25 Feb March 6 – Robert Rogers in Columbia City, Ind.
Robert Rogers will share his testimony of “No Regrets” at Eagle Quest UB church (Columbia City, Ind.).
Date: March 6, 2014
Time: 7 pm.
Location: Eagle Quest Church, 1120 N. SR 109, Columbia City, IN 46725
In August 2003, Robert’s wife and four children died in a flash flood in Kansas. The family was returning from a wedding in Wichita when a six-foot wall of water inundated their van and swept them off the highway. His eight years as a father and 12 years as a husband came to an end.
Soon after, Robert resigned from his engineering career and began sharing his story, teaching people to “Live a Life of No Regrets.” He has remarried, and once again has two sons and two daughters.
Robert is an accomplished worship leader, pianist, and songwriter. He has shared his story on ABC, CBS, CNN, Montel Williams, the Billy Graham TV Crusade, and Focus on the Family.