Sept 4 Update on Dan Paternoster

Dan Paternoster, who was struck by a car while riding his bike a week ago, has shown some signs of progress, but not much. Here are reports from the past two days:

  • Sept. 4. Dan’s brain swelling has started to decrease. It is a very slow process but encouraging to finally start to see readings closer to what the doctors would like. Early this morning Dan popped his eyes open wide for a few seconds when the nurse called his name. Dan hasn’t repeated this but is still heavily medicated. When reviewing the last cat scan, more fractures to Dan’s skull were discovered. This isn’t really a surprise since the remains of his helmet that the Sherriff’s Department returned to us didn’t look like a helmet at all. We are still under the “No Visitors” policy due to his condition.
  • Sept 3. The CAT scan this morning showed no changes from the last two scans. His blood pressure has been better as has his heart rate. Dan yawned on his own today. There were some good readings of the pressure in his brain, but there were some high readings, too. Continue to pray for the pressure in his brain to return to normal. Also, pray for his daughter Sarah as she went back to college, that she can focus on her studies.
  • Sept 2. Dan’s heart rate has been higher and healthier today than the past few days. The pressure and swelling in his brain are still the main concern. It had been projected that Dan would get pneumonia in his lungs, but it was confirmed today that Dan does not have it! He coughed today for the first time without the nurses causing it.

The Paternoster family set up a page with on which they post regular updates. You will need to set up an account, but will then receive emails, with a link, whenever updates are posted about Dan’s condition.

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