On Tuesday, the United Brethren National Office sent out information about the General Conference meeting. It was to begin this coming Sunday in Jamaica.

Well, things can change quickly. The event has been put off until March of 2021. The following message was sent to General Conference delegates and attendees:

“In light of concerns regarding the coronavirus and the declining number of travelers able to attend our General Conference, we regret to inform you that we will not proceed with our General Conference as planned. We have decided that we will postpone the conference until March 13-18, 2021. It will still take place in Jamaica.”

UB Global is working on refunding airline tickets.

On Tuesday, Jamaica announced their first case of the coronavirus–a Jamaican woman who had recently returned from a trip to Great Britain. Our Jamaican churches had planned big services for this coming weekend as part of their annual national conference meeting, but they have now cancelled those services.

We also mentioned that Honduras, where we have 110 churches, hadn’t yet confirmed a case of the coronavirus. Well, on Wednesday Honduras confirmed two cases, both involving Honduran women–one of whom returned from a trip to Spain, the other from a trip to Switzerland.


The UB Association will sponsor a three-hour workshop on Saturday, March 21. The topic:

“A Sure Foundation: How to Take a Stand o Shifting Social Issues Based on the Sure Foundation of Scripture.”

Date: March 21, 2020
Time: 9:00 am to noon
Location: Rhodes Grove Camp and Conference Center, 7693 Brown’s Mill Road, Chambersburg, Pa.

This workshop is a “how-to” on developing personal convictions and group positions on controversial issues. It will cover such areas as:

  • How do we reconcile scientific evidence and Bible truth?
  • How do we embody compassion and understanding?
  • How do we use the bible as our guide?
  • How do we preserve our unity when others are dividing?

Hear an academic dean, a Christian attorney, and a seminary resident share their experience of leading their denomination through controversies in a way that resulted in a business session that ended with a spontaneous standing ovation.

The facilitators are:

  • Dr. Luke Fetters, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty at Huntington University, Huntington, Ind. Dr. Fetters is an ordained UB minister, and a former UB missionary and pastor.
  • Joni Michaud is an attorney in Michigan. She is a member of Pleasant Valley UB church in Lake Odessa, Mich., and is a member of the denominational Executive Leadership Team.
  • Dr. Anthony L. Blair is president of Evangelical Seminary in Myerstown, Pa. He is an ordained UB minister.

This three-hour workshop is free of charge, but seating is limited, and registration is required. To register, telephone 717-375-4162 or e-mail [email protected]

For more information, a bulletin insert and online registration, visit www.ubassociation.org

Optional Lunch $12.00: make check payable to Rhodes Grove Camp

May 4-8, 2020 (Monday – Friday)
Daytona Beach, Fla.

The Ministry Leaders Summit is for United Brethren persons serving in staff positions in United Brethren churches. This includes such roles as pastoral care, youth, worship, assimilation, adult education, visitation, counseling, missions, discipleship, children, etc. It is NOT for senior pastors.

The summit begins with dinner at 6:00 pm on Monday, and concludes with hotel checkout on Friday morning. It occurs at the same time as the third Pastor & Spouse summit to accommodate shared travel of staff and pastor.

Previously, two separate events were held–the annual Youth Workers Summit, and an Associate Summit for other persons in staff roles. This year, we are combining the two events at a beachfront hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla.

For registration questions and updates, contact Cathy Reich at [email protected] or 260-356-2312, ext. 311.

Every two years, we hold summits for senior pastors and spouses of churches of all sizes. In the past, the denomination has covered all costs except for transportation and a few meals. The 2020 summits will be held at a beachfront hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla. Here are the dates.

April 20-23, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance above 300.

April 27-30, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance of 150-300.

May 4-7, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance less than 150. This will occur at the same time as the Ministry Leaders Summit.

Summit details and registration links will be sent to each pastor for the summit(s) they are invited to attend. For registration questions and updates, contact Cathy Reich at [email protected] or 260-356-2312, ext. 311.

The UB History Course is held periodically in regional locations. Two classes are scheduled for March 2020. Both will be held in conjunction with the Idea to Action Symposium.

Date and Time

In both locations, the course will be held 3-6 pm Monday, March 30, and 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday, March 31

Huntington, Ind.

Location: UB National Office in Huntington, Ind.
Instructor: Rev. Robert Bruce

Harrisburg, Pa.

Location: Devonshire UB church, Harrisburg, Pa.
Instructor: Dr. Daryl Elliott

The United Brethren History Course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. The cost is $200 for persons seeking a ministerial license, $100 for everyone else.

Go here for full information and to register.

The October 15 night CNN Democratic debate was held at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. That was the very first United Brethren college, started back in 1847 and named after founding bishop William Otterbein.

