Charles F. Malson, Sr., a retired United Brethren minister, passed away at 8:35 pm on March 3, 2013. Funeral arrangements are as follows:

Visitation: 3-8 pm Friday, March 8, 2013,
Visitation location: East Washington UB church, 8051 S. Crapo Road, Ashley, MI 48806 (on M 57 two miles east of US 127).
Funeral: 11 am Saturday, March 9, 2013.
Funeral location: East Washington UB church.

Charles was called to the ministry while making his living as a chicken farmer in Hillsdale County, Michigan, and serving as a volunteer with Youth for Christ. He headed to Houghton College in New York before returning to pastor Brown Corners United Brethren Church in Clare, Mich., from 1952-1957. In 1957, while serving as pastor/superintendent, Charles started a United Brethren Church on Richfield Road in Flint, Mich. He was elected as fulltime Michigan Conference superintendent in 1981. At that time, he and Doris moved to Carson City, Mich. He retired from that role in 1991. Charles also served as chaplain and as a volunteer at Carson City Hospital for a total of 25 years.

Charles was a life-long learner, taking classes and seminars throughout life. He received his Masters from Huntington University in 1987.

He is survived by his wife of 71 years, Doris; his six kids and their spouses; 19 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren.

Memorial donations can be made in memory of Charles to Carson City Christian Camping Association (10890 Easy St., Carson City, MI 48811), Greater Lansing Youth for Christ (Campus Life), or Camp Living Waters (536 E. Six Mile Rd. Luther, MI 49656).

Charles and Doris Malson.

Charles and Doris Malson.

Charles F. Malson, Sr., a retired UB pastor and superintendent in Michigan, passed away at 8:35 pm on Sunday, March 3, 2013. Funeral arrangements will be posted here when available.

Posted on Facebook by his son, Chuck Malson, pastor of Brown Corners UB church (Clare, Mich.):

Some of us called him Daddy, some called him Pop. No matter what you called him, he loved you. He is now enjoying his new home, probably touring with St. Peter. I can imagine him being greeted by those who came to faith in Christ because of his influence. We will miss him terribly, but our grief is tempered by hope. We know we will see him again. Mom, his much loved wife of 71 years, will miss him the most. We love you Mom, and thank you both for loving each other. As of 8:30 pm this evening, Pop is now a new resident of paradise. How appropriate that he went home on Sunday, the Lord’s Day.

Charles and Doris Malson

Charles and Doris Malson

Charles Malson, Sr., a retired UB minister now living in Carson City, Mich., was hospitalized on January 23, and has gone through a couple surgeries. There have been ups and downs since then. Several updates have appeared on UBCentral.

On Saturday, March 2, Chuck Malson, pastor of Brown Corners UB church (Clare, Mich.), posted this note on his Facebook page about his father:

“I’m sad to report that the doctors have determined that nothing seems to be working for Pop. His kidneys are stressed and shutting down, and fluid is building in his heart/lungs, so the heart is being more stressed as well.

“None of the efforts have been successful, so the doctor indicates that there is not much more to be done for Pop. So, he will be going home to heaven, most likely within the next few days.

“Thanks so much for your love and concern over these last 5 weeks. The whole Malson clan thanks you for your love.”

Cards can be sent to Charles’ wife, Doris, at this address:

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811

Rev. Willard Sanders (right), 96, a retired United Brethren minister, passed away February 22 at Swiss Village Retirement Community in Berne, Ind.

Visitation: 4-7 pm Monday, February 25, 2013,
Visitation location: Swiss Village, 1350 W Main St., Berne, IN 46711.
Funeral: 11 am Tuesday, February 26, 2013.
Funeral location: Hudson UB church, 516 N. Main Street, Hudson, Ind.  Viewing 9:30 – 11 am.

Burial will follow the funeral at the Sherwood Cemetery in Sherwood, Ohio, at 2 pm.

Rev. Sanders was born in Farmer, Ohio, and worked as a truck driver until age 33, when he answered the call to the ministry. He graduated from Huntington College (Huntington, Ind.) and went on to pastor the UB churches in Corunna, Ind.; Hudson, Ind.; and Hillsdale, Mich. He was ordained in 1958. He also served as a conference superintendent.

Rev. Sanders and his wife, Rachel, were married in 1939 and moved to Swiss Village in 2004. Rachel passed away in 2010. He is survived by two daughters, two sons, 20 grandchildren, and several great- and -great-great grandchildren.

Memorials shuld be made to the Swiss Village Samaritan Fund or the charity of the donor’s choice.

Beth Palmer, daughter of Rev. Charles Malson, Sr. (right, with wife Doris), sent this update on her father’s condition on February 18: “Daddy is fairly well settled in on the third floor at the specialty section of St. Lawrence. He has been breathing on his own for over 24 hours, so they are considering removing the vent machine. He will continue to keep his trach for the next few weeks. He is able to swallow the liquid from small ice chips. Daddy sat in a recliner for a couple hours this morning but is sleeping now. He may do a little more therapy later today. Will be glad to have him better and closer to home. Please pray for a very quick recovery.”

