There are two new additions to the Global Ministries Leadership Team.

  • Ruth Ralph (right), whose husband, Mark, is pastor of the Mount Zion UB church in Wayne, Ohio.
  • Mark Wallace (left), executive director of Christian Horizons Global. He is a licensed UB minister in Canada, and is a member of the Mill Crossing UB church in Cambridge, Ontario.

They took the place of former members Chuck Malson and Jeff Sherlock.

The GMLT held its fall meeting at the beginning of October at the Gull Lake conference center in Michigan.

The Higher Education Leadership Team is meeting tonight, October 16, as they always do prior to meetings of the Huntington University Board of Trustees. The HELT deals almost exclusively with issues pertaining to Huntington University. The members serve four-year terms.

All eight members of the HELT are also members of the HU Board of Trustees, which meets October 17-18.

We have one change to report. Brooks Fetters (right), a UB ordained minister who is currently mayor of Huntington, Ind., has been appointed to the team. He replaces Keith Schall, a layperson from Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

doug-birdsallIn March 2013, Dr. Douglas Birdsall (right) became president of the American Bible Society. Doug, a licensed United Brethren minister, grew up in a UB pastor’s home, the son of Dr. Roger and MaryLou Birdsall. Prior to assuming the ABS leadership, Doug was president of the Lausanne Movement.

But just a few weeks short of Doug’s official inauguration as ABS president, scheduled for November 8, he and the ABS have parted ways.

Both Doug Birdsall and the American Bible Society issues statements, both of which are published on the Christianity Today website.

Birdsall wrote: “Last week the Board of Trustees at American Bible Society brought my service to a close….I was excited about giving this decade of my career to leading the American Bible Society into the future with a strategic vision for cultural engagement. However, there are times when the vision and style of a new leader does not mesh satisfactorily with the culture of an established organization or with the expectations of a board. Unfortunately, things did not develop as we had hoped.”

The ABM chairman wrote: “While both the Board and Dr. Birdsall shared the same passion for all generations to engage with God’s Word, there were significant differences of how to move the organization towards that goal.”

Birdsall says he and his wife, Jeanie, sought advice from some longtime friends. “Their collective counsel is for us to get rest. The three years leading up to Cape Town were exhilarating, but they also left me more exhausted than I was willing to admit.”

In May 2013, Wheaton College recognized Birdsall as “Alumnus of the Year for Distinguished Service to Society.” He graduated from Wheaton in 1975. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology degree from Harvard University, and recently completed his doctorate from the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies on Oxford, England.

Beginning in 1979, the Birdsalls served 20 years as missionaries in Japan with what is now called Asian Access. He became the organization’s president in 1985 and leds its expansion throughout Asia (now into 12 countries). He took a position with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1999, but continued as president of Asian Access until 2007.

In 2004 he was named head of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (now simply Lausanne Movement). He stepped down as leader of Asian Access in 2007.

As head of the Lausanne Movement, Birdsall convened the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2010. It brought together 4200 evangelical leaders from 198 nations. Christianity Today magazine described it as “the most representative gathering of Christian leaders in church history.”

Doug and Jeanie have three children, all born in Japan. Stacia is a graduate of Princeton, Yale, and Columbia, and now works as a midwife in Manhattan. Judd worked at the US State Department and is now pursuing a doctorate at Cambridge University. Jessamin graduated from Harvard and now serves in London with Save the Children.

Huntington University is one step closer to opening its first doctorate program with the appointment of Dr. Ruth Ford (right) as the director of occupational therapy. The program will open in Fort Wayne, Ind., in fall 2014.

Ford previously served as the associate dean of occupational therapy at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. She comes to HU with 13 years of experience in academia, and is a practicing occupational therapist with 37 clinical years of experience in management, acute care, rehabilitation, outpatient, long-term care, and home health. She has managed more than 500 occupational and physical therapists and speech language pathologists, and has opened multiple occupational therapy programs.

You can read much more about her on the Huntington University site.

This doctorate program will be located within the Life Science Education and Research Consortium of Northeast Indiana at the Parkview Randallia campus in Fort Wayne. The program will build on Huntington’s undergraduate degrees in psychology, nursing, and exercise science. A bachelor’s degree and certain prerequisite courses are required for this program.

Ford will relocate to Huntington in January 2014 to begin her work. She is currently serving in a consulting role in preparation for the 2014 program launch. The HU website has more information about the occupational therapy program.

The elected and appointed members of the 2013-2015 Executive Leadership Team. Top (l-r): East region: Dennis Sites, Robert Eberly, Sherwood Cook. Central region: Greg Voight, Tim Krugh, Darwin Dunten. Bottom (l-r): North region: Dan Paternoster, Lester Smith, Bob Tobey. West region: Gary Dilley, Molly Kesler, Kent Koteskey.

The elected and appointed members of the 2013-2015 Executive Leadership Team. Top (l-r): East region: Dennis Sites, Robert Eberly, Sherwood Cook. Central region: Greg Voight, Tim Krugh, Darwin Dunten. Bottom (l-r): North region: Dan Paternoster, Lester Smith, Bob Tobey. West region: Gary Dilley, Molly Kesler, Kent Koteskey.

The Executive Leadership Team meets October 14-15 in Huntington, Ind. Members are elected or appointed to two-year terms, so this team will serve until the 2015 US National Conference.

The National Conference elects eight members–one minister and one layperson from each of the four regions. The bishop is an automatic member. Those nine persons then appoint four more members–two ministers and two layperson, spread out among the four districts.

