National Conference is coming up and I wanted to let everyone know a little more about this event.

The dates are May 31 — June 3, 2007, and the location is Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron, Ohio, just about 45-60 minutes west of Cleveland, Ohio.

BannerAd_300.jpgThe theme for this conference is: Xtreme Makeover…Church Edition.

Rev. Brad Powell, from Northridge Church, Plymouth, Mich., will speak on Thursday and Friday evenings, Dr. Kenneth Quick, author of the book Healing the Heart of the Church, will speak on Saturday. We will conclude the conference on Sunday morning. I will speak in that service and we will share in the Lord’s Supper.

The vision I have been casting for the past year-and-a-half is that our church really needs to get involved in the “harvest fields.” I have been greatly concerned about our lack of “bringing in a harvest.” The apparent lethargic attitudes that many in our church have toward the harvest concerns me. Lest there be any mistake, let me say that for me the harvest represents those who are yet to trust in Christ for their eternal salvation.

I have thought and prayed about our lack of harvest as a denomination over the years since the division in 1889. I have come to the conclusion that it is a result of our sinful disregard for our Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples. I have found our churches to be hard working, but much of what they are busy with seldom produces new disciples for Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I believe the church has but one mission or purpose: to see everyone become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. If what you are doing does not fulfill that mission, then I’d evaluate whether what you are doing should continue or be revamped or replaced with something that will be effective.

Now, let me be very clear. First, we do churches that are actively involved in the harvest with success. But many of our churches and local church leaders are seemingly unconcerned. Folks, if we are to have any future, we must become involved in the Harvest. Jesus said, “He came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10), and He commissions us to carry on that mission until He returns for His Church.

Let me also be clear that this is not just about numbers. Large churches don’t necessarily impress me and small churches don’t necessarily discourage. I am not talking about size, style, and location, but about a dogged commitment to see lost people come to Jesus and become His disciples. This isn’t necessarily a church problem, it is an individual problem. Let me ask: how long has it been since you have been used by God to see someone become a disciple of Jesus?

The thrust of this National Conference will be to challenge each of us to repent of our sin of disobedience to Jesus’ command and to become equipped to be an effective harvester in His harvest field. Sinful attitudes must be confessed and repentance sought about our disobedience. I know this is strong language, but it represents a great burden that I believe the Lord has placed on my heart.

This conference is open to everyone. There will be a business session for the active pastors and lay delegates, but everyone from our churches is urged to attend. Seminars on Saturday morning are designed to help lead you and your church into an Xtreme Ministry. This will be a historic conference, as there has never been one quite like this in the history of our church, with delegates potentially representing each local congregation. It will also be a time where we drive a stake in the ground, draw a line in the sand (insert your own metaphor), that from these days on we will become an obedient church. Making disciples for Jesus as He has commissioned us to do.

Oh, by the way, you don’t have to wait for the National Conference for this. You can begin in your own life today!

Ron Ramsey, Bishop
I spent a few days last week in Texas at the deer ranch, hunting. Yes, I had a great time and yes I was successful in my hunt. But hunting isn’t really what I want to talk about.

At the ranch this time was an interesting, older gentleman. By the way, I am finding out that there are fewer and fewer times when you can talk about someone older…anyway, in the course of our initial conversation, after we had spun all our hunting stories, he asks me, “Say, what do you do?” I told him I was a pastor. His response was classic. “Really,” he said, “I believe in God and Jesus. I even read the Bible. But I don’t go to church.” We chatted a little more about this and he tells me how he was treated poorly in a church, so he believes but just not in the church. We talked about a personal relationship with Jesus and he assured me that he had that. He believed he was a Christian. Well, I don’t know about you, but I have had that conversation with many others.

So, sitting in the deer stand early one morning I began to ponder the conversation I had with him. I began to think theologically about Christ and The Church. Christ is the Head, the Church is His Body. So how could someone say I really believe in The Head but I don’t want anything to do with The Body? There is really a disconnect in that.

Just finished 7 Practices of Effective Ministy by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner and Lane Jones. It is published by Multnomah and copywrited 2004 so it isn’t brand new, just off the press. But it is an excellent book. It is not a program book but a book to help you sharpen your strategic thinking by asking the right questions. If you and your church are having problems with how to be outward focused, then Practice #5, “Listen to Outsiders”, is a section that you owe it to yourself to read.

If you have trouble locating a copy let me know.

AmberHirschy_250.jpgAmber Hirschy, daughter of former bishop Paul Hirschy, has lived in Cambodia since last May, immersing herself in a new culture and impacting her world for Christ. She works for two different organizations. One is an economic development organization, while the other organization works against sex trafficking.

“I had heard about the situation with trafficking girls for sex,” Amber said, “but it wasn’t until I knew the girls that had experienced it that I really began to understand how horrid and widespread it is. These girls have really touched my heart, and I love working with them.”

A passion for international economic development is what brought Hirschy to Cambodia. At Huntington University, she studied business management, economics, and finance. After graduating from Huntington University in 2005, Amber contacted an organization called World Hope International concerning any positions available in economic development. When they informed her in December 2005 of an opportunity in Cambodia, she knew it was for her.

“I was incredibly blessed and was able to raise all of my support in four months which allowed me to leave for Cambodia in May,” Hirschy said.