Marvin Schwartz (right), pastor of New Horizons UB church (Rockford, Ohio) since 2008, reports that his father passed away on Sunday night, February 17, 2013. The funeral will be held on Wednesday, February 20, at 10:30, at the Berne Evangelical Church (Berne, Ind.). The viewing is Tuesday night, February 19, from 2-8 pm at the same location.

Cards can be sent to:

Marvin Schwartz
3555 S 650 E
Monroe, IN  46772

Beth Palmer sent the following on Friday morning, Feb. 8, concerning her dad, Charles F. Malson, Sr. Rev. Malson, a retired UB minister, is at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich.

“Grandpa is more alert today. Spent a fairly good night and needed some pain meds. Trach area and legs still an issue when it comes to pain. His digestive system is processing nutritional liquids, so they intend to add more again today.

“He is breathing longer periods with no assistance from the vent; however, it is available as a backup. This helps to strengthen the diaphragm that took a break from its task. The other muscles associated with breathing are also adjusting to working again.

“The abdominal mass is smaller, so the doctor said today that it is most likely as they suspecteed, fluids and blood that went to the wound area and still need to go away on its own.

“Daddy sat up longer yesterday in a chair. He was taken there by the assistance of a sling and relocated in his bed again by this amazing motorized device. Technology is wonderful when used for good.

“He is consciously lifting his own legs and working on lifting his arms a bit when requested. He looks more like himself with fewer bruises and less swelling.”

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

Charles Malson, Sr., remains in ICU at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich. Son Steve, a former UB minister, writes, “He is going to have another surgery around 2 pm on Monday. It will be extensive. Please pray for us, my mom and my family, because this is a very difficult time for the whole crew. Daddy is a very sick man.”

Cards can be sent to:

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

UPDATE (7:30 pm): Chuck Malson posted this on Facebook: “Ok, so here’s the latest on Pop. He didn’t need the more extensive surgery that we feared he needed after Saturday’s ct scan. The dark mass appears to be blood, not infection, since his blood cells etc. are all going the right direction. So, the surgery today was to insert a tracheotomy in order to make it easier on him to breathe. The doctor is very pleased with his progress. The trach will stay in for a couple weeks and another ct scan will be taken later to double check his progress. Thanks for all your prayers.”

Charles and Doris Malson

Charles and Doris Malson

Chuck Malson passed along this information about his father, Charles Malson, Sr., who has been in the hospital since Friday, January 25. “He is responding a little more lately. He seems to be more aware of his surroundings. Still not awake fully and that may be a good thing, since he isn’t breathing on his own, yet.”

Beth Palmer wrote the following update on Wednesday, Jan. 30: “Daddy is still in a coma. He has shown some signs of coming around today. His breathing test indicated he wasn’t ready, so they couldn’t remove the ventilator. He isn’t awake enough to fight the tubes, and that is fine with us. They have taken cultures, etc., to see why he has a slight fever. They put in a pick line a few minutes ago, have taken the ex-rays, and plan to take out the central line if the pictures indicate a good line.

“Lots of our family and many friends have dropped by to support my mom and the rest of us here during this difficult time. My mom was looking at the list of those we knew who had come to visit, and the list contains 70 different names. We didn’t think to keep the names of those who have called or sent texts. We appreciate everyone so much. Please keep us in our prayers as family and friends travel to and from the hospital when you pray for daddy.

“Maybe it would be a good idea to pray for him to progress enough to be taken off the ventilator. His body continues to heal, and the doctors are pleased with his progress. The lead surgeon said we should not despair. Daddy is getting amazing care here at Sparrow Hospital.”

Cards can be sent to:

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

Beth Palmer sent this update on her father, Charles Malson, Sr., along with some background on what led to his hospitalization. Rev. Malson is scheduled to undergo surgery Saturday afternoon, January 26.

“On Wednesday morning (January 23), Charles Malson fell in the bathroom, striking his head. When my mom found him, he was cold and unresponsive with wounds. He was taken to the Carson City hospital, and they transfered him to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing.

“After several tests, they discovered that he had a section of his small bowl area that had detached from the blood source and had died, sending bacteria into his system. They removed this area that night, and he is to have surgery again to attach the two ends if they are healthy. He faces another surgery in a couple days to attach the muscles. There is too much swelling from the two surgeries to do this safely at this time.

“He is in an induced coma and will remain there for a few days. He is doing well.”

Chuck Malson added in the early afternoon on Saturday, Jan. 26:

“If all goes well, they may be able to close the incision today, otherwise they will reattach the intestine today, and close on Monday. The reason, as I understand, is that pressure in the abdomen is released better with the wound open, but if enough has been released by surgery time, they can close. So, either one surgery today, or one today and one Monday. It may be that the delay from yesterday will be a good thing, and he might be two days ahead if they can close today.”

UPDATE 5:30 pm: Beth Palmer writes, “Daddy’s surgeon just reported that he has been able to attach the sections of his bowel and there will be no ostomy. He will remain in a coma for another day or two and in the CCU for several days. He will then be moved to a surgical floor for more recovery. Grandma is doing well also. She is a trooper as you would expect. About 25 family members came to be with her during the process.”