June 7, 2011
Dr. Paul R. Fetters, Emeritus Dean of the Huntington University Graduate School of Christian Ministries
As the early Christians of Jerusalem were attending the feast of Pentecost 1,978 years ago, the Holy Spirit came in the power of the wind with purifying flame, and the people heard the Gospel in their own languages. The Christian Church, conceived in the mind of God and promised in the person of Christ, was born of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
As German immigrants were attending a “great meeting” in Isaac Long’s barn, Lancaster, Pa., on Whitsuntide (Pentecost Sunday) nearly 250 years ago, circa 1767, the Holy Spirit breathed upon the heart of a preacher, Martin Boehm. His sermon moved the hearts of the congregation, among whom was Rev. William Otterbein. Embracing Boehm, he exclaimed, “Wir sund bruder”–We are brethren! From this small beginning, the Church of the United Brethren in Christ took root to become the first denomination born in America.
This Sunday, June 12, is Pentecost Sunday, a major date in the Christian church calendar. As Christian believers, United Brethren people have double reason to celebrate Pentecost Sunday.