May 1, 2015

Working on the pump at Regent College of the Caribbean in Mandeville, Jamaica.
Rev. Ron Cook (right), Chambersburg, Pa.
The mission team of Salem UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) asked me to go along with them to Jamaica January 24 through February 3 to help with the dining hall project at Regent College in Mandeville. They asked me to hold a Bible study each morning with them, and also to preach on January 25 at the Salem Church in Jamaica.
When I knew that I was going with the team, the Reflections Sunday school class at King Street wanted to help me with the cost of the trip. They took an offering for two weeks in December, and they gave me far more than the cost of the trip. The remainder was used to purchase materials for the team to work on the dining hall.
I emailed Dwight Kuntz prior to going to Jamaica about some plumbing issues at the college, which he talked to me about two years ago when I went along with Salem team to Jamaica. He told me that the plumbing issues still existed and needed attention.
I asked the New Life Sunday school class at King Street, which I teach once a month, if they would be willing to give some money toward the plumbing costs. They took an offering and gave me a check on January 18 for $900. With that money, I was able to purchase materials in Mandeville hardware store for the various plumbing projects.
One issue was changing the water pump for the campus from a very small area to inside the building beside it. We moved the pump from the small enclosure to the inside of the building, where there is plenty of space around the pump and it can be secured adequately (pumps had been stolen two times). The window was enclosed and bars placed on both window and door.
In addition to changing the pump, there were plumbing issues in commodes, showers, and sinks in almost every bathroom. I was able to fix many of these problems so that they worked adequately. There are still plumbing issues that will need to be addressed next year when I return on a mission trip.
I was able to help the mission team, when not doing plumbing, to get work done on the dining hall. There is still much work to be done over the next several years. There are walls that need to be erected, plumbing and electrical work, concreting of the floor, and steel beams to be placed.
There are two critical needs for this work to be completed: work teams to go to Mandeville, and finances to purchase the materials. I am certain that Dwight Kuntz, who is overseeing this project, would appreciate help in both of these areas. If you are interested, contact Donna Hollopeter in Global Ministries.