30 Nov 20 Shoeboxes = 1 Cream Pie
Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 110
Ben Gladhill (right), associate pastor of Lake View, writes: “This is Lake View Church’s 9th year doing Operation Christmas Child. Each year we do a pretty good job at collecting items for our shoeboxes and filled shoeboxes. This year we collected 110 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. However this year we threw in a twist.
“As Associate Pastor at Lake View and AWANA commander, I challenged our Awana Clubbers to get in on the action. So I told them for every 20 shoeboxes they filled by November 2, I would take a pie to the face. Our Awana clubbers and leaders jumped on board and filled 40 shoeboxes from Awana alone this year. So I kept good on my end of the deal and took 2 whipped cream pies in the face. It was a lot of fun, as you can see from the video above.”
Sunfield UB Church (Sunfield, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 65+
Annie Emmons (right) of Sunfield writes: “I provide the people with the ready-made shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Last year I challenged each adult class to make a box. Our Sunday school class, JOY (Just Older Youth), couldn’t decide if they wanted to do one for a boy or girl, so they did one for each this year. So many articles were brought in that we ended up with 4 from our elderly class! And all the money for the boxes was provided too! I was so proud of them all!
“We all enjoy doing the boxes, and can only imagine the happiness of the boys and girls that receive them. We look forward to doing this each year! Some grandparents have their grandchildren go shopping for items to put into the boxes, and then fill the boxes. Everyone enjoys this project! Last year our church did 62 or 63, and I was afraid with the economy as it is, it would be less this year. But God provided and we topped that number! Praise His name!
Atlantic Avenue UB Church (Franklin, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 150
East Washington UB Church (Ashley, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 10,000
You read that right: 10,000 shoeboxes!!!
Kathy Stahl of East Washington writes, “We were really blessed by being able to send off over 10,000 shoeboxes. Ted and Michelle Beck were the people with the dream and led us to the goal. Last year we sent over 5000 shoeboxes, so Ted’s dream doubled and our community was blessed by his vision.”
Shepherd of the Valley UB Church (Logan, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 187
Veronica Sheets of Shepherd of the Valley writes, “As a church family we collected different items throughout the year. Then we as a whole church held a shoebox-packing day. We ate lunch, and then we got to work. In a matter of just a couple of hours, we packed 187 shoeboxes. Then they were loaded up on our pastor’s truck and taken to our drop-off location. In the photo is a little guy who helped pack the boxes, His name is Jacob Sheets.