HUCheerleaders.jpgThe Huntington University ten-member cheerleading squad (right) will host a cheer clinic on February 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Merillat Complex for Physical Education and Recreation. The squad invites girls ages 6-14 to participate. To attend the clinic, participants need to complete a registration form and send it along with a payment of $25 per person. While pre-registration is requested, registrations will be accepted at the door. Parents are welcome to stay and watch during the clinic.

For more information on the cheerleading clinic, including the schedule and registration form….

Greg Helman, pastor of South Mountain UB church in Dillsburg, Pa., suffered a loss in the family. His oldest brother, Rick, passed away on Monday, January 8. The viewing is January 12, and Greg will conduct the funeral on January 13.

Jennifer Blandin, UB missionary in Macau, sent these news updates on January 7.

  • Christmas time is a wonderful time and opportunity to share about who Jesus is and have discussions concerning God. We are often busy making cookies, addressing cards, and wrapping gifts to give to people. It’s a great way to build relationships and let people know we care about them. It can open the door to more meaningful discussions later. This Christmas was no different. Parties were held, gifts were wrapped, and cookie plates were made. It was a lot of fun! But there were also a few other “new” things that happened this year. Living Stone Church held it’s first Christmas Eve service, which was followed by a church potluck. The church also participated with two other Taipa churches to go caroling around Taipa Island. These events were both neat ways to spread cheer and Jesus’ message around the community.
  • During Christmas my friend Ms. Cheong and her two children came back to Macau for a visit. I’ve mentioned before that they now live in England. Ms. Cheong’s daughter is in college and her son is in high school. It was fun to have time with them and catch up on how life has been going. God’s two-part gift to me this year was to see Ms. Cheong and her kids come together to the Christmas Eve service. Always in the past, Ms. Cheong has come alone to church services! The second part of the gift was to hear Ms. Cheong say she believes in Jesus! While she is still not sure of all the nitty-gritty stuff of walking with Jesus, her acknowledging her belief and desire to build a relationship with him was wonderful! I can’t explain the deep joy I felt this Christmas, but it was special.
  • During January the English Language Program will try a few new things. In addition to our regular classes, we will offer a few other meeting times: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and a Saturday class. This will be only a temporary trial, just to see if it helps meet some needs of the community and help us gauge what some other potential class times could be.
  • Living Stone Church will offer its first membership class toward the middle of January. It is hard to believe that the church is still less than a year old and there are people open to a deeper commitment to the church. It has been fun to see how God continues to move and work in and through the church!
  • Our secretary, Sally, will leave us at the end of January. She has found a job in the medical field and feels now is the time to take that step. Pray that a new secretary would be found soon for us.

Billy and Mamei SimboBilly and Mamei Simbo continue to prepare for service in Sierra Leone, West Africa, where Billy will lead the conference through the transition needed to minister in an increasingly Islamic land. The Simbos are grateful for the many gifts that have come toward their one-time ministry expenses for getting on the field (vehicle, shipping, office, etc.).

Their greatest need right now is for churches, Sunday school classes, and families who will invest in their ongoing support over the next three years. They currently have partners for 16% of their monthly support. If a church or family makes a one-time gift toward their monthly support, that is still very helpful.

Honduras: March 16-24. Preparations are underway for the next Global Ministries-sponsored medical mission trip. A team will conduct daily clinics in five villages outside of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Currently there are 16 people on the team, with openings for an additional four people. Needed are nurses, LPNs, EMTs, Nurse Practitioners, doctors, Physician’s Assistants, and support personnel.

Final date for becoming a part of the team is January 15. Cost for the trip is $1200 per person. That includes everything but meals in airports and money for souvenirs. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Donna Hollopeter in the Global Ministries office: 1-888-622-3019 ext. 206.

Philippines: March 14-24, 2007. Global Ministries is working with Pastor Mike Brown on a trip to the Philippines in March. The cost is $1300 per person. This includes everything but food in airports and souvenirs. The group will assist in evangelistic services about eight hours outside of Manila in a spiritually needy part of Luzon. They will work with our conference leader, Pastor Prudencio Lim. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Donna Hollopeter in the Global Ministries office: 1-888-622-3019.

Impact Poland: June 22 – July 5, 2007. Global Ministries is sponsoring a trip to Kutno, Poland, from June 22 – July 5. This trip is for high school students and adult advisers, and is designed to help develop student leaders from our US churches as they minister at an English Language Day Camp with Polish teens. Jody Sarno, a member of King Street UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) and a youth adviser, is the team leader.

The cost is $1700 per person. This cost includes everything but food in airports and souvenirs. At the end of the trip, the team will travel to Krakow, Poland, for a couple days of sightseeing before returning home. Cost for this side trip is included in the price.

If you are interested in this trip, please contact either Donna Hollopeter in the Global Ministries office (1-888-622-3019, ext. 206) or Jody Sarno by email. There are a number of openings still available for this trip.

A major initiative this year in our Haitian work has been to establish an urban church in the growing capital city of Port Au Prince. A group from our Canadian UB churches joined Pastor Oliam Richard and other Haitian pastors and lay leaders in an evangelistic crusade. During three nights, 73 people came to Christ.

A follow-up meeting was held the next day for persons who made a profession of faith in Christ. They all came back…plus five more people. A second follow-up meeting was held four days later. A total of 83 came for this meeting.

The first service of this new congregation was held Sunday, December 10, at 6:00 a.m. Over 125 attended. We praise God for this new church in the heart of the city.