Rev. Teddy Fairchild has been appointed to a two-year assignment as interim pastor of Eagle Quest UB church (Columbia City, Ind.), effective July 31, 2016. He is a 2010 graduate of Huntington University, and earned a Masters from Liberty University in 2014. He has served UB churches in Wilshire and Findlay, Ohio. Teddy and Sarah (right) have been married since 2007 and have two children—daughter Julz, a college student, and son Gabriel, who is 5.

Rev. Jeff Lawson has been appointed senior pastor of Hopewell UB church (Auburn, Ind.) effective July 25, 2016. He takes the place of Rev. John Erwin, who recently retired after serving Hopewell for 16 years.

Jeff Lawson is a graduate of Taylor University (1995) and Crown College in Minnesota (2007), and has been an ordained minister since 1995 in the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Since 1999, he has pastored eight churches in five states, with a focus on church revitalization. He cites “turn-around” situations as his preferred ministry role. Jeff and his wife, Cindy (right), have two grown children.

A free seminar on “Managing Grief and Stress” will be held on Thursday, August 25. Seminars will be led by Dr. H. Norman Wright and Dr. Larry Mercer. The seminar is sponsored by the Huntington University Institute for Leadership and Counseling.

Date: Thursday, August 25
Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Location: College Park UB church, 1945 College Ave., Huntington, IN 46750

From 10am – noon, Dr. H. Norman Wright will address “Tremors of Life: Ministering at a Time of Loss, Crisis, and Trauma.” Dr. Wright is a licensed marriage, family and child therapist with 30 years of private practice experience, and is a well-known Christian author. He will address the categories of loss, the definition of grief, and the steps involved in moving forward. This presentation will take place in the sanctuary of College Park Church

From 1-2 p.m., Dr. Larry Mercer will address, “Brain-Based Leadership & Coaching: Integrating Findings from Neuroscience with Scripture to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Effectiveness.” Dr. Mercer holds degrees in theology and ministry, and serves as an executive coach with leaders of churches, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations. His lecture will address minimizing the negative impact of stress in your life. Using neuroscience research and Scripture, Dr. Mercer will provide practical strategies to empower you to deal with stress.

Both seminars will be held in the sanctuary of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind.

Although the seminar is free and open to the public, an RSVP is required.

An optional noon luncheon will be provided at College Park Church. You will need to pre-pay the $10 lunch charge, and seating is limited. Various restaurants are located nearby.

Continuing education credit is being provided through the Nation Board of Certified Counselors

Lois Marie Loewen, 88, passed away July 23, 2016. She was the mother of Rev. Craig Loewen (right), pastor of the Heidlersburg and Mt. Olivet UB churches in Pennsylvania. She and her husband of almost 70 years, Rev. John Loewen, who survives, served 32 years in ministry with the United Methodist Church. (Read full obituary)

A memorial service will be held 10 am on Saturday, July 30, 2016, at the Fogelsanger-Bricker Funeral Home, Shippensburg, Pa.

Condolences can be sent to:

Pastor Craig A. Loewen
2725 Heidlersburg Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7618

The group from Mount Pleasant.

The group from Mount Pleasant.

A VBS session.

A VBS session.

At the River of Life UB church in Mexico.

At the River of Life UB church in Mexico.

Bobby Culler, youth pastor, Mount Pleasant Church (Chambersburg, Pa.)

On July 8, 2016, a team of 16 people from Mt. Pleasant Church began what they hope to be a multi-year partnership with River of Life UB church in the beautiful city of Queretaro, Mexico. We were accompanied by Denis Casco, bishop of Mexico Conference, and his wife, Reina.

With the help of Bishop Casco, contacts were made, friendships were formed, and ministry began. We believe we accomplished all of the three-fold purpose of this partnership:

  1. To help the River of Life church have positive and sustainable impact in the lives of the people in their community.
  2. To encourage, train, and equip the leaders of this church and the surrounding United Brethren churches
  3. To build lifelong relationships with the people of this church and community.

We hosted a week of vacation Bible school and throughout the week we saw a drastic increase in attendance. But more than that, we saw lives change and we saw people come to church who had never been there before. We heard community people say that they’ve never seen anything like this before—a church full and alive with excitement for Christ.

We also hosted two leader training sessions, both of which were attended by 15-16 people from two different United Brethren churches. We’re excited about equipping these leaders to be more effective in the ministry that they provide.

We also spent some time in a city park playing bubbles and kicking soccer balls with children. We shared with them the story of the Gospel colors, gave them the ball, and encouraged them to share that story with their friends and family.

We are grateful for what God has started and for the people that we had the chance to talk with and minister to. Based on how difficult it was to say goodbye, I believe that we established some strong friendships with these precious people.

We’re thankful for the opportunity God has given us to begin this partnership, and we encourage other UB churches in the United States to consider doing the same thing. There are over 40 United Brethren churches and preaching points in Mexico. All of them are eager to partner with other, more established and healthy United Brethren churches.

Although we just returned, all of us are anxious to go back and to continue the good work that the Lord has begun. And with God’s help and involvement, great things will be done for the Kingdom worldwide.

Bishop Todd Fetters (right) leads the installation service for Amos and Annalee Rawley.

Bishop Todd Fetters (right) leads the installation service for Amos and Annalee Rawley.

Ray Seilhamer preaching for the last time as senior pastor of New Hope Church.

Ray Seilhamer preaching for the last time as senior pastor of New Hope Church.

The packed Family Life Center on July 24, 2016.

