06 May National Conference Workshops Tackling Big Issues
A full slate of exciting workshops is schedule for Friday morning of National Conference. They include several workshops which tackle important current issues, getting beyond political rhetoric to at least begin a conversation for United Brethren on these issues.
Who is My Neighbor? A Christian Discussion on Immigration. Matthew Soerens of World Relief specializes in helping churches understand the complexities of immigration from a biblical perspective. Matthew will take a step back from the political rhetoric to examine immigration issues from the perspective of Scripture,. He will address common concerns about immigration issues and provide practical ideas for how churches can respond to the opportunities presented by the arrival of immigrants into our country.
The Church, Same-Sex Attraction, and Homosexuality. How does the church uphold biblical values without alienating those we are trying to reach? How do we respond as individuals and churches? Persons struggling with SSA and homosexuality are people with souls, loved by God and searching for their place in God’s family. This workshop looks at what the Bible says about SSA and homosexuality, attempts to understand their struggles, and considers how the local church can respond with grace, compassion, and truth. The workshop will be led by Robert Bruce, associate pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
Transitioning to Multiethnic Ministry. It’s rightly been said that despite the progress that has been made toward racial integration, Sunday morning at 11:00 is still the most segregated hour of the week. Dr. Wayne Schmidt, our keynote speaker, intentionally moved his church from being a predominantly white congregation to one with a 30%+ minority/ethnic constituency. This workshop will share the principles and practices that helped get them there, and what they encountered along the way.