J. Michael Caley, Senior Pastor, Banner of Christ UB (Byron Center, Mich.)
The Nominating Committee was appointed last fall to fill two ballots for the June 2009 US National Conference:

  1. Bishop.
  2. Executive Leadership Team.

I was named chairman. We held our initial meeting January 15-16 in Canton, Ohio. Prior to these meetings, we received input from Bishop Ron Ramsey and Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries. In addition, we gathered information from various regions and clusters. Realizing that this was a God-sized task, we sought divine direction asking for clear consensus.

During the past four years, Bishop Ramsey’s leadership in growing healthy Great Commission churches has been positive. We clearly heard throughout the denomination the need for continuity. Understandably, a new bishop will bring his own leadership vision and administrative style to the task of growing healthy Great Commission churches.

The Nominating Committee received lists of all ordained United Brethren ministers eligible to serve as bishop, whether currently assigned, unassigned, or retired. From that list we developed a slate of individuals who possess the leadership qualities sought in a bishop.

We contacted seven individuals up through March 15, giving them the opportunity to pray and reflect upon their decision. Of the individuals we contacted, one felt a clear call of God’s leadership for the office of bishop at this time.

We planned, and preferred, to offer a ballot with a least two names (additional nominations can be made from the National Conference floor). However, we also prayed that, as a Nominating Committee, we would have consensus concerning the ballot. In presenting the name of Rev. Phillip Whipple as a nominee for bishop of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, our prayer for consensus has been answered.

We’re almost past the 500 mark, with 495 people registered for the US National Conference June 4-7. The numbers also show:

  • 73 children and teens registered
  • 85 people attending the UB Historical Society Banquet.
  • 33 signed up for the golf outing.

The number of registrations for the US National Conference continues rising, and seems to be above the number at this time in 2007 (when we ultimately ended up with over 900 people registered). Here are the latest figures.

  • 458 people registered.
  • 80 registered for the UB Historical Society Banquet on Friday (Pat Jones will be speaking).
  • 33 signed up for the Golf Outing.
  • 68 are children and teens.

We keep the numbers updated on the US National Conference website. Everything regarding the National Conference will be posted there.

The deadline for the various reports was a little over a week ago, and sadly, we’ve got a number of delinquent churches. Here are the numbers as of yesterday (March 24):

  • 171 local church annual reports have been received by Bishop Ramsey (out of 193 churches).
  • 143 churches have reported their referenda results.
  • 151 churches have returned the national conference covenant.
  • 138 churches have notified the bishop of their lay delegate selection(s).

The deadline for all annual reports, covenants, and lay delegate notifications was March 15. As of today, here is what Bishop Ron Ramsey has received:

  • 166 local church annual reports (out of about 200 churches).
  • 140 referenda results.
  • 144 national conference covenants.
  • 119 notifications of local church delegates.

The number of registrations for the US National Conference increased about 20 over the weekend. Here are the latest figures:

  • 379 people registered.
  • 70 registered for the UB Historical Society Banquet (which promises to be very well attended).
  • 32 signed up for the Golf Outing.
  • 65 are children and teens.

Every Monday and Thursday, we tally up the registrations and reports that have come in, and let you know. We post XLR8 registrations and report totals here, and post the XLR8 numbers on the US National Conference website.

As of yesterday, the end of the day, the XLR8 registrations looked like this:

  • 360 people registered.
  • 70 registered for the UB Historical Society Banquet (which promises to be very well attended).
  • 31 signed up for the Golf Outing.
  • 63 are children and teens.

The deadline for all reports is March 15, just a few days away. Here are the new totals:

  • 138 local church annual reports (out of about 200 churches). Any church not submitting the church report by March 15 will not be allowed representation at National Conference. Looks like we’ll have a few of those, unfortunately.
  • 121 referenda results.
  • 120 national conference covenants.
  • 115 notifications of local church delegates (just send Bishop Ramsey a note using the Contact link on the right).

All of these numbers were sent to the denominational email list yesterday afternoon. If you’re not on that list, you can join.

Before going home last night, we updated the numbers on the homepage of the US National Conference site. They now show:

  • 296 total registrants (with the registrations that came in during the night, we’re over 300).
  • 67 persons registered for the UB Historical Society banquet.
  • 28 persons registered for the golf outing.
  • 46 teens and children registered.

We also have updates on the reports coming into the office. The deadline for all of these is March 15. As of March 9, Bishop Ron Ramsey had received:

  • 120 local church reports.
  • 109 reports from churches about their referendum results.
  • 103 signed local church covenants.

The number of registrations for the US National Conference now stands at 212, Almost a fourth of them have signed up for the UB Historical Society Banquet, at which Pat Jones will speak.

With ten days to go before the March 15 deadline, Bishop Ramsey has received:

  • 