Rikkz Premnath was appointed senior pastor of First UB church (Findlay, Ohio), effective March 1, 2021. He is a 2011 graduate of Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay.

Ricky Hull was appointed senior pastor of Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.), effective July 1, 2021. He previously served as senior pastor of Mt. Hermon UB church (Pomeroy, Ohio) 2012-2015, and as senior pastor of Crossroads UB (Charlotte, Mich.) since 2015. He was ordained in 2015. Hull is a 2014 graduate of Winebrenner Theological Seminary (Findlay, Ohio).

Mark Tinsley was appointed senior pastor of Jerusalem Chapel (Churchville, Va.), effective July 26, 2021. He follows Dennis Sites, who retired after serving 37 years as pastor of Jerusalem Chapel. Tinsley is a graduate of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a chaplain in the US Army Reserves, and most recently pastored a church in Madison Heights, Va. He and his wife, Beth, have five children ranging in age from 6-16.

Christopher Moore was appointed senior pastor of Salem UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) effective October 1, 2021. He had previously served in ministry at Emmanuel UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), Good Shepherd UB (Huntington, Ind.), and Mt. Zion (Decatur, Ind.). He and his wife, Brenda, have most recently been endorsed UB missionaries, serving with Here’s Hope Ministries, an organization with ministry in Belize.

Greg Helman (second from right) with the umpiring crew.

Rev. Greg Helman, pastor of Blue Rock UB church (Waynesboro, Pa.), helped umpire the Pennsylvania State Champion softball game at Penn State University in June. He and his crew from Franklin County, Pa., were chose to umpire the AAA final at Beard Field. He was the second base umpire.

He writes: “One close play at second involved a runner returning to the base after the left fielder ran down a fly ball. She threw it to the shortstop, who hesitated and then threw it to second. My call was safe as the runner’s fingers touched the base as she slid head first before the ball was caught. This call was appealed and we gathered together to determine the situation. Ultimately, the call was safe. The fans for the defense weren’t happy. However, I later watched the play on my tv and the announcer stated, ‘Blue got it right!'”

Greg’s wife, Marty, and daughter Greta surprised him by attending the game, which was televised on the Pennsylvania Cable Network.

Access the livestream of the main services of the 2021 US National Conference at: nc.ub.org

Two services remain: 6:30pm on Friday night, July 16. The speaker is Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University.

At 9am Saturday morning, July 17, Bishop Todd Fetters–newly re-elected to another four-year term–will speak to conclude the conference.

Friday afternoon and evening, beginning at 2:00 pm, will be held at Huntington University. Many activities are planned–all of which have been moved indoors, with rain in the forecast. Anyone can attend, whether or not they are registered for the conference. So if you’re in the neighborhood, come to the HU campus and enjoy the fun–tours, music, food, activities for kids, and much more.

The Saturday morning service is also open to anyone. We’d love to have people from the surrounding area attend. The service will begin at 9am at the Grand Wayne Center in downtown Fort Wayne.

On Friday, July 16, delegates to the US National Conference will gather at Huntington University for an afternoon and evening of tours, food, music, presentations, and other activities. It’s gonna be a great deal of fun. There will be an evening service at 6:30 in the Merillat Centre for the Arts, with President Sherilyn Emberton speaking.

This event is open to anyone. You don’t need to be registered for the US National Conference.

With rain in the forecast, all activities have been moved indoors…just in case. Below is the revised schedule.

You can also download the schedule in PDF, and view the HU campus map.

The 2021 US National Conference begins Wednesday, July 14, in Fort Wayne, Ind. The main services will all be livestreamed, so people can watch them online. Go to: http://nc.ub.org

This applies to four services:

  • 6:30 Wednesday, July 14. Speaker: Mike Dittman, UB Director of National Ministries. Topic: “The Disciple-Maker as an Apprentice of Jesus.”
  • 6:30 Thursday, July 15. Speaker: Frank Yang, executive director of UB Global. Topics: “The Disciple-Maker as a Foreigner in a Strange Land.”
  • 6:30 Friday, July 16. Speaker: Sherilyn Emberton, President of Huntington University.
  • 9:00 Saturday morning, July 17. Speaker: the bishop-elect (delegates will elect a bishop on Thursday morning, July 15).

