Jim Bolich, senior pastor, Prince Street UB church (Shippensburg, Pa.)

Prince Street Church and Living Stone Church in Macau practiced unity amidst diversity by participating in Holy Communion together on October 2, bridging the distance with live streaming for World Communion Sunday.

In November 2015, I participated in a Global Ministries trip to Macau, where a friendship with Jennifer Blandin and Living Stone Church quickly formed. Since then, friendship has grown into collaboration, paving the way for the congregations to come together around the Lord’s Table. Portions of the service were held in Cantonese, Portuguese, and English.

The eye of Hurricane Matthew is expected to be over Holly Hill, Fla., on Friday. We have a church there, First United Brethren Church, located not far from the Atlantic Ocean. On Thursday morning, Pastor Matt McKeown (right) was asked about what they are doing as the hurricane approaches. Matt’s father, Chuck, and brother, Josh, are also on staff at the church. Here is Matt’s response.

We are not leaving. We don’t feel we have the right or privilege to do so. We as pastors and as a ministry family need to be here to help when the storm goes through. We are keenly aware that we could lose everything and we are reminded of Job: “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

I’ve not been a part of a storm this powerful hitting us this directly. The closest thing to it in my experience was in 2004 when three named storms hit us back to back beginning with Hurricane Charlie. People were without power for a couple weeks.

The damage will be big, to people’s property and spirits. Tensions and tempers will run high. Supplies are already low, and October is still too early in Florida to be without air conditioning. Who knows but the Mighty One of Israel how bad it will be. We will be there for the hurting and the hungry, and we will rebuild what is damaged. We will adjust. We will survive. God’s people always do.

Some of us have been gathering to study and pray the prayers in the siddur (the Jewish prayer book) in the mornings as men, and it was pointed out that we pray “You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall” every day. This great power coming toward us is nothing compared to the power of our God. Neither is it anything that cannot be stilled by the words of our Savior.

God created these powerful systems. He is great and mighty to save. The same power that can cause the winds to blow is the same power that will strengthen us as we pick up the pieces. It is times like this when we have the opportunity to make our actions match our faith. May we and all believers be Christ to the ones in need of help in our areas as this storm does whatever it will do. Pray that we will be a light in the coming darkness.

We also have a church in Port Orange, not far to the south and also on the coast. The pastor of Faith UB church is Gary Vanderveen.

Please keep pastors Chuck, Matt, Josh, and Gary in your prayers–not only as the hurricane hits Thursday night and Friday, but for many days afterwards as they pick up the pieces and minister to people in need.

frank-strine-200obitRev. Frank Strine (right) passed away at 10:30 pm on Thursday, September 29, 2016, in the hospice wing of Huntington Parkview Hospital in Huntington, Ind. He was 91 years old. Rev. Strine attended Huntington University, was ordained in 1968, and pastored several different United Brethren churches–including congregations in Coldwater, Camden, and Montgomery, Michigan–before retiring in 1986.

Funeral time: 2 pm Saturday, October 8, 2016. Visitation one hour prior to the service.
Funeral location: Union Church, 3688 E 400 N., Huntington, IN 46750.

Frank Strine was born in Goshen, Ind., in 1925 and served in New Guinea and Australia during World War 2. He and Phyllis, married in 1951, had four children, all of whom graduated from Huntington University. Bruce and Devon became ordained United Brethren ministers and served UB churches in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana (Bruce began pastoring in another denomination in the 1990s). Daughter Donalynn Strine was heavily involved in leading UB Bible quizzing. Another daughter, Maddie Grubbs, lives in Florida.

Memorial donations can be made out to the Strine family in care of Myers Funeral Home, 2901 Guilford St., Huntington, IN 46750.

Condolences can be sent to the following addresses:

Phyllis Strine
745 Church St
Huntington, IN 46750

Devon R. Strine
100 S Church St, PO Box 38
Kunkle, OH 43531

Donalynn Strine
745 Church St
Huntington, IN 46750

Huntington University’s fall enrollment is the largest ever, at 1300 students. That’s an increase of 27 students from 2015. The numbers include:

  • 916 residential undergraduate students.
  • 85 students enrolled in professional programs.
  • 299 graduate students.
  • 48 international students.
  • 25 students in the new Haupert Institute for Agricultural Studies.
  • 34 new students in the Doctorate of Occupational Therapy program, for an overall total of 98 students.

