Out of Touch

Pam and I have been on a two and a half week journey. We left home two weeks ago yesterday and will not return home until Tuesday. During most of this time, we have not had internet connection, and I have been unable to keep up with email or communicate through this tremendous medium. I have gotten so used to being connected, that this has made me feel extremely disconnected.

This reminds me that there are some who find themselves in positions of becoming disconnected from the Lord after being extremely connected. Some, like my feelings toward the internet, could not wait to get connected again. I was uncomfortable and rather anxious about being disconnected. I was not able to fulfill my purpose and responsibilities in that disconnected state. That is true of believers who become disconnected. They can’t fulfill the purposes God has for them. The unfortunate thing is that some never reconnect. They remain out there somewhere — lost, roaming, out of touch.

People and churches are the same in this sense. Some are connected and working well. Some remain disconnected and floundering. Some function somewhere in between. Our goal needs to be to help all people (and churches) become and remain connected to the Lord in a humble attitude, serving Him and His agenda.

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