25 Nov More and More Shoeboxes
Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. No doubt several thousand shoeboxes are sent by UB churches to children around the world.
We invited churches (and still invite you) to tell us how many boxes they filled.
Shiloh UB (Tiverton, Ontario)
Number of Boxes: 413
Brian Magnus, bishop of the UB Church in Canada, reports that Shiloh UB, a small country congregation of about 25 people, filled 413 shoeboxes his year!
Donna Doern, from Shiloh UB, added: “We still had some funds available for shipment costs, and decided to use that money to send $500 to Turn on the Tap through Samaritan’s Purse. Also another $500 to the feeding program in Haiti. We concluded our pledge today for the David and Melissa Kline family with nearly $2,200 as well.” Here’s an online article about Shiloh’s participation.
Dillman UB Church (Warren, Ind.)
Number of Boxes: 185
Pastor Dick Case (right) writes: “We have been collecting the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for a few years now. Each year we have increased the number of donated boxes. The goal was set at 150 this year; we dedicated 185 boxes on November 13. Our Wednesday evening children’s programs packed boxes, as did many families in the church. We praise God that we were able to send a good number of boxes. We will set our goal higher for next year.”
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Number of Boxes: 1056
Tim Hallman (right), pastor of Anchor Community Church, writes: “The five UB churches of Fort Wayne/Allen County are collaborating together in their support of Operation Christmas Child. Those churches are Zanesville UB, Emmanuel UB, South Scipio UB, Union Chapel UB, Anchor UB. Four of the churches have been involved with OCC–some for a few years, others for quite a few.
“This year, 1056 shoeboxes were filled by four of the five churches. Next year all five churches plan to participate. Our goal is to collect at least 1100–maybe even 1200!
Lancaster UB Church (Lancaster, Ohio)
Number of Boxes: 94
Victory Chapel (Liberty Center, Ohio)
Number of Boxes: 32
Arlys Ross, wife of Pastor Don Ross, writes: “This year Victory Chapel became an official Drop-Off Site for Operation Christmas Child. We discovered there were no drop-off sites in our area, so we decided to change that situation. Altogether, 160 shoeboxes were dropped off at our church last week. Our goal was to have 100 boxes, but God blessed the children with an extra 60 boxes.
“I encourage anyone who has to travel a distance to deliver their shoeboxes to look into becoming a drop-off site. Our people were excited about doing this, and we are excited for next year too.”
College Park UB Church (Huntington, Ind.)
Number of Boxes: 925
Deb Swihart (right), business manager at College Park, writes: “College Park has been the collection point in Huntington County for many years. This year we surpassed the several year’s collection total by over 300 boxes. What a blessing from the Huntington Community for Operation Christmas Child!”
How About Your Church?
How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches. We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.