From the start, Otterbein University admitted women and people of color, which was a bit revolutionary for the time. It was also co-educational, with men and women taking the same classes (not a watered-down track for women). Of the first 81 students, 29 were women, and women served on the faculty. So we were quite progressive for the time.

Lewis Davis became president in 1850 and served in that role for 21 years before departing to start the first United Brethren seminary (now United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio). He’s the namesake for Davis Hall at Huntington University.

An event called “UB Connected” will be held for the fourth consecutive year on November 3-4, 2019, at Rhodes Grove Camp in Chambersburg, Pa. It is sponsored by the United Brethren Association.

The event begins at 6:00 PM, Sunday, November 3, with a brief UB Association business meeting. We will be voting in 2020 board members. (If you are a member and will not be able to attend the event, please e-mail Christi, [email protected], to request an absentee ballot. Especially important for those more than 2 hours away) At 6:30 PM we will begin our evening service with worship followed by a message from Bishop Todd Fetters. The service will conclude with Holy Communion.

On Monday morning, beginning at 9:00 AM we will have a concert of prayer. We will be praying for 5 topics: Our Global Family, Our Present Pastors and Future Leaders, Rhodes Grove Camp, The Ministry Needs of our Congregations and Our Pastors’ Marriages and Children. The event concludes with a noon meal.

There is no cost to attend sessions. However, there are fees for meals and lodging.

You can register online here: https://ubassociation.wufoo.com/forms/z1q82uri0o49sei/

You’re invited and encouraged to attend the first “Idea to Action” symposium at Huntington University. It is sponsored by both Huntington University and the denomination.

Date: Monday, October 28, 2019
Time: 9:30 am to 2 pm
Special Needs Ministry

You can register using this link.

The symposium is free for United Brethren pastors, staff, and members. Huntington University undergraduate and graduate ministry students are also free to attend. Others who wish to join are welcome but will be charged a fee of $125. If attending the live event, an optional lunch is available for a cost of $15.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Dr. Kent Eiler will share his expertise from an academic perspective.
  • Pastor Mike Elkins and Dennis Myers will share how their special needs ministry at New Hope Community Church in Bryan, Ohio, is working to meet the needs of families in their community.
  • Kimi Archer, with Joni and Friends, will share resources that are available to churches and ministries, and give ideas to help support the local church in serving and being the church to families with special needs.

Learn more about the Idea to Action series here.

The 2019 US National Conference met July 17-20 at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. About 700 persons attended. The theme “Let’s Pray!” was developed through messages by Daniel Henderson and various workshops. In addition, special displays, printed materials, and a prayer room guided people in praying for United Brethren churches, ministers, missionaries, and ministries around the world.

Business Meeting
The business meeting on Thursday morning, July 18, began at 8:30 and concluded at 1:00 pm.

The delegates voted on seven proposals for revising the United Brethren Discipline. Most were minor or editorial, nothing substantive. Five passed by a voice vote without any discussion. Another passed with one amendment and no discussion.

Then there was Proposal 2. This one had been percolating for several years. It passed by a vote of 183-126, but only after a lengthy (and commendably civil) discussion.

When it comes to drinking alcohol, the United Brethren standard has been, and continues to be, abstention. From 1849 until 2005, all United Brethren members were prohibited from consuming alcohol, period. Total abstention was required.

The stand was changed in 2005 for laypersons. The new wording read, “We urge all of our members to avoid using alcoholic beverages.” The key word was “urge.” We would continue desiring and promoting abstention, but wouldn’t require it.

Except for licensed United Brethren ministers. For them, the total abstention requirement remained, for both alcohol and tobacco. While laypersons were “urged” to not smoke or drink, ministers were prohibited from doing either. That prohibition came in the chapter on “The Ministry”:

“Ministers are not permitted to use tobacco, beverage alcohol, and illicit drugs, or to engage in any immoral conduct, and their marriage relationships must be in harmony with the teachings of Scripture as defined in the Discipline.”

In 2015, a proposal came to remove that sentence. However, it hit the floor at the end of the day, and other issues had consumed the alotted time, so the proposal was tabled…which in effect killed it. But the same basic proposal returned in 2019.

The discussion lasted an hour, with 14 people speaking against removing the prohibition, 12 speaking in favor of removing it, and another six speaking in general to the proposal. Everyone who wanted to speak got a chance (with a three-minute time limit).

Bishop Todd Fetters then called for a ballot vote. The proposal passed by a significant margin. Of the 309 persons who voted, 59% voted to change the stand on alcohol and tobacco as it applied to ministers. Ministers would now be held to the same requirements as all other members, as outlined in ¶143.

On July 25, Bishop Fetters sent a letter to all UB licensed ministers explaining the results. Concerning the use of alcohol and tobacco, he wrote:

“Simply put, both behaviors are permitted, but not endorsed. Members are given freedom to choose to use alcohol and tobacco, but our desire is that members choose to abstain. The strength of the statements is in the fact that members are urged to avoid (alcohol) and urged to abstain (tobacco). Furthermore, our leaders are urged to teach about the hazards of both alcohol and tobacco, while pointing to the Holy Spirit as a Deliverer for those who are controlled by the substances.

