Members of Shiloh with the 160 boxes collected in 2007, their first year.

Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. No doubt several thousand shoeboxes are sent by UB churches to children around the world.

We invited churches (and still invite you) to tell us how many boxes they filled.

Shiloh UB (Tiverton, Ontario)
Number of Boxes: 413

Brian Magnus, bishop of the UB Church in Canada, reports that Shiloh UB, a small country congregation of about 25 people, filled 413 shoeboxes his year!

Donna Doern, from Shiloh UB, added: “We still had some funds available for shipment costs, and decided to use that money to send $500 to Turn on the Tap through Samaritan’s Purse. Also another $500 to the feeding program in Haiti. We concluded our pledge today for the David and Melissa Kline family with nearly $2,200 as well.” Here’s an online article about Shiloh’s participation.

Dillman UB Church (Warren, Ind.)
Number of Boxes: 185

Pastor Dick Case (right) writes: “We have been collecting the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for a few years now. Each year we have increased the number of donated boxes. The goal was set at 150 this year; we dedicated 185 boxes on November 13. Our Wednesday evening children’s programs packed boxes, as did many families in the church. We praise God that we were able to send a good number of boxes. We will set our goal higher for next year.”

Fort Wayne, Ind.
Number of Boxes: 1056

Tim Hallman (right), pastor of Anchor Community Church, writes: “The five UB churches of Fort Wayne/Allen County are collaborating together in their support of Operation Christmas Child. Those churches are Zanesville UB, Emmanuel UB, South Scipio UB, Union Chapel UB, Anchor UB. Four of the churches have been involved with OCC–some for a few years, others for quite a few.

“This year, 1056 shoeboxes were filled by four of the five churches. Next year all five churches plan to participate. Our goal is to collect at least 1100–maybe even 1200!

Lancaster UB Church (Lancaster, Ohio)
Number of Boxes: 94

Victory Chapel (Liberty Center, Ohio)
Number of Boxes: 32

Arlys Ross, wife of Pastor Don Ross, writes: “This year Victory Chapel became an official Drop-Off Site for Operation Christmas Child. We discovered there were no drop-off sites in our area, so we decided to change that situation. Altogether, 160 shoeboxes were dropped off at our church last week. Our goal was to have 100 boxes, but God blessed the children with an extra 60 boxes.

“I encourage anyone who has to travel a distance to deliver their shoeboxes to look into becoming a drop-off site. Our people were excited about doing this, and we are excited for next year too.”

College Park UB Church (Huntington, Ind.)
Number of Boxes: 925

Deb Swihart (right), business manager at College Park, writes: “College Park has been the collection point in Huntington County for many years. This year we surpassed the several year’s collection total by over 300 boxes. What a blessing from the Huntington Community for Operation Christmas Child!”

How About Your Church?
How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches. We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.

Camp Director Dave Stephens (left) and Program Director Scott Stephens.

Dave Stephens, director of Camp Cotubic (Bellefontaine, Ohio), wrote on November 22:

“Just yesterday we sent the kids home from the last of our retreats and camps for 2011. It was an amazing year. As the kids stood in a circle with their arms around each other, we prayed for their continued growth and God’s blessings on them. It was a very precious moment.

“It also reminded Scott and me of what we do here at Cotubic and why we do it. We were blessed once again this past year with a “bumper crop” of kids. So at Thanksgiving time, when our founding fathers designated this day to give thanks to God for their crops, we are giving thanks for our crops, the kids.

“This is also the time of the year then that we begin to focus our attention on the coming camping season. There is much to do this winter to prepare the facility, program, staff, etc. for the thousands of kids that will come in 2012.”

A few items he mentioned:

  • Saturday, January 21, 2012: A fundraising banquet will be held at Praise Point UB church in Willshire, Ohio. Time: 6 pm. The event includes a meal and a program by the kids, camp staff, and board. Reservations are needed.
  • Remodeling is now completed the interiors of two of the six cabins. They hope to begin working on another cabin soon. “Hopefully by next summer the cabins will have an entire new metal look on the outside.”
  • The water slide that served our kids for well over 25 years has been removed to make room for the new slides donated by the Zanesville UB Church. There is much site work to be done this winter. Several more trees and lots of brush need to be removed. Many loads of sand will be hauled in before we begin to install the new slides. This is going to be a major improvement for the kids.

