14 Aug Why Do They Hate Us?
In light of the war in Lebanon and the threats created by the plot uncovered in the UK, I was asked the other day why the Islamic extremists hate Jews and Christians so much. I clarified immediately that the key word in the statement was “extremists” and that not all those who follow Islam are so disposed. My simple answer was that they are similar to the extremists in the Christian ranks who feel so passionate about abortion that they deem themselves justified in bombing abortion clinics and killing abortion doctors. Their hatred of those who are the opposition is fueled by their passion for their cause.
Something struck me as I was answering. These “extremists” fight to the death, are prepared to sacrifice even their children to attack the enemy, and generally devote every aspect of their lives to the cause. Their young people are incited to action by the repetitious mantra of what is right and wrong in their leaders’ views. Over and over again they are exposed to the message and they grow up reciting it. Their circumstances and environment support the claims of the leaders. And when their “wins” occur, they celebrate them raucously. The recent cease fire with Israel is seen as a “win” for Hezbollah, and they have already spread the celebration among their people.
I compared this to the level of passion we demonstrate about our mission through the church. We would denounce the extremists, but there is an admiration for their dedication to their cause. It sounds very much like the words, “Whoever would not take up his cross daily, and follow me, is not worthy of me.”
What would happen if we were so devoted to our cause that all of life was dedicated to it?
Think about it.