20 Apr Love Feast and Foot Washing in Columbia City
Rick Pride, senior pastor of Eagle Quest UB church in Columbia City, Ind., sent this report: “As always Easter was an exciting time at Eagle Quest. On Thursday night we held a ‘Love Feast and Foot Washing’ with over 70 in attendance. The Love Feast started out the evening with a very simple meal of beef, lamb, broth, bread, cheese, grapes, and juice. After the meal our drama team presented a reenactment of the last supper. As Christ led the disciples to ‘eat and drink,’ the dinner guests were instructed to do likewise, as we all shared communion together.
“Following the dinner and presentation, the men went to a different room and the women stayed in the sanctuary to participate in the foot washing.This was a very moving and emotional experience for all who took part.
“On Easter Sunday morning, I shared a message from Acts 17, where Paul preached in Athens. The message centered around the reality and truth of the resurrection and our duty to share the love of Christ with a lost and spiritually confused world. The standing room only crowd was challenged to become Christ followers and then to be like Paul and share Christ where ever we go.”