The result is an Executive Leadership Team that looks like this:

  • Six ministers and six laypersons, plus the bishop.
  • Three members from each of the four regions.
  • Two regions have two ministers and one layperson, and two regions have two laypersons and one minister.

Six of the 13 voting members are new.

The four persons appointed by the ELT for 2013-2015 are:

  • East region: Sherwood Cook, a layperson from Mount Pleasant UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.). Sherwood previously served on the 2005-2007 ELT.
  • Central region: Darwin Dunten, senior pastor of Findlay First UB church (Findlay, Ohio).
  • North region: Bob Tobey, a retired schoolteacher from Colwood UB church (Caro, Mich.). Bob previously served on the 2011-2013 ELT.
  • West region: Kent Koteskey, executive pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Kent previously served on the 2011-2013 ELT.

The ELT begins meeting Monday night, October 14, and will continue through early afternoon on Tuesday, October 15. (See the entire team)

Member of the Shiloh congregation.

Member of the Shiloh congregation.

Pastor Bob Cotie (middle) with Chris and Dianna Lueck at the Black and White dinner, which raised funds to ship 800 shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse ministry.

Pastor Bob Cotie (middle) with Chris and Dianna Lueck at the Black and White dinner, which raised funds to ship 800 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse ministry.

The little Shiloh Church in Tiverton, Ontario, has outdone itself again This congregation, with an average attendance of 26, provided nearly 800 shoeboxes for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.

Board Chair Donna Doern writes:

At Shiloh UB church, we start working on our shoeboxes during the summer. We filled 33 cartons, which is 792 boxes. We had enough money to pay for 518 boxes, but still needed more funds to make that happen.

Some people wondered, of course, why we wouldn’t do 800 boxes. Again, that would be more funds.

We decided to have a “Black and White” roast beef dinner on a Saturday evening. The decor was all black and white, and we asked people to wear black and white. We also showed old black and white show clips–Red Skelton, Lucy, Abbot and Costello, etc. Sixty people attended

We needed $1,904 to send our 792 boxes and 1,960 to send 800. We had a profit of $3,700. We were totally blown away, and certainly know that God’s hand was in this project.

Pastor Bob Cotie brought the house down with his newly acquired wardrobe, coming dressed as a Holstein cow.

Marshall Woods (right), senior pastor of Mill Chapel UB church (Reedsville, W. Va.), sent this encouraging report:

“In the last two months, we have baptized 30 people. There are some more to be baptized in the near future. Some were baptized in a pool, some in a river, and some in a hot tub. The church is also considering an expansion program, to build an additional building.”

Pastor Woods also traveled to Haiti September 9-16 with a group of six UB ministers.

Dr. Sherilyn Emberton was inaugurated on Friday afternoon, October 4, as the 13th president of Huntington University. The video above shows the entire service.

There were a lot of different speeches and–surprisingly–all of them were very good.

  • Brooks Fetters, a UB minister who is currently mayor of Huntington.
  • James Banks, an Indiana state senator.
  • Connie Lawson, the Indiana secretary of state.
  • Edward Blews, president of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities.
  • The presidents of LeTourneau University and East Texas Baptist University, the two college where Dr. Emberton served prior to Huntington.

Short speeches were also given by Dr. G. Blair Dowden and Dr. Eugene B. Habecker, the two previous presidents of Huntington University.

The service included a “Blessing of the Bishops.” Bishop Phil Whipple and the four bishops emeriti who are still with us–Paul Hirschy, C. Ray Miller, Ron Ramsey, and Ray Seilhamer–gathered around Dr. Emberton and prayed for her.

The actual installation ceremony was conducted by Ms. Kelly Savage, president of the HU Board of Trustees, and Mrs. Nancy Hull, secretary of the Board of Trustees.

After the installation came a message from Dr. Emberton.

You can watch it all in that video.

Victor Mojica family

Victor Mojica family

Victor Mojica in his store.

Victor Mojica in his store.

Victor Mojica and his wife Margarita pastor the Hispanic congregation of Clearview United Brethren in Goshen, Indiana. In order to support himself through years of church planting Victor has been in business for himself selling everything from gold jewelry to swimming pools. Currently, he sells furniture and high-end audio systems along with two of his sons, Jeremiah and Joshua.

Victor will also be traveling to Nicaragua October 12-19 to participate in a small business training event led by Jeff Bleijerveld and Jeff Dice. During the week they will be working with a limited-sized group of pastors and church planters seeking the means to develop ministries that allow them to do both ministry and business at the same time.

Victor and Margarita have found multiple opportunities over the years to share there faith, counsel and even lead people to Christ at their place of business. Many of these are now members at their church. Being bi-vocational is not viewed as an obstacle for ministry, but another opportunity as they live their lives from Christ.

The video below gives you a peak at an event they host called Mid-Summer Mayhem.

Paul and Carie Burrus

Paul and Carie Burrus

Paul Burrus has been appointed senior pastor of Corunna UB church (Corunna, Ind.) effective September 22, 2013. He holds degrees in Biology and Psychology from Manchester University (1980), a masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of St. Francis (1983), a Master of Divinity from Winebrenner Theological Seminary (1995), and a Doctor of Ministry from Grace Theological Seminary (2008).

Paul and his wife, Carie, have served in pastoral ministry since 1990. He was ordained in 1995 by the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.). He and Carie have two grown daughters.