The packed Family Life Center on July 24, 2016.

Amos Rawley has been appointed senior pastor of New Hope UB church (Huntington, Ind.) effective January 25, 2016. He had been associate pastor of New Hope since July 2015, and served a year as youth pastor, 2009-2010, while attending Huntington University. Amos grew up in the Otterbein UB church of Greencastle, Pa. His parents, Rev. David and Cindy Rawley, have served Otterbein since 1985.

On July 24, 2016, New Hope Church held a special service in its packed Family Life Center. This was the final service for Ray and Ruth Seilhamer, who had served New Hope for the last 12 years. They will move this week to Chambersburg, Pa., to begin serving a two-year interim pastorate at Mount Pleasant UB church, effective August 1. Chris Little, who had been senior pastor of Mount Pleasant since 2001, died suddenly on April 19, 2016, at age 51.

Bishop Emeritus Seilhamer became senior pastor of New Hope in 2004. In 2010, the congregation dedicated a 13,000 square-foot Family Life Center which includes a multi-purpose gymnasium, where the congregation now holds worship services, plus a kitchen, large foyer, and other rooms. The total cost was $980,000. The congregation raised over $300,000; outside investors pitched in $490,000, and various fundraisers brought in the rest. During the July 25 service, New Hope celebrated by burning the mortgage.

Bishop Todd Fetters led an installation service for Amos and Annalee Rawley. David Rawley was among those participating in the laying on of hands.

Amos graduated from Huntington University in 2010, and went on to earn a Master of Divinity in 2015 from Evangelical Seminary in Myerstown, Pa. Annalee, whom he married in 2011, also graduated in 2015 from Evangelical Seminary, but with a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has been an adjunct faculty member at Huntington University and has been involved with two local counseling centers.


Lester Smith, senior pastor, Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.)

With all the fear and confusion going on in our nation presently, the Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) is being intentional about praying for revival to sweep our land.

On July 3, the congregation concluded both services with a Call2Fall. Nearly 400 people at the church cried out to the Lord on their knees for our nation on Independence Day weekend. Many tears were shed by men and women at the front prayer altar, while others knelt at their seats.

We joined hundreds of churches in all 50 states in spending five minutes in prayer on our knees at the end of our worship. More information on this national prayer movement can be found on the website

The Hillsdale congregation is also participating in the Hillsdale County Revival Prayer Gathering on July 26 at Davis Middle School. Many area churches are coming together to pray for revival in our own community.

The church is also planning to travel to our State Capitol in Lansing on October 4 for the Franklin Graham Decision America 2016 Tour. This Prayer Revival for our nation has already visited over 30 state capitols with thousands attending each one.

Kevin Whitacre and family.

Kevin Whitacre and family.

The Anchor Resource Team prays over the Whitacre family.

The Anchor Resource Team prays over the Whitacre family.

On Sunday, July 3, 2016, Anchor UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) officially announced the appointment of Kevin Whitacre as the new senior pastor. Kevin had served the past two years as associate pastor, and had led the church since April, when founding pastor Tim Hallman took a position with the Fort Wayne YMCA.

Anchor made it a celebrative time. At the beginning of the service, the Whitacre family was brought to the front of the church. As board chair Tomi Cardin read the official appointment from Bishop Todd Fetters, a number of things happened. People stood to clap and cheer. People distributed leis. Balloons streamed from the balcony, to be batted around by the congregation. Flowers were presented to Christia Whitacre, and gifts were presented to both children.

After things calmed down, the Anchor board (called the Anchor Resource Team) came forward to lay hands on the new pastoral family as Tomi Cardin prayed over them. Then the congregation went on with the service (Kevin preached wearing his lei). After the service, cakes awaited in the lobby.

Bishop Emeritus Ray Seilhamer (right, with his wife, Ruth) has been appointed to a two-year term as interim pastor of Mount Pleasant UB church in Chambersburg, Pa. The effective date is August 1. Chris Little, who had been senior pastor of Mount Pleasant since 2001, died suddenly and unexpectedly on April 19, 2016, at age 51.

Since 2004, Ray Seilhamer has been senior pastor of New Hope UB church in Huntington, Ind. His associate pastor since July 2015, Amos Rawley, will become senior pastor of New Hope.

As reported on June 15, Steve Henry, pastor of Victory Heights UB church (Franklin, Pa.), has been hospitalized since May 27. He had surgery on Friday, June 24, and the ventilator was removed on Sunday. Steve’s wife, Amanda, sent this report on June 28:

“I am so excited!!!! Steve was greatly improved when I saw him today. Not himself yet, but a lot better than Sunday. It seems Steve’s anxiety issue has passed as far as I can tell for now. But really, who wouldn’t be stir crazy after being in the ICU for a month.

“They have him in a chair doing ‘therapy’ as much as he can stay awake. Stacking cans, folding washcloths, and working on swallowing to strengthen his throat. The speech therapist said he is definitely swallowing but isn’t getting the flap completely sealed over his windpipe to the lungs to keep the liquids out of the lungs. She gave him a list of exercises to strengthen his throat muscles.

“They started his Heparin IV again because we need him on blood thinner so the artificial heart valve he has doesn’t have a clot form. That would cause a whole new set of issues. Please pray he doesn’t end up with any new bleeding ulcers. His Heparin has made those an issue. It seems we are on the road to recovery. Praise the Lord!!!”

Amanda posts updates on Facebook. You can post your prayer and support there, or send notes to:

Steve and Amanda Henry
5978 US 322
Franklin, PA 16323