I don’t subscribe to a lot of magazines. I only subscribe to one, Golf Digest, which I read cover to cover, though not all at one sitting. It takes me a month before the next one comes, but by then I’ll have worked my way through it. It’s not that I want to become an expert in golf, but it’s a way my mind can escape into almost a vacation type mode when I think about golf, the land, the greens, and walking the fairways. Golf takes the stress away. To some people, it would add stress. But I don’t play it that well.

Laurence Smith, father of Stephen Smith, senior pastor of Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.), passed away on Saturday, September 13, 2008. At the time of his death, Mr. Smith was living in Pennsylvania. Memorial services will be held:

  • September 27, 11 a.m., in Winston-Salem, N.C.
  • October 3, 11 a.m., in Midland, Mich.

One of the blogs I follow is TonyMorganLive.com. Tony Morgan is on staff with Newspring Church in South Carolina, one of the fastest-growing and innovative churches in the country (as was his previous church, Granger Community Church, which he was lured away from two years ago).

Morgan told about a couple in their 60s who found Christ at one of their satellite churches. The curious thing, he said, is that the service isn’t designed for people that age, but for much younger people–loud music, video teaching, coffeehouse atmosphere.

“Here’s what we’ve learned,” he wrote. “If we design our service experiences for a younger audience, we’re more likely to reach that younger person and we’ll also reach older folks. The reverse is not true. If we designed our service experience for an older audience, the younger crowd would not show up.”

There is a lot to talk about here, and most of us have talked about it plenty. How much to cater to the younger set, while seemingly ignoring older folks. The mix of hymns vs. contemporary songs. Etc.

But in the end, there are several inescapable and competing realities:

  • In most churches, the people calling the shots are older folks (baby boomers, like me, tend to be in control nowadays).
  • Young people aren’t necessarily thrilled with the shots they are calling.
  • Older Christians need to say, “The church shouldn’t need to cater to me. I’ll let other people’s tastes and preferences take precedence over my own.”
  • Most older Christians aren’t mature enough to say that.

Do you agree with Tony Morgan?

Cathy Reich, administrative assistant to Bishop Ron Ramsey, is scheduled to leave on a cruise this weekend. She and several other friends. Here’s the original plan:

  • They fly into Houston.
  • They leave from Galveston.

What’s the chance of that happening?

When I traveled with Scripture Press, I always took books with me, since I sold books. I tried to read all of the Victor Books, which Scripture Press published.

But I also took a Louis L’Mour book with me wherever I went. A good Louis L’Mour book averaged 250 pages, and I could finish it on a flight from Chicago to L.A. A one-flight book. Some people can do work on a plane, but I can’t.

I don’t read much fiction now. I like Tom Clancy, John Grisham, and Lillian Jackson Braun, who writes the “Cat Who” books about her Siamese cats.

What do you like to read? Any particular authors?

George Rhodifer (right) learned today that he has bone marrow cancer. A doctor told him he has three months to live. George, a longtime ordained minister in our denomination, is pastor of Olivet UB church in New Lebanon, Ohio. He is also a cluster leader.

George says:

“My blood count has been low for several months and they could not find a reason for it. They sent me to a blood doctor and she wanted to do a test on the bone morrow which makes blood. She read the report to us today in her office. It seems that I have bone morrow cancer–leukemia of the bone morrow. She told my wife and I that I have about three months to live. With low-dose chemotherapy, I could possibly live six months, but that is not a guarantee.

“This came as a complete surprise to us. I have a pinched nerve in my back which has affected my right side. I was getting ready to go on pain management, but the doctor told me I may as well cancel that and just take pain medicine.”

Please remember George in your prayers. You can contact George by email or by writing to:

George Rhodifer
109 Solar Drive
Tipp City, OH 45371

Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries

George Rhodifer (right) is one of my cluster leaders. In addition to pastoring the Olivet UB church in New Lebanon, Ohio, he leads a cluster of churches located in Ohio and Indiana. I’ve appreciated working with him over the past three years.

Today, George was told that he has bone marrow cancer. He’s been given three months to live. He sent me an email about this a short time ago.

“My blood count has been low for several months and they could not find a reason for it,” George wrote. “They sent me to a blood doctor and she wanted to do a test on the bone morrow which makes blood. She read the report to us today in her office. It seems that I have bone morrow cancer–luekemia of the bone morrow. She told my wife and I that I have about three months to live. With low-dose chemotherarpy, I could possibly live six months, but that is not a guarentee.

“This came as a complete surprise to us. I have a pinched nerve in my back which has affected my right side. I was getting ready to go on pain management, but the doctor told me I may as well cancel that and just take pain medicine.”

George asked that we remember him in prayer, and he states, “I believe that God is able to touch me and take care of the problem.”

You can contact George by writing to:

George Rhodifer
109 Solar Drive
Tipp City, OH 45371

In exactly one month, the Mt. Zion United African Church in Philadelphia, Pa., will relocate. They’ve been needing a bigger place, and they found one about 2.5 miles from their current meeting place. 

The grand opening is October 12, with a reception afterwards. Pastor Joe Abu invites you to attend, if you’re able.

Michele Vigil, Youth and Discipleship Pastor, Hillsdale UB (Hillsdale, Mich.)
What an amazing week in Honduras for the Hillsdale UB Youth Team! From the very beginning, when their flight was cancelled in Detroit, and then postponed in Atlanta (leaving them stranded for three days), to them finally arriving in Honduras four days later than planned…this group saw God protect and provide for them each step of the way!

Twelve teens and adults traveled to Honduras July 14-21. Our goal was to bless those less fortunate than ourselves, but we were blessed even more by our new friends in Honduras. Each day in Honduras, we were able to visit orphanages, villages, and churches. At each location, we performed songs in Spanish and a skit in Spanish about being a Good Samaritan. We also gave away over 250 soccer balls to kids from needy families.

In addition, we visited a local high school and performed at their assembly. After performing each day, we came back and worked on painting the mission and laying new cement sidewalk. We also were able to provide funds to fix the mission’s bus and van while we were there.

Finally, each day we were able to meet new friends and enjoy the relaxed culture of Honduras, as well as share our message of hope and good news. It was a life-changing experience for all of us who attended. We saw God open doors for us to serve, and had our eyes opened to how privileged we are as Americans, and how even a little sacrifice on our part can change the lives of an entire village. We hope to bring that same heart of service back to our own community and back to Honduras in future years.