The UB History course will be taught October 10-11, 2016, at the UB national office in Huntington, Ind. This course is a requirement for ministerial licensing. However, people who just want to learn more about United Brethren history are free to take the course.

Go here for complete information and to register.

Date: October 10-11, 2016.
Time: 9 am – 4 pm each day.
Location: United Brethren National Office.
Address: 302 Lake Street, Huntington, IN 46750.

The instructor is Bob Bruce (right), associate pastor of Emmanuel UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).


  • $200, if you are seeking a ministerial license. There is a $25 discount if you pay fully in advance of the class, making your cost just $175.
  • $100 for everyone else.

Lodging can be secured at the Comfort Inn Huntington for $95 per night plus taxes. You can request a reservation through the online registration form.

This course is held periodically in regional settings. During the past four years, 125 people have attended the course in about 20 different locations.

Bishop Todd Fetters (right) conducts the ordination of Eldon Grubb.

Bishop Todd Fetters (right) conducts the ordination of Eldon Grubb. Assisting are elders Duane Walters and Lee Rhodes.

Eldon Grubb was ordained at a United Brethren minister on Sunday evening, August 18, at Pleasant Valley UB church in Lake Odessa, Mich. Bishop Todd Fetters conducted the ordination service. Eldon Grubb, a graduate of Grace College (1977) and Grace Theological Seminary (1983), and his wife, Denise, have served Pleasant Valley since 2011.

The 2016 Hillsdale outdoor service at the Michindoh Camp and Conference Center.

The 2016 Hillsdale outdoor service at the Michindoh Camp and Conference Center.

Pastor Les Smith (left) and his son Eric, an ordained Wesleyan pastor, baptize Les's grandson Titus Eisenmann.

Pastor Les Smith (left) and his son-in-law Eric, an ordained Wesleyan pastor, baptize Les’s grandson Titus Eisenmann.

The Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) is 112 years old. They held their 18th annual outdoor service at Michindoh Conference Center on Sunday, August 28. There were over 600 in attendance and 90 more at the earlier indoor service at the church. The 715 total attendance is a new record for a non-Easter Sunday.

Both services included a visit from the “Apostle John” portrayed by Pastor Les Smith. The platform became the Island of Patmos as the first five chapters of the book of Revelation were dramatized.

The outdoor service continued with the crowd walking down the path to Lake Weatherwood for a baptismal service. On July 14, 1935, there were 19 people baptized in a single day at the church. It was a record that stood for over 80 years, but was eclipsed by the 20 who were baptized at Michindoh on August 28.

Afterwards, 625 were served a picnic meal at the Pavilion. The majority also took advantage of the water recreation later that afternoon.

Andy Bashore, with wife Stacey, receiving a local conference license from Lancaster UB church. Senior pastor Greg Voight is on the far right.

Andy Bashore, with wife Stacey, receiving a local conference license from Lancaster UB church. Senior pastor Greg Voight is on the far right.

The Lancaster United Brethren Church (Lancaster, Ohio), recently awarded a local conference license to Mr. Andy Bashore. Andy is presently an elder and trustee, and he and his wife, Stacey, have just taken on the new role as youth directors. Andy will serve the congregation as an associate pastor under Senior Pastor Greg Voight.


There is still time to register for the UB Women’s Conference, September 30 – October 1. The room cost did not increase, as previously announced. Room rates for two nights are based on the number of persons sharing the room. The costs are:

Quad occupancy: $120 per person.
Triple Occupancy: $145 per person.
Double Occupancy: $195 per person.
Single Occupancy: $335 per person.

The event fee is still $75.

Join Other Women on the Bus!

If you need a ride to Gettysburg, the Emmanuel bus still has a few seats. All you have to do is park your car at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. The cost of the two-way, 500-mile trip is just $25.