2012 Summer Camp Dates

June 10-16: Teen Challenge Camp (grades 7-12 completed)
June 24-29: Discovery Campo (grades 5-6 completed)
July 15-19: Voyager Camp (grades 2-4 completed)

Registration will be available on the camp’s website.

Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. No doubt several thousand shoeboxes are sent by UB churches to children around the world.

We invited churches (and still invite you) to tell us how many boxes they filled.

Ebenezer UB (Greencastle, Pa.)
Number of Boxes: 352

Daryl Shaffer of Ebenezer UB writes: “A challenge was made to the congregation by our Pastor, David Grove, to increase the number of boxes that were collected last year (268 boxes). Members of the congregation had a yard sale to help with the $7 shipping cost on the boxes, and our Missions Commission covered part of the shipping cost as an incentive to fill more boxes. Between the two, there was no shipping cost to the congregation. A total of 352 boxes were collected.

Idaville UB (Gardners, Pa.)
Number of Boxes: 32

Stuart Johns (right), pastor of Idaville UB, writes: “We have a missions center in our church that the Outreach Commission maintains. Every couple of months the focus of the missions center changes, but each time there is a way that our people can give to missions.

“During October, the missions center was focused on the Operation Christmas Child and the collection of shoeboxes. Announcements were made each week to encourage our congregants to consider putting a shoebox gift together for a child.

“On Sunday, November 13, we encouraged everyone who participated in the program to bring their shoeboxes with them and place them on a table at the front of the sanctuary. During both services we had a time of prayer over the shoeboxes, asking God to use them to encourage children around the world and that they would be open to the Gospel message that is shared with the distribution of the shoeboxes.”

Trinity UB (Fostoria, Ohio)
Number of Boxes: 119

Samuel Suman (right), pastor of Trinity UB, writes: “This was our first year participating as individual box builders. In the past we collected the ‘stuffings’ and gave them to one person to fill and process them. This year each person filled one or more boxes and placed them in the sanctuary.

“Last Sunday, November 20, we gathered around the front placing our hands on the boxes, praying for each child who will recieve a box. What a difference! Plans for next year are to fill and send 200 boxes. All for Jesus!”

Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Number of Boxes: 60

This is the third year Anchor has participated. On November 13, people brought their filled shoeboxes and set them on a table in the foyer. At the end of the service, while the worship team led in the final song, the children of the church, with the help of a few adults, carried all of the boxes down the center aisle and laid them on the altar.

How About Your Church?
How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches. We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.

Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. Parishioners fill shoeboxes with items for a child, then the shoeboxes are taken to a collection center and forwarded to Samaritan’s Purse. Somewhere in the world, a child eventually opens that box.

November is the time for collecting the shoeboxes. We’ve heard verbal reports about churches collecting their boxes–sometimes a few dozen, sometimes hundreds.

How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches.

We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.

Dr. Paul R. Fetters

This year, 2011, the first Sunday of Advent is November 27. Traditionally, Advent, from the Latin advenus (coming), is a period of preparation and anticipation in celebration of the birth of Christ.

During the period of Advent, Christians traditionally light a candle each Sunday during worship at church and at home. Throughout the Advent season, five candles are lit–one for each of the four Sundays and one for Christmas Day.

  • On the first, second, and fourth Sundays, we light purple candles to remind us of the royalty of the coming celebration of the birth of our King Jesus.
  • On the third Sunday, we light the rose candle.
  • On Christmas day, we light the white, Christ candle.

On the first Sunday, we celebrate HOPE. In most churches we recognize the three comings of Jesus–His first advent of being born into this world, next the advent of His being born again in our lives, and finally the anticipation of the hope of His coming again.

On the second Sunday, we light a second purple candle celebrating our FAITH.

