March 6, 2008

The 22 young men who accepted Christ during the camp.
During the weekend of February 16-17, a camp for young men in Jamaica was held the weekend of February 16-17, with 22 young men attending. Male students from Jamaica Bible College served as mentors/counselors for the event. The speakers included Danville Colquhoun, (retired guidance counselor from the Ministry of Education), Angelo Laurence (Gleaner & PACE tv), Dr. Winston Morgan (lecturer at JBC), Darren Larmond (camp director), and Dr. Bryan Wallace (JBC lecturer).
Owen Gordon, President of Jamaica Bible College, writes:
“Sunday mid-day, was the first time we gave an invitation, and when we did, all 22 of the boys responded positively, without any coercion or long drawn-out appeal.They all wanted to embrace the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Yes, all 22 of the young men with one accord responded positively. Don’t get me wrong, because I am a little bit skeptical of mass responses. Sometimes I think that many of us are too quick to count raised hands as salvation.
“Later at the wrap-up session, we asked for those who benefited from the camp, and several said the greatest benefit was that they accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour. We then asked for those who would like others to know that they accepted the Lord and are committed to walk with him and are not afraid for others to know. We asked those persons to come for a photograph.” The photo above shows that group of new Christians.
“I came to campus this morning and I was greeting by a bunch of smiling, happy young men who are beaming with joy. They greeted me for the first time calling me Uncle Owen. The rest of the students and staff are remarking that they have noticed a change in behavior and attitude. (That is probably early, and time will tell!)
“Wow! We have a job cut out for follow up! Continue to pray for us. It’s not about church or denomination, it’s about Jesus Christ!”
He adds, “I am looking for persons who will pray personally for these young men. If you would like a name or two for your prayer group let me know and I will give you and a name and if you like a face too. Let us show the world that there is power in prayer and that Jesus does make a difference in ones life!”