Huntington University students frequently create Hollywood-grade productions. Now they can do it with the best equipment.

A donation from a member of the Board of Trustees enabled the Digital Media Arts department to buy a state-of-the-art RED Scarlet-X camera for use by its film, animation, and broadcasting students.

“It’s a great opportunity for our students to learn the workflow of this camera, because this is what they will encounter in Hollywood and while working on independent films,” said Dr. Lance Clark (right), professor of Digital Media Arts and Communication.

The camera produces 4000 lines of resolution and can be used with the department’s existing equipment. Clark, however, plans to seek other donations to buy more equipment for the unit, as well as two other cameras for the department.

Clark hopes to have the camera ready for use by January.

“We have one of the fastest growing programs on campus, and this is going to put us on par with any film school in the nation,” Clark said.

The Digital Media Arts program supports 139 students in four majors: film production, film studies, animation, and broadcasting.

Beulah Harkness, 88, of Hastings, Mich., passed away on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. She served beside her husband, Rev. John Harkness, for many years in churches in Michigan.

Visitation date: Sunday, November 20, 2011.
Visitation time: 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm.
Visitation location: Koops Funeral (Lake Odessa) Chapel, 935 Fourth Avenue, Lake Odessa, MI 48849. Phone: (616) 374-8221

Funeral date: Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
Funeral time: 2 pm, with visitation 1-2 pm.
Funeral location: Sunfield UB church, 8436 W. Grand Ledge Highway, Sunfield, MI 48890

Billy Simbo, former bishop of Sierra Leone Conference and an ordained minister in the US National Conference, called the national office this morning (Wednesday, November 16). His wife, Mamei, has been hospitalized in Abbington, Pa. (Philadelphia area) for about three weeks. She entered the hospital with pneumonia and developed complications.

Yesterday, the family decided to take Mamei off of the respirator and other machines. She is breathing through oxygen tubes, and is comfortable. However, he’s not sure she’s aware of what’s happening. If she continues to be stable, they will move her to the hospice unit at the hospital.

Please keep the Simbo family in your prayers.

Nursing is a fast-paced field. Nurses are expected to explain and to understand procedures and drug side effects in an instant. This year, PDAs are helping Huntington University nursing students stay ahead of the curve.

Beginning this fall, the nursing department required that all incoming juniors purchase a PDA, such as an iPod Touch or a Blackberry, for use in the classroom as well as clinicals later this year.

“It’s exciting as a nurse because having a good reference at your fingertips is wonderful,” said Diana Shenefield (right), instructor of nursing. “Mostly, it’s to get them the most up-to-date information because it is ever changing.”

This year’s junior class–18 students–are the first to use the PDAs. So far, they are adjusting quite well.

“It’s been really hard, but at the same time, it has been useful. I use mine every day,” said Erin Lessing, a junior nursing student and Fort Wayne, Ind., native. “It’s really quick. You don’t have to look it up in a book. It’s right there.”

The students right now are using many of the hundreds of nursing “apps” available through iTunes and other services, but they soon hope to transition to iPads where eReaders would be available to them.

“We’re getting the students used to it in school, because in the field these are the tools that they are using,” Shenefield said.

Charles and Doris Malson

Charles and Doris Malson

An Ice Cream Social is being held to recognize the 70th wedding anniversary of Charles and Doris Malson. Charles, a retired United Brethren minister, served many years in Michigan as a pastor and fulltime superintendent.

The details:

Date: Saturday, November 19, 2011
Time: 3-6 pm
Location: East Washington UB church, M57 & Crapo Rd, Ashley, MI 48806

Congratulations can also be sent to Charles and Doris at their home address and by email:

Charles and Doris Malson
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

The Malsons pastored Brown Corners UB church (Clare, Mich.) 1952-1957, and then planted the Richfield Road UB church in Flint, Mich., which they served until 1981. In 1981, Rev. Malson was elected fulltime superintendent of Michigan Conference. He continued in that role until 1991, when he and Doris retired.

They are active in their local church, community, and as volunteers at the Carson City Hospital. They have 6 children, 19 grandchildren, and 24 great-grandchildren.

I received this update, dated November 11, from Lori Wenzel of IN Network. We are in the early stages of starting ministry in Turkey in partnership with IN Network. Earlier we invited individuals and churches to contribute toward earthquake relief, which we are coordinating with IN Network.–Jeff Bleijerveld

Early this morning I talked by phone with Behnan who had just returned from the area where the earthquake struck in October in Eastern Turkey.