On the third Sunday, we light the rose candle celebrating the JOY of His presence in our lives.

Then, on the fourth Sunday, we light the third purple candle in celebration of our wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of PEACE.

On Christmas Day, the white Christ candle will be lit in full celebration recognizing the LOVE of God who loved the world so much that He sent his only begotten Son, so that we might have eternal life.

Josh Whipple (right, with family) has been named senior pastor of Mount Hope UB church in Carson City, Mich., effective November 14, 2011. He previously served as youth/worship pastor at Mongul UB (Shippensburg, Pa.) 2008-2011. Josh and Katie have two young children.

Nathan Boggs (right) called the national office on Wednesday, November 16.

Nathan is director of Laurel Mission in Big Laurel, Kent. He has held that position since October 2010, when his father, Titus Boggs, went on medical leave. Titus passed away on August 29, 2011.

Nathan is a busy guy. In addition to his responsibilities with Laurel Mission, which includes preaching at the Little Laurel church, he works fulltime for the Harlan County Farm Bureau in Harlan, Kent.

Nathan also reported that he and his wife, Lindsey, were in their seventh day as the proud parents of a newborn baby.

Nathan and Lindsey live in Big Laurel, about 3 miles from the mission house. His mother Debbie, along with three sisters, still live in the mission house and are very active in the work of the mission. Debbie, in fact, is associate director of Laurel Mission.

Billy and Mamei Simbo

Billy and Mamei Simbo

Mamei Simbo, wife of Rev. Billy Simbo, passed away on Friday, November 18, 2011. She and Billy served churches in the United States and Sierra Leone, at the Sierra Leone Bible College, and most recently, as missionaries to Sierra Leone, during which time he became the first bishop of Sierra Leone Conference.

Funeral details are still being worked out. However, Rev. Simbo announced that the funeral is now scheduled for 11 am Friday, November 25, at a church in Philadelphia, Pa.

He wrote on Facebook, with the photo above: “I met her as a young lady, pretty in a pink and white lace dress. It was the smile and pleasant personality that drew me in. Over the years she has been the rock of the family, outgoing, quick to make friends. The perfect minister’s wife and a terrific ministry partner. She has left a hole in my heart, but she has left a legacy of four strong children who know the Lord as their Rock.”

Billy’s mailing address is:

Billy K. Simbo
1822 Erlen Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027

We’ve got a new flagship United Brethren website. The totally redesigned is now live. Check it out!

The previous site was designed in 2005, with continual tweaks and upgrades along the way. However, it was time for several significant changes:

  • A whole new design.
  • Adopt a Content Management System (in our case, WordPress).
  • Move the site into the “cloud,” rather than host it on a computer at the national office.

So that’s what we did.

We didn’t go all-out with fancy bells and whistles. But we did want to improve the appearance and usefulness–not only for UB people, but for the thousands of other people from numerous countries who, for whatever reason, find themselves on our website.

Related Sites

We also wanted to tie together four sites:

UBGlobal has its own distinctive look. However, the other three sites now share a common look in the heading.

That heading includes a “Related Sites” dropdown on each site’s homepage, which enables you to easily go to any of those sites.


Each page includes a “Print” feature. It puts the page in a print-friendly format without all of the graphics. You can then print the page, or export it as a PDF document. This will be especially helpful if you want to print a chapter from the Discipline or other official documents.

Use the Search Field
A search field is very prominent on the homepage of You’ll also find the search field on every other page, in the left-hand sidebar. The search field is the fastest way to find something specific. For example, if you want information on setting the pastor’s salary, type in “pastor salary.” Keep it simple.

HOWEVER….The search function uses Google. Until Google indexes the new site and deletes the obsolete links to the previous site, you may find yourself on a “Page Not Found” page. So give it some time to catch up.

Look Around

We welcome your suggestions for improving the site. And if you find any errors–bad spellings, broken links, etc.–we want to know about it. We even provided a special form you can use to report errors.

We hope you enjoy the new site. And we always welcome your feedback and suggestions for making it better.

Below are a number of screenshots–mostly from, but a few from the other sites as well.