29 Jan Sierra Leone: Major Changes in How They Operate

Billy Simbo, Bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, beside the Sierra Leonean flag.
Billy Simbo, Bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, gave his report to the General Conference delegates on Tuesday, January 12. He returned to Sierra Leone two-and-a-half years ago to lead the conference in a transition to stability and renewal.
“As you know,” he told the delegates, “Sierra Leone went through 11 years of Civil War. It ended 9 years ago, but you can still see the affects in the country. I am happy to report that the Church of the United Brethren in Christ is alive and well in Sierra Leone.”
Sierra Leone Conference meets every two years. During their latest meeting, in December 2008, the 102 delegates made several big changes:
- The highest leader, formerly called the general superintendent, now carries the title “bishop.” The bishop is chosen for a five-year term, and can serve three terms (15 years).
- A Counsel of Elders, consisting of all ordained ministers (currently 28) selects the bishop. The conference must then ratify the selection.
- Superintendents are appointed by the bishop, rather than elected by the conference.
- Superintendents are appointed to functions, rather than geographic regions.
- The churches were divided into four regions—the same as the country’s four political regions (north, south, east, and west). Each region has its own leader.
- The regions are further divided into circuits. Each circuits has its own leader.
If a vacancy arises, all of the ordained ministers get together, and anyone among them interested in the job presents his resume and vision for the church. When they have whittled down the candidates, this Counsel of Ordained Elders presents the candidate at the next session of the conference, which can then ratify the selection.