April 4, 2013
The Easter drama at Eagle Quest.
Christine Scroggs (right, with husband Tim), Eagle Quest UB church (Columbia City, Ind.)
God showed up in a mighty way this year at Eagle Quest! We almost doubled our usual attendance of 45, with many visitors.
For the first time in years, our church put on a Easter drama. This was a huge undertaking for our small congregation, requiring many hours of practice, sets, and sound effects. The play was awesomely done, mixing many different ages of people. One of our members, Don Hart, directed youth and adults together to portray the blessing Christ gave us through his sacrifice and resurrection! It was a great message that blessed many, and it was conveyed by great people.
We also had our worship leader, Janessa Janke, do special music. Her beautiful voice graced the service with Nicole C. Mullins’ “My Redeemer Lives.” The service was then capped off with a terrific message titled “Living a Resurrected Life,” delivered by Pastor Tim Scroggs, and ended with communion given individually in the “tomb.”
What a beautiful day. Praise God that we were able to share His message with so many people!