21 Dec Christmas at Our Church: Columbia City, Ind.

L-r: Fred Scroggs, Santa Jerry Ramsey, and Eagle Quest's pastor, Tim Scroggs.
Christine Scroggs, Eagle Quest Church, Columbia City, Ind.
Eagle Quest Church (Columbia City, Ind.) helped 396 people during the December 17-18 weekend. On Saturday, Dec. 17, members joined the Salvation Army of Whitley County in inviting over 250 families to join them in a meal to celebrate the Christmas season. This celebration was the climax of a very successful food drive called “Feed the Need,” which worked in conjunction with the Salvation Army’s well-known “Toys for Tots” program.
Feed the Need was started to help insure that families who needed help with their groceries would receive enough food to make a Christmas dinner, and hopefully dinners for a few extra days. This year’s program raised enough funds to receive a matching grant, generously donated by the Whitley County Community Foundation. The grant and monies given by the community enabled Eagle Quest to provide 250 food vouchers redeemable at Kroger’s for $25 each!
Here’s how the program worked. As each family received their toys at the giveaway, they also received their voucher and an invitation to the meal at the church. Once they arrived at Eagle Quest, they were greeted by Santa and fed a meal consisting of hot dogs, sloppy joes, baked beans, chips, cookies, and drink.
There was a table with free hats, mittens, scarves, and coats for anyone who wished. The guests were also eligible for a drawing that included gift certificates donated by many local businesses and individuals. As they left the dinner, each family also received a bag with groceries with a variety of foods which included meat, potatoes, and eggs. Community Action of Northeast Indiana was also available at the party to give information about the help they provide.
It was a complete blessing to be able to help so many, and the look of joy and appreciation on the faces of those involved was not lost on any of the workers. Eagle Quest Church was honored to be able to work with the Salvation Army and provide meals to so many people in Whitley County. We are already looking ahead and planning “Feed the Need” 2012!
What has your church done during the Christmas season–events, programs, ministries, anything? Tell us about it. You can use this form or send an email.