Report 33 to the US National Conference, which you can download in PDF format, compiles statistics for the year 2010. Of the 177 churches in the United States, 160 submitted the required annual reports for 2010 (due back in February). The statistics for the churches that reported show:

Total Attendance: 21,242
Total Membership: 16,003
Total Converts: 1,493
Total Baptisms: 779
Total Income: $32.6 million
Total Expenses: $30.9 million

The PDF file also lists every church individually, giving the following information:

  • Church name, location, and pastor
  • 2009 and 2010 attendances, and how much it went up or down
  • 2010 membership
  • 2010 converts
  • 2010 baptisms
  • 2010 total income
  • 2010 total expenses

You’ll also find:

  • A list of the 25 largest churches in 2010 by attendance, and a comparison with their attendance in 2000.
  • A list of the churches which have grown at least 10% since 2000 (there are 49 of them).

Phil Whipple, bishop

When I came into this position as bishop in 2009, I decided I wanted to see things for myself. One of my goals for these past two years was to get into all of our churches and meet our pastors on their turf. I was able to accomplish that goal, visiting all of the United Brethren churches in the United States. It was an enjoyable journey.

Here are some of the things I have learned and observed during my travels.


I found our pastors to be enjoyable people with a strong love for the Lord and His church. They are mostly male and of the baby boom generation. They are committed to their families and have a fairly strong commitment to the UB church.

We have some strong leaders among us and many who want to learn how to lead more effectively.


It is no surprise that many of our churches are in rural locations. Most of them have been maintained very well, both inside and outside. We have many who are working at developing their facilities to reflect the changes that have emerged in the methodology of doing church today.


We are slowly and with some struggles moving into a balanced style of worship in many churches. We have some that are far ahead of others and some that are very traditional.

We have many good cooks among us. I have attended many potlucks and have found some wonderful dishes.

Our people are friendly, but we must do a better job of opening the front door through outreach and closing the back door through effective assimilation and discipleship. We must move discipleship away from just a learning experience to a lived-out relationship with Jesus that impacts all that we do.

Lay Leaders

We have some sharp leaders on some of our leadership teams at the local church level. They are made up of men and women who have a desire to see the church move forward and impact their community.

A number of churches are changing their structure to an accountability governance model.

The Cluster System

I have met with a number of our cluster groups. The cluster system is still a work in progress, but it has made some huge strides forward in the last two years.

Denny Miller has helped to keep the connection with our cluster leaders. We have many cluster leaders who are doing a great job with their cluster, and who are being the first point of contact when issues arise.

Overall Assessment

I have concluded that while we have some significant issues, we have a bright hope for the future.

I was impressed by the warm hearts from so many of you. I also saw churches and people engaged in the Great Commission. This is happening in some locations but clearly needs to be the rallying cry for UB churches everywhere, so that we reach the people Christ wants us to reach in these days.

I believe the commitment to the Great Commission is improving. We need to move further into the implementation of reaching people for Christ and growing strong disciples in our churches.

I want us to remain committed to our confession of faith and our core values. At the same time, I want us to be willing to aggressively move into the flow of God’s Spirit to see the church advance. We began as a movement of the Spirit of God, and that is where we must return.

A team of 15 persons are currently in Poland, helping to conduct an English Camp for teens in Kutno, Poland. They are working with Global Ministries endorsed staff Arek and Donna Delik. Donna sent a note on June 29 saying, “We are in the middle of English camp, and we are very thankful for the team from United Brethren church, who have given themselves 100% to the teenagers in the camp and show a lot of love to them. Some of the team members even sacrificed their spare time for ‘ice-cream’ to help Arek do the flooring in the new church building. We are really blessed by them.”

Donna reports that work is coming along well on the church building. After three months of demolition and cleaning up on the building they purchased last fall, construction began in earnest in April. “The roof construction is in its final stage of completion. Now the building looks quite different from the original one–taller, more spacious and functioning. Nonetheless, it is still far from finished. The metamorphosis has just begun.”

The team from the United States participated in the second service held in the unfinished building.

” It was another beautiful day. We enjoyed having the roof above our heads protecting us from the strong sun. We hope that we won’t be worshipping in this building only every few months. We are praying that we could have our normal service in this building permanently very soon. We are aiming to get the worship hall ready by the end of this year; however that means we have to finish all the basic construction and facilities like electricity, heating, bathroom, etc., first. We really need god to help us accomplish the impossible.”

You can download the Deliks’ June 2011 PDF newsletter, which includes many photos of the construction work and other information.

The US National Conference begins on Wednesday, July 6. As of Thursday, June 30, we have 742 people registered. We’re very pleased with that number.

Here is a further breakdown:

  • 197 ministers
  • 170 lay delegates
  • 230 other lay persons
  • 145 children
  • 372 signed up for the Friday morning workshops.
  • 114 signed up for the UB Historical Society Banquet
  • 25 youth signed up for Cedar Point Trip
  • 43 signed up for a special luncheon Thursday with IN Network, to talk about ministry in Turkey.
  • 12 signed up for a special luncheon on Friday with Renew Communities, a church plant in the Cleveland area.

