07 Jul Kevin Whitacre Appointed to Anchor

Kevin Whitacre and family.

The Anchor Resource Team prays over the Whitacre family.
On Sunday, July 3, 2016, Anchor UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) officially announced the appointment of Kevin Whitacre as the new senior pastor. Kevin had served the past two years as associate pastor, and had led the church since April, when founding pastor Tim Hallman took a position with the Fort Wayne YMCA.
Anchor made it a celebrative time. At the beginning of the service, the Whitacre family was brought to the front of the church. As board chair Tomi Cardin read the official appointment from Bishop Todd Fetters, a number of things happened. People stood to clap and cheer. People distributed leis. Balloons streamed from the balcony, to be batted around by the congregation. Flowers were presented to Christia Whitacre, and gifts were presented to both children.
After things calmed down, the Anchor board (called the Anchor Resource Team) came forward to lay hands on the new pastoral family as Tomi Cardin prayed over them. Then the congregation went on with the service (Kevin preached wearing his lei). After the service, cakes awaited in the lobby.
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