Huntington University has an opening for a Campus Pastor. This is a fulltime position with benefits. The campus pastor is responsible for fostering the spiritual formation of students. Under the direction and leadership of the VP for Spiritual Formation, the campus pastor will oversee day-to-day ministry programs and outreach experiences including worship, student discipleship, chapel programming, and small groups.


  • Growing Christian with a track record of discipleship and accountability relationships.
  • A ministry/theological graduate degree or its equivalent.
  • Licensed or ordained UB minister. If not licensed/ordained through the UB denomination, willing to transfer license/ordination to the UBIC.
  • A minimum of three to five years of successful full-time pastoral leadership in a university ministry or church setting.
  • A deeply held sense of calling to ministry with college-age students in an intellectual community.
  • Gifted in spiritual counseling, preaching, creative worship, discipleship and small group ministries.
  • Understanding of and commitment to the goals and character of Huntington University.
  • Evangelical in theological orientation, in general accord with the Church of the United Brethren in Christ’s Confession of Faith and willing to become a member of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.

To apply, send cover letter, resume, and STAFF application to Human Resource Office, Huntington University, 2303 College Avenue, Huntington, IN 46750 or by email to [email protected].

Staff application and job description may be found here. :

Huntington University is an equal opportunity employer.

As part of the 2021 US National Conference, a Golf Outing will be held on the opening day, July 14. However, you can participate whether or not you are registered for the conference.

Time: 12:30 am
Location: Chestnut Hills Golf Course, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Cost: $50 for 18 holes, with cart

As of June 24, ten teams (20 players) have signed up. There’s room for more. The registration deadline is July 1.

Go here for more information and to register.

Rev. Steve and Amanda Henry and children.

Rev. Steve Henry passed away the evening of May 31. He has been pastor of Victory Heights UB church (Franklin, Pa.), since 2006, and was ordained as a United Brethren minister in 2014. Steve leaves behind a wife, Amanda, to whom he has been married since 2001, and five children.

Amanda posted the following on June 1: “I got a call last night with news I never wanted to hear. Steve had a massive brain hemorrhage. It caused fluid to back up in his brain and did irreparable damage. The surgeon said he was brain dead and that surgery wouldn’t be able to correct it. Steve passed away last night. He now is the presence of his Savior and rejoicing without pain or struggle.”

A funeral service will be held sometime Friday afternoon, June 4, at Atlantic Avenue UB church in Franklin, Pa. Bishop Todd Fetters will officiate. The exact time and other details are still being worked out.

According to Facebook posts from Steve and Amanda, Steve tested positive for Covid on May 8, was hospitalized the next day, was moved to ICU and placed on a ventilator on May 13, and was transferred to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh on May 15, where he remained until his death.

As part of the NAE Financial Health initiative, Brian Kluth, national spokesperson, will travel to over 100 cities across America on the Bless Your Pastor Tour to encourage greater financial health and generosity of churches and pastors.

Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind., will host one of these events.

Date: Friday, June 4
Time: 2-4 pm (doors open at 1:30)
Location: Emmanuel Community Church 12222 W US-24, Fort Wayne, IN 46814

The cost is free. You can register here.

We’re looking forward to an exciting National Conference July 14-17 in Fort Wayne, Ind. Registrations arrive every day. As of Friday, May 7, the in-person registrations included 121 families and 42 individuals. In addition, 3 families and 9 individuals had registered to attend online.

To register, go here.

To help prepare people for the conference, Bishop Todd Fetters will lead three Zoom meetings–on May 24, 25, and 27. He will discuss the business meeting and other aspects of the conference, and a representative of the Nominating Committee will present their report.

Here are the times:

  • Monday, May 24 @ 11:00 am
  • Tuesday, May 25 @ 11:00 am
  • Thursday, May 27 @ 7:00 pm

You must register. Prior to the online session, you will receive an email with the link for connecting to the Zoom meeting.

You can register for a Zoom meeting here.