“I commend you to navigate your freedom in Christ through the counsel of the Scriptures, the indwelling guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the encouraging accountability of the church, which includes your ministry peers.”

L-r: Bishop Todd Fetters, assistant chairperson Gary Dilley, and recording secretary Rocky Spear.

Cluster Chapter
The only other Discipline change worth mentioning regards the chapter “Connections,” which is now titled “Clusters.” The cluster system was adopted in 2005, and had since evolved significantly away from how it was described in the Discipline. In particular, the original vision involved a highly decentralized approach, but that never really took hold. Instead, the clusters became centralized under the Office of the Bishop.

We needed to align the Discipline with actual practice. So, the existing chapter was replaced with a greatly shortened chapter which included five points about clusters, four points about cluster leaders, and a paragraph about associations. You can read it here.

Election of ELT Members
The Executive Leadership Team meets twice a year to handle business between sessions of the US National Conference. It consists of 12 persons–three from each region, half being clergy and half laypersons.

Every two years, the US National Conference elects four members to four-year terms, and then the bishop appoints another four persons to two-year terms. They join the four members elected by the previous National Conference.

The four persons elected this year were:

  • West District: Tomi Cardin, a layperson from Anchor UB church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • North District: Mark Wilson, senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Central District: Andy Sikora, senior pastor of Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio).
  • East District: Janis Creason, a layperson from Devonshire UB church (Harrisburg, Pa.).

Interestingly, these were the same persons Bishop Todd Fetters had appointed to the 2015-2017 and 2017-2019 ELTs. They will now serve four-year terms, instead of just two-year terms.

At this point, Bishop Fetters is still working on determining the four persons to appoint to the 2019-2021 ELT.

Four Ordinations
Four persons were ordained during the closing service on Saturday morning:

  • Daniel Friend, Director of Music at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • Christopher Little V, associate pastor of Devonshire UB church (Harrisburg, Pa.).
  • Joshua McKeown, senior pastor of Faith UB church (Port Orange, Fla.).
  • Matthew McKeown, associate pastor of First UB church (Holly Hill, Fla.).

An article on UBCentral.org provides more information about these men and a number of photos.

2019-2021 UB Discipline
The Discipline has been updated with the various changes made by the National Conference. You can view it online and download a PDF copy.

Bishop Todd Fetters speaking on Saturday morning to close the 2019 US National Conference.

Bishop Todd Fetters (left) with the persons participating in the ordination services.

Rev. Chuck McKeown (right) praying for the persons being ordained, including (on the left) Julie and Joshua McKeown.

Daniel and Michelle Friend kneeling for the laying on of hands.

Dan Friend receiving a Bible from Bishop Todd Fetters.

Christopher and Elizabeth Little kneeling for the laying on of hands.

Christopher Little V receiving a Bible from Bishop Todd Fetters.

Joshua and Julie McKeown kneeling for the laying on of hands.

Matthew and Kara McKeown kneeling for the laying on of hands.

Matt McKeown received a Bible from Bishop Todd Fetters, and his father, Chuck, looks on.

Four persons were ordained during the recent US National Conference in Bowling Green, Ohio. The service occurred on Saturday morning, July 20.

Bishop Todd Fetters conducted the four ceremonies, along with Rev. Jim Bolich, director of Ministerial Licensing and Ordination. They were assisted by two ordained elders chosen by the person being ordained.

Christopher Little V is associate pastor of Devonshire UB church in Harrisburg, Pa. This fall he will begin planting what will be called the United House Church Network in Harrisburg. Assisting were Rev. Derek Thrush, senior pastor of Devonshire Church, and Dr. Michael Dittman, National Ministries director for the US National Conference.

Daniel L. Friend is Director of Music at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. He has served at Emmanuel since 2002. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Huntington University. Assisting were Rev. Craig Mickey, a staff minister at Emmanuel, and Rev. Jason Holliday, a former Emmanuel staffperson who is now senior pastor of Living Grace UB church in Fort Wayne.

Matthew T. McKeown is associate pastor of First UB church in Holly Hill, Fla. He has served there since 1998. His brother Joshua McKeown has been senior pastor of Faith UB church in Port Orange, Fla., since August 2017.

Assisting in both ordinations was their father, Rev. Chuck McKeown, who is senior pastor of First UB. Rev. Brent Liechty, senior pastor of Rising Hope UB church (Shippensburg, Pa.) also assisted in Matt’s ordination. Rev. Don Ross, senior pastor of Victory Chapel UB church (Liberty Center, Ohio), assisted in Joshua’s ordination.