A 5.7 earthquake took another 80 lives that are documented and others are being searched for in the new rubble. More houses were destroyed and a multi-level hotel collapsed.

The people are experiencing a great deal of fear and are quite exposed to the winter snow and temperature. Behnan told me that the Evangelical Church in Van has been serving over 300 meals a day, and teams from the church are going out into the tent cities offering blankets and warm clothes to the people who are camping there and have lost everything.

We are receiving funds from many of you and your churches, and those gifts are being coordinated by IN Turkey to be sure they get where they are needed most. These gifts are important as the Church reaches out to their neighbors who are Christians, as well as to Muslim brothers and sisters.

In his latest email, Behnan reported, “Tonight in Van another earthquake took place (5.7). There are newly collapsed buildings. We were able to reach the believers and found that they are okay, but this sparked a lot of fear again. Right now everyone in Van is in the streets, and it is freezing cold. People are really in a desperate state. Please pray for Van and may God show His warmth to the believers and people of Van.”

On Thursday, October 27, 2011, Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) filled the local theatre to view the movie “Courageous.” Pastor Les Smith (right) had previously approached the theatre manager and purchased all 180 seats. On Sunday, October 23, he showed a couple of clips from the film during both worship services.

Afterwards, members of the congregation snatched up the discounted tickets. Many bought extra tickets to invite persons who don’t attend Hillsdale UB, so there were many guests at the film showing, too.

Thursday at 7 pm was chosen for the film event, because the church was kicking off a new men’s ministry with Assimilation Pastor Travis Ambrose at the exact same time one week later. Postcard invitations were passed out to all men at the theatre before the show.

Pathway UB church in Jackson, Mich., made the national news on Monday, November 7.

A pastor from another church, while driving by just before noon, spotted a six-foot alligator roaming the church property. He turned the car around, telling his two young daughters in the back seat, “I think I just saw an alligator.” The girls, ages 7 and 9, didn’t believe him. But he stopped the car, got out, and threw small stones at the alligator to make sure it was real.

He called 911. The dispatcher sounded skeptical about someone seeing an alligator, but the police were dispatched. They slipped a noose around the alligator’s head, and then duct-taped its jaws shut.

The alligator will be sent to a sanctuary. It probably wouldn’t have survived long in a Michigan winter. Considering its size and good health, zoo officials suggest that the reptile was just recently released into the wild.

You can watch a video of the alligator being caught on the WLNS-TV Facebook page. You can see Pathway Community Church in the background.

The report was picked up by a number of news outlets, including the Associated Press, MSNBC, and the Huffington Post.

Brooks Fetters, an ordained United Brethren minister, is the new mayor of Huntington, Ind. After a tough Republican primary race last May against six other persons, including the incumbent mayor, Brooks easily won the general election on Tuesday, November 8. He received 1816 votes, while the Democratic candidate received just 760 and an independent candidate added 132.

Fetters, 52, a city councilman, has been general manager and funeral director at Myers Funeral Homes in Huntington and Markle, Ind., since 1998. He holds two degrees from Huntington University: a degree in business administration (1981), and a Master’s in Christian Ministry (1987). He also holds a diploma in Funeral Service and Mortuary Science (1982). Brooks served as a UB pastor and church planter in Fort Wayne 1987-1998.

You can send congratulations via the Brooks Fetters for Mayor Facebook page or his personal Facebook page.

Brian Magnus and Jeff Bleijerveld (left) with Philippine superintendent Prudencio Lim (right) and two other persons from the Philippines.

From the Philippine national convention at the end of October 2011.

Brian Magnus (left) with David and Melissa Kline and children.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

I recently completed a trip to Asia with Brian Magnus, bishop of the UB Church in Canada. Brian and I gathered with 47 key leaders and pastors in the Philippines, and later visited with Global Ministries staff in Macau and Hong Kong.

In the Philippines, we held a leadership conference, worked through a first draft of their national conference Discipline, introduced the historical foundations of the United Brethren Church, and gave an overview of United Brethren presence around the world today. A committee will continue working on their Discipline, which will result in national elections. Pray for them as they take the next steps needed to sustain their evangelistic and church planting efforts since 1983.

The United Brethren Church in Canada provides 50% of the support for David and Melissa Kline, UB staff in Macau, so it only seemed right to have the Canadian bishop visit with them and the rest of the Macau team while in the region. We saw a number of sites and had opportunities to visit with and encourage staff members. We also met with Ajiax Wo, superintendent of Hong Kong Conference, and saw some sites in Hong Kong before heading home.