The Troy and Julie Hendricks has arrived in Spain, where they will serve as missionaries with Send International. They are settling into an apartment in Azuqueca. They report, “All of our boxes that we sent air freight arrived safely. We are becoming very familiar and comfortable with Azuqueca. It is a wonderful, friendly town.

“Hannah and Ethan continue to adjust well. They will start school at a public school in Azuqueca on Monday, September 8. Next Monday, September 1, we will visit the public schools here in town to see which has space available for our kids. We have talked to parents from our church here who have recommended which school to request, but at this point in time there may not be space available. We really feel that attending public school will be their very best way to adapt to the culture and learn Spanish.

“Today, Troy went to Alca-Lingua to register for the intensive month-long language course. It begins September 2 and runs through the month of September. It is a very fast and very intense foundational course. He will take the train from Azuqueca to Alcala every morning, about a 13-15 minute ride. It is a 20-minute walk from our apartment to the train station in Azuqueca. Then from the train station in Alcala to the language school is about a fifteen minute walk. So the whole process of getting to language school should be a little less than an hour commute. Julie will begin formal language study in October, after the kids are settled into school.”

Joshua Kesler is the new senior pastor of Bethel UB in Elmore, Ohio, effective September 1.

Marion Hall is the new senior pastor of Harrison UB (Harrison, Mich.) effective August 17.

The Michindoh Conference held a Mini Missions Conference for Children on June 21. It was led by Troy Hendricks, missionary to Spain, and Pastor Steve Smith of Lakeview UB (Camden, Mich.). It was held at Lakeview.

Rhonda Dilley challenged the children to participate in missions. They made mission-oriented crafts, and learned to play a new game called Soccette, which was likened to needing to learn a new culture. They also assembled nearly 100 shoeboxes to be given out by the Lakeview youth as they conduct a VBS at Laurel Mission. They were served lunch and then were treated to a concert by the 7th Street five-member band that combines rock, folk, and country sounds. The band is from First UB church in Blissfield, Mich.

Doris MacDonald, a longtime UB missionary serving with Wycliffe, collaborated on a Christian CD by singer Sharon Dennis. Doris played keyboard, did background vocals, and helped with some songwriting. The CD can be purchased at

The high school group at Jerusalem Chapel UB (Churchville, Va.) went on a missions trip to Holly Hill, Fla. They participated in various “Conspiracy of Kindness” projects within the Holly Hill and Daytona Beach communities. They worked through Matt McKeown, youth pastor at First UB in Dayton.

Stan Becker, associate pastor at Jerusalem Chapel, reports, “The youth performed exceptionally well doing tasks for the Holly Hill Municipal Building, the Boys and Girls Club, the UB church, and the church thrift store.

“The highlight of the trip was a ‘drink giveaway’ on Daytona Beach. We drove in three vans up and down the beach giving cold water and juice drinks to over 400 people. As we were giving out the drinks, we would give them a small card explaining what we were doing and would say ‘This is from our youth group to show you God’s love in a practical way.’ We reached many people with God’s love that day.”

Zion UB church in Willshire, Ohio, held a celebration service on August 24 to formally conclude its ministry. Zion and the Willshire churches have merged, and are preparing to build a new worship facility in Willshire. The Zion building has sold and the new owners will take possession September 1.

Mark Beers has been named senior pastor of Decatur UB church (Decatur, Ind.). He had been pastor of Gaines UB in Caledonia, Mich. Mark is originally from Emmanuel UB in Fort Wayne, Ind. He will start at Decatur in mid-September.

Jim Sturgeon, the current pastor at Decatur, will officially retire on Sunday, August 31. Dr. Paul Fetters will serve as Minister of the Word for the Decatur church until Mark’s arrival.

Dirk Small, pastor of the Idaville UB church (Idaville, Pa.), and his wife Julie were in an accident August 13. Dirk wrote on August 19, “I am now home, but incapacitated. Julie is fully recovered, praise the Lord! On Wednesday, August 13, Julie and I were relaxing on our bike before prayer meeting, and I lost control on a newly paved road. We were traveling around 35 miles per hour and had no impact on anything.

“The slide did major damage to my body. I was taken to Hershey via Life Lion and there my spleen was removed. I have several broken ribs also. I’m on a heavy regiment of percacet, but the pain is still hard to manage. My incision, which runs from my chest to the groin, is healing nicely. I expect to be laid up for a couple of weeks yet. God does some wonderful things in your spirit when you become completely vulnerable to Him.”

Jana, Global Ministries staff in Macau, sent these notes on August 15.

  • Last Saturday night, Jennifer Blandin and I went to a singing competition sponsored by the Macau University Christian Fellowship. Eighteen individuals and groups participated, most of them teenagers or young adults. It’s great to see the younger Christian community in Macau growing!
  • This week both churches are holding their Vacation Bible Schools. I visited both on Wednesday afternoon, and it’s great to see our church members growing in their ministry skills and working increasingly independently of missionary involvement.
  • Lamar and Karen Crumbley, former UB missionaries in Honduras, are arriving on August 29 as short-term volunteer missionaries. We’re in the process of moving our guest apartment due to the end of our rental contract at the old one. Pray for God’s timing as we get the new apartment set up for the Crumbleys’ arrival.
  • This week we’re sending follow-up materials to the children who accepted Christ at our Taipa Center this summer. Pray that they’ll use the devotional materials we send and keep in contact with us.