Neville Tomlinson, pastor of International UB church in Allentown, Pa., writes:

“I am one of the members of the board of directors for “Teams For Medical Missions” that provides spiritual and medical services for the poor in St. Mary, Jamaica. We are presently seeking an Executive and  Associate directors to lead from our office in Macungie, Pa., due to the retirement of our present director effective February 2012. Could you please announce this in our UB family for me? For additional information about this ministry interested persons may visit

We’ve been having email problems at the national office, the result of some mischief from a Nigerian spammer. To counter that, we are migrating all of our email offsite to Google Apps. If you have sent email to someone with an extension, your email may have bounced back to you. Hopefully, this will all be resolved over the weekend.

We are receiving most email. A bigger problem has been sending email from the national office, and having it get rejected (thanks, Mr. Nigerian, for getting us blacklisted as a spammer). If you have questions about whether or not an email got through, feel free to contact the appropriate person at Healthy Ministry Resources. Call toll-free 888-622-3019.

Do you have some of the old maroon 1973 United Brethren hymnals sitting around somewhere? We occasionally receive requests for that hymnal.

Most recently, The Village of Laurel Run (formerly Piney Mountain Home, once operated by Mid-Atlantic Conference) expressed interest in some. Lois Culler writes, “I go there and play the piano and I have found that some of these hymnals are in real bad shape. A group of us are going up to try to put masking tape on them to hold them together.” If they could get some donated hymnals in good condition, that would be great.

The Mount Zion United African Church in Philadelphia, Pa., pastored by Rev. Joe Abu, was also interested in obtaining hymnals.

If you have some hymals to donate, contact Steve Dennie.

Mainstreet Church (Walbridge, Ohio) is replacing its phone system, and wonders if another church or organization would like the previous system, which is 3-4 years old. They are switching to an IP Voice system. The phone system they are hoping to sell consists of:

  • Toshiba CIX40 Strata cabinet and Power Supply (CHSU40A)
  • CIX40 Processor Card (GCTU2A)
  • CIX40 4-Port TIS16 Voice Mail System
  • HPFB-6 Battery Backup Module for CIX40 and CTX28
  • Six (6) Toshiba DKT3220-SD 20 button digital Speakerphones
  • Two (2) Toshiba DKT3207-SD 7 button digital Speakerphones

If interested, contact:

Tom Caldwell, Pastor of Grouplife
Mainstreet Church
5465 Moline Martin Rd.
Walbridge, Ohio 43465

United Brethren churches do a lot of special things during the Christmas season. What did your church do special? Other UB churches would be interested in hearing about it.

While the Christmas season is still fresh in your mind, write up a little description about any special events, services, activities, etc. at your church.

Type in your information and send it. You can even attach digital photos. We’ll get it posted on so others can read about it.

The office staff just received a phone call from Steve Dennie. He reports that he is (finally) home from the hospital on Thursday, July 22–very weak and tired, but home.

On July 15, Steve was taken to the Lutheran Hospital ER, where he was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. For the next four days, he wasn’t able to eat or drink anything. Then, on July 19, his gall bladder was removed.

Steve will take some more days off to regain his strength before rejoining the office staff again. We’re grateful that he’s recovering and on the road to good health again. You’ve been missed, Steve!

Bishop Emeritus Raymond Waldfogel was admitted to a local hospital yesterday and has been undergoing tests, with more coming today. The prognosis, according to his daughter Susan Stong, is congestive heart failure. Additional tests today will help determine the course of treatment. Bishop Waldfogel is experiencing improved breathing today and will be visited by a cardiologist later this afternoon. The family appreciates the prayers of the Church.