Hillsdale UB Opens Skatepark

The Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) opened a skatepark in January 2013. It is held 6-8 pm on Sunday nights in the church’s activity center.

The skatepark began as a group of three friends, and has grown to see as many as 17 people attend. Josh Quiggle, a volunteer who has served on the youth leadership team for about four years, heads up the ministry.

Kurt Charleville (right), director of Worship & Student Ministries, explains some of the background.

“A couple years ago we looked into starting an outdoor skatepark, as there is a need for one in our community. The overall cost of the park was too great, so we put the project on hold. Recently, we were given permission to skate on the floors inside our activity center, and the resulting skate times have experienced rapid growth and lots of interest. Even with only a few ramps and obstacles, it has still drawn people.

“Its amazing how once we opened the doors to this ministry, people jumped in wanting to help get it going. We have ramps and half pipes being offered to us, and we have volunteers making up the waivers for us.

“Best of all, we have already seen a couple of younger students come to the Wednesday night middle school program, where they are being exposed to the Gospel. It is an incredible opportunity to get to know people from the community, and it gives us a chance to invite them to church.”

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