Denis Casco at Valle de Santiago

Bishop Denis Casco at the Valle de Santiago church.

Mexico is said by many to be in crisis. Corruption at multiple levels and drug trafficking have a major impact on our near neighbor to the south, but we’re rejoicing in the growth of the United Brethren in Christ.

I visited Mexico last week with Rev. Denis Casco, Bishop of the Mexico National Conference. Rev. Casco continues to provide outstanding leadership to our churches in Mexico. Our ministry currently consists of 34 registered churches and another 10 church plants. They are divided into seven districts from El Paso/Juarez in the north to Oaxaca in the south.

Large concentrations of UB churches can be found in Queretaro and Michoacan to the north and west of Mexico City. We also have 3 indigenous works among Purepecha peoples in Michoacan, and among Tarazco peoples in Chihuahua.

We visited Valle de Santiago, where Mount Pleasant UB in Chambersburg, Pa., is currently completing a five-year partnership with Pastor Ramiro Negrete and the Centro Familiar Evangelico. They recently completed the construction of a sanctuary to accommodate 500 attendees, and it’s filling quickly.

Along the way, I heard the testimonies of new believers who had come to faith in Christ through the care and compassion of UB church members who came to them and loved them through struggles with abuse, drugs, and the chaos of broken family relationships. God is doing a tremendous work among his people.

This week, a team from Mount Pleasant will be in Mexico helping distribute nearly over 500 Operation Christmas Child boxes from Samaritan’s Purse. This will be the largest distribution our Mexican UB churches have ever been involved with. We currently have a number of opportunities for churches or individuals interested in partnering with a local church and participating in a short-term project.

Helen Villanueva and Maira Raudales

We received word that Helen Villanueva is near death, and could pass away at any time. Helen lives in Belize.

Helen (left) is the mother of Maira Raudales (right), wife of former Honduran superintendent Francisco Raudales. She is also the daughter of James Elliott, the minister whose influence brought the United Brethren denomination to Honduras. For a number of years, Helen pastored the Puerto Cortes UB church in northern Honduras.

Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld has been in Mexico since last Thursday (Dec. 3), spending time with Bishop Denis Casco and the churches of the Mexico National Conference. He’ll return to the States tomorrow, December 9.


UB people file to the front to contribute their money.


L-r: Dr. Coril Warmington and Marian Stewart, representing missionary work in Liberia, with host pastor Rev. Dr. Lloyd Spencer.


The congregation watches a video presentation about the flooding in the Philippines

United Brethren churches in Jamaica Conference, from the Eastern District, held a combined missionary service on Sunday, November 29, to raise funds for two concerns:

  • To help UB churches in the Philippines affected by recent floods.
  • To help support missionaries in Liberia.

People from the 12 churches of the eastern district held this service at the Washington Gardens church in Kingston, the capital city. The theme this year was, “Reaching the Lost and Needy, with Open Hearts and Hands.” The service included:

  • A video presentation by Mr. Andre Saunderson about the devastation in the Philippines.
  • Presentations about missionary work in Liberia by missionaries Dr. Coril Warmington and Ms. Marian Stewart .

The service was coordinated by Pastor Barrington Johnson, moderated by Rev. Courtney Morgan, and hosted by Rev. Dr Lloyd Spencer.


Mrs. Walter Recinos at the site of the mudslide.

Torrential rains hit large areas of Central America this fall. In El Salvador, Pastor Walter Recinos and his wife lost their home in a mudslide. Nearly everything was lost as a result. We’re gathering funds to take with us to General Conference in January to present to Pastor and Mrs. Recinos, who will be attending as guests. El Salvador is a mission district, with oversight by Honduras Conference.

Sometimes visions die with the visionary. But then there are visions worth hanging onto and passing on to future generations. Such is the vision of Dr. Ralph Winter, founder of the US Center for World Mission in Pasadena, Calif.

While visiting with Dave Datema, the newly named General Director of Frontier Mission Fellowship, of with the US Center for World Mission is a part, he showed me a “stone of remembrance” that the staff erected soon after Dr. Winter’s passing last May. The stone reads:

This stone is a witness that on July 14, 2009, after the death of our founder, Dr. Ralph D. Winter on May 20 that same year, the members of the Frontier Mission Fellowship reconsecrated themselves to the vision of the gospel of the Kingdom being proclaimed by word and deed among all peoples to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples. Joshua 24:26-27

I count it a privilege to have United Brethren people like Dave and Cathie Datema and family serving with an organization that continues to do so much to serve Christ’s Church in the work of sharing the gospel among all nations. The US Center for World Mission continues to have a vital role in mobilizing, educating, and training churches and missionaries from around the world to accomplish the mission of God. Continue to remember them in prayer.

Construction on the Delmas Church and Conference Center in Haiti

United Brethren people in Haiti have been working hard on a new church in Delmas. This facility will also serve as a national conference center. The property, located on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, was purchased by the Haitian church. The building is being constructed through the efforts of church members and local contractors using gifts from Canada and the United States. A team from the UB churches in Canada will travel to Haiti to help with the construction.

On December 13, the Delmas church will celebrate its third anniversary. While the project continues, the local church is increasing in attendance and has been baptizing people.

Last spring, we contributed $8000 through our Self-Denial Offerings. However, an additional push is needed to complete the building before the rainy season comes. Pastor Oliam Richard has been under pressure by the municipality to complete the project. Any assistance toward the total amount needed would be appreciated.


Global Ministries owns a small house in Huntington, Ind., where missionaries on furlough stay. It is used almost continuously.

In the spring, we’d like some exterior work done on the home, particularly repairs to the back porch and some painting. Would you or your church be able to provide the labor? Contact Jeff Bleijerveld to make plans for a team to assist with this need.

Mission Team TrainingGlobal Ministries will sponsor another workshop for persons interested in leading short-term mission trips. We did four such events in 2008.

Date: February 12-13, 2010
Location: Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio
Cost: $60

This workshop is open for all persons who either will lead short-term trips in 2010 or who may be considering leading trips in the future.

Participants will receive a lot of material helpful in putting together the trip, team development, dealing with cultural differences, and much more. If your church is considering short-term mission ministry, this is a “must” event.

Jeff Bleijerveld and Donna Hollopeter will be team teaching. More information will be coming to local churches. The Global Ministries website gives the schedule, and you can download a brochure about the event. You can register and pay online.

Marilyn Reeck, UB endorsed missionary with Wycliffe in Honduras
We arrived back form Africa and after one week in Honduras traveled to San Jose, Costa Rica where Roger has been helping lead a One Story workshop for 7 different language groups. I have been one of the facilitators. It is being held at the Youth with a Mission base.

Two days ago (on his 61st birthday) Roger fell on his knee. Yesterday, November 19, a doctor determined that he had a quadriceps tendon rupture. Last night he was taken in to surgery and the tendon was reattached.  He is in a complete leg cast and in considerable pain. He will need to stay in the cast for 6 weeks.

When he leaves the hospital, we will need to decide how to get him home to Honduras. Our return date was to be a week from now, but we might possibly leave earlier. We praise the Lord that this happened in a country with such excellent medical care. We are in the Clinica Biblica hospital, a large and modern hospital.