We’re looking for more people to participate in the National Conference choir. If you’re attending the US National Conference next week, and would like to participate in the choir, send a note to Chris Kuntz [email removed].

The choir will practice on Friday afternoon, 1:30-3:30. The National Conference site has complete information, including the song list and music.

Many of you remember Alan and Doris MacDonald, who were endorsed Global Ministries missionaries with Wycliffe for many years. We just received word that Doris’s mother, Dorothy Au, passed away on June 29, 2011. The MacDonalds currently live in Virginia, where Alan is Pastor of Global Engagement at Fairfax Community Church.

Pastor Jaime Chun and his wife may have a tiny model of the church building they are erecting, but they have a huge vision and an immense love for the people of their community in Guatemala.

In 2000, they began this church plant using their musical gifts to draw a crowd. They sacrificed their time and comfort in order to spend time infiltrating their community. The Chuns have lived by faith along with their four children in just two rooms, one as a living space and the other as a bedroom for the entire family. Yet they are always joyful and ready to bless those they meet.

Although unemployment in their area is at 50% and most only work seasonally in the sugar cane fields, the congregation of 80 has purchased a 9×16 meter lot and constructed one level of what they hope will one day be a three-story ministry center.

They are working in stages, so the project has been broken down as $5000 for the second floor, $7500 for the third, and another $7500 to finish the entire structure, interior, etc. Much of their focus is on children’s ministry. Since many cannot attend school, they offer education as well as spiritual care. They hope to even provide housing to orphans as the Lord provides.

If a team would be interested in assisting, it would be best to plan on traveling sometime between October and April to avoid the rain. Accommodations would be very basic, but love would be provided in abundance.

  • Teddy Fairchild has been appointed senior pastor of The Rock (Findlay, Ohio) effective July 1, 2011.
  • Valerie Reynolds resigned as senior pastor of Mount Hope UB (Carson City, Mich.) effective June 10, 2011.
  • Howard Matthews resigned as senior pastor of HomeFront Church (Grandville, Mich.) effective June 27, 2011.

Allison Conners and Andy Sikora, lead pastor of Renew Communities, accept donations at one of the congregation's drop-off locations. The canned goods, cleaning and toiletry supplies will be shipped to aid victims of the April tornadoes in Alabama. (Photo by Joanne Berger, Sun News)

Renew Communities, a church plant in the Cleveland, Ohio, area, has been collecting supplies for victims of the tornados which struck Alabama in April. Their hope is to fill a 50-foot semi trailer and send it to the Holt Relief Center just outside of Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Renew started in April under the leadership of Andy Sikora, and has been averaging 90-100 people. The church was recently featured in the Cleveland Sun News. That article is printed below, with permission.

Joanne Berger, Sun News Staff Writer.

A local congregation is seeking donations to help victims recover from the devastating tornadoes that hit Alabama in April.

Members plan to fill a 50-foot semi-truck trailer with the donation and deliver them in July.

Andy Sikora, a Berea resident, is lead pastor with Renew Communities, which meets in Polaris Career Center each Sunday. The congregation has partnered with SEKO Worldwide, a freight forwarder firm in Cleveland, in organizing drop-off locations. Sikora said the church, which is about 3½ months old, is “passionate” about helping those in need.

“We believe one of the ways communities are renewed is by working together to meet these needs,” he said. “One of our small groups focuses on how to live out the mission of the Gospel. What better way to do that than by helping others in need, including this project.”

Some of the needed items include cleaning supplies, canned goods, washing detergent, undergarments/socks, lamps, blankets, linens, pillows and toilet paper/paper towels.

Rob Musial, SEKO’s inbound freight manager, said his company was looking for a project in which to get involved. Musial, a Renew member, said Sikora contacted him about the same time in finding a way to transport the donations. It was perfect timing.

“We gladly donated a truck to pick up the donations and dock space to keep them, and work with suppliers to get some donations as well as transporting the items to Alabama,” Musial said. “It is a perfect fit.”

Allison Connors, a Berea resident, spent a few hours outside the Berea Recreation Center last week accepting donations. She said Ohioans can relate to what occurred in Alabama with the heavy storms and flooding experienced recently in this area.

“We were spared the devastation they experienced,” Connors said. “I am sure they would do the same for us if we were in that situation.”

Berea’s recreation center is located at 451 Front Street. Middleburg Heights Community Center is at 16000 Bagley Road and Polaris, 7285 Old Oak Blvd., Middleburg Heights.

Bishop Emeritus Raymond Waldfogel (bishop 1969-1981) is currently in Huntington Parkview Hospital (Huntington, Ind.) with lots of fluid in his lungs. He’ll probably be there through the end of the week. Please remember Ray and Wardena Waldfogel in your prayers. Cards can be sent to: Raymond Waldfogel, 2002 North Ave., Huntington, IN 46750.