in Ecuador. One of those men was Nate Saint, whose son Steve later returned to live among the Huaorani. This video shows what Steve has been doing lately–a fascinating invention intended primarily as a missions tool. While it’s not a Global Ministries thing, we thought you might be interested in knowing about it.