
To receive a national conference ministerial license, you must complete the UB church history course. That class has been meeting since Monday at Huntington University, and will conclude today. One attendee is Jeff Bleijerveld, our new Director of Global Ministries, who is preparing to transfer his ordination from the Missionary Church USA.

Here are the class members from the photo, left to right (click the image for a larger photo):

  • Marvin Schwartz, senior pastor of New Horizons UB church (Rockford, Ohio) since May 25.
  • Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries.
  • Warrick Fuller, from Devonshire Church (Harrisburg, Pa.). He holds a local church license. (He’s got a blog.)
  • Doug Moyer, youth pastor of Lancaster UB (Lancaster, Ohio).
  • Dustin Staples, youth pastor of Atlantic Avenue UB (Franklin, Pa.).
  • Steve Henry, senior pastor of Victory Heights UB (Franklin, Pa.).
  • Dr. Howard Cherry, the teacher.
  • John Schadle, associate youth pastor at Fowlerville UB (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Brad Kittle, currently pastor of Findlay Evangelical Congregational Church (Findlay, Ohio).
  • Thurm Payton, senior pastor of Lighthouse UB (Williamston, Mich.).

Dr. Howard Cherry, who served in the HU Graduate School of Christian Ministries until 1992, has been teaching the course for nearly 20 years.

The denominational Bible quiz finals will be held June 13-15 (Friday through Sunday) at Huntington University. The Saturday night awards banquet starts at 5:30. Churches from three areas will compete:

  • Michigan: Eden UB (Mason, Mich.).
  • Pennsylvania: Salem UB (Chambersburg, Pa.) and Ebenezer UB (Greencastle, Pa.).
  • Central: The Chapel and Bethel (both non-UB churches).

Indiana is getting its chance to host a “Hang with the Bishop” event. This is for pastors and laypersons from churches within driving distance of Huntington, Ind.

  • Date: Thursday, June 26
  • Time: 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
  • Location: College Park UB church, Huntington, Ind.

This is an agenda-less, informal meeting. Come with your questions, and Bishop Ron Ramsey and Pat Jones will do their best to answer them. Bring your staff or any interested persons from your congregation.

And by the way: lunch will be provided.

We need to know how many people are coming. So please RSVP to Cathy Reich, my administrative assistant, by June 19.

We previously held Hang with the Bishop meetings in southern Ohio, Chambersburg, Pa., and  Ashley, Mich.


The Train the Trainer seminar is continuing today at Huntington University. In addition to the 20 UB ministers who are attending, there are various people from the local community–from government, the schools, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other groups. Huntington University, the Huntington Foundation, and the UB denomination are jointly sponsoring the event.

Tim Elmore, the leader, is sharing principles about communication, vision, leadership, and other topics that can apply to various types of organizations.

We need to step up leadership development, because there is a dearth of recognizable leadership across our denomination. With that in mind, three events are occurring during a three-week period. Two have already happened. The third started today.

1. Hit the Bullseye Conference (Lima, Ohio). We brought all of our cluster leaders to this two-day conference April 29-30. We registered 35 people through our office, and several other UBs came on their own.

2. Drive Conference (Atlanta, Ga.). For the second year, we took a group of pastors of our largest churches to the Drive Conference, hosted by Andy Stanley’s church in Georgia.

3. Train the Trainer (Huntington, Ind.). Tim Elmore, who has been associated with John Maxwell for a long time, has his own leadership development organization. He recrafted material which he uses in the business world. We invited 20 people to take part in this event:

  • Howard Beaver (Mount Olivet UB, Chambersburg, Pa.)
  • John Beukema (King Street Church, Chambersburg, Pa.)
  • Darrel Bosworth (Kilpatrick UB, Woodland, Mich.)
  • Kelly Burnside (Gaines UB, Caledonia, Mich.)
  • Mike Caley (Banner of Christ, Byron Center, Mich.)
  • Owen Gordon (Jamaica Bible College, Jamaica)
  • John Cole (Northland UB, Traverse City, Mich.)
  • Gary Dilley (College Park Church, Huntington, Ind.)
  • Milton Herrold (Orrstown UB, Orrstown, Pa.)
  • Gordon Kettel (church planter, Grand Ledge, Mich.)
  • Kent Koteskey (Emmanuel UB, Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  • Chris Little (Mount Pleasant, Chambersburg, Pa.)
  • Michael Longfellow (New Life, Chanute, Kansas)
  • Marty Pennington (Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio)
  • Greg Reed (Morning Star, Kokomo, Ind.)
  • Pat Daugherty (Atlantic Avenue UB, Franklin, Pa.).
  • Winston Smith (superintendent, Jamaica Conference)
  • Phil Whipple (Colwood UB, Caro, Mich.)
  • Ray Seilhamer (New Hope Church, Huntington, Ind.)
  • Larry Vander Laan (Gaines UB, Caledonia, Mich.)

oneprayer.jpgA couple days ago, an email to the UB constituency mentioned the OnePrayer.com emphasis being directed out of LifeChurch in Oklahoma City. This is a very unique thing that has been promoted almost entirely through the internet. And it’s free.

One Prayer will occur for four weeks in June, focusing on the question, “If you could pray one prayer for the church, what would it be?” A number of the most prominent pastors in America are providing video sermons to answer that question, using the title “Make us ___.” Make us one, make us creative, make us dangerous, make us obedient, make us wise, make us audacious–those are some of the sermons available.

As of today, 720 churches are signed up, and the list grows by the hour. At least four UB churches plan to participate:

  • New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).
  • Eagle Quest (Columbia City, Ind.).
  • Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • Grace UB (Sherkston, Ontario).

We’re not pushing this as a denomination–just letting you know about it.
To participate, you need the ability to download and show a video in Quicktime or AVI format. You can read all about it at the OnePrayer.com site. The video by Craig Groeschel explains everything.

During April, Pat Jones and I held “Hang with the Bishop” meetings in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. These were agenda-less meetings.

People showed up, we asked them what they wanted to talk about, and that was our agenda. About 70 people came for the last meeting, held at the East Washington UB church in Ashley, Michigan. We plan to hold a couple more, and will let you know when and where.

One question people wanted to know at each place was, “How are we doing as a denomination?”

It depends on who you talk to and on what day. We’re making progress slowly. We have churches that haven’t reported any conversions for a long time. There are barren altars and barren hearts, and yet the people are satisfied. We have so many places where people are being disobedient to the Great Commission. In some places, the Great Commission is not even on their radar.

But in other places, exciting things are happening. There are people in churches catching the vision. That’s exciting to me. We’re seeing some good fruit coming from the consultations we have held, and you’ll be hearing much more about those. So I’m optimistic about what God wants to do. 

Ron Ramsey at Hit the Bullseye

Ron Ramsey speaking to cluster leaders on Tuesday night, April 29.

Most of the cluster leaders, plus several Healthy Ministry Resources staff, are attending the Hit the Bullseye Conference in Lima, Ohio. It started yesterday and ends today. We registered 35 people through our office, mostly cluster leaders, and some other UBs came on their own. So the UB church has a good representation here.

Altogether, there are probably 350-400 people attending the conference.

This conference is led by Dr. Paul Borden, from whom we have learned the consultation process. Pat Jones has conducted six consultations thus far, with several other UB ministers–sometimes cluster leaders–helping him as part of each consultation team.

On Tuesday night, after the evening workshops, Pat, Steve Dennie, and I met with the cluster leaders for about 90 minutes. Pat and I went over several issues relating to the work of cluster leaders, particularly the process for stationing ministers, and Steve gave a brief presentation about the Healthy Ministry Resources branding.

Annette Sites, pastor’s wife at Jerusalem Chapel UB (Churchville, Va.) and a member of the denominational Women’s Ministry Team, is the keynote speaker at the annual Ladies Breakaway Retreat. The retreat will be held March 14-15 at Rhodes Grove Camp in Chambersburg, Pa. This inter-denominational retreat has been happening for over ten years. This year’s theme is “A Balancing Act,” based on the verses in Galatians about carrying each other’s burdens.

Registration begins on Friday, March 14, at 4:30 p.m. The retreat concludes at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The cost is $90 per person for a full room (4 persons). If interested, contact Jeanie Helman for a brochure by email or by phone at 717.263.0659. The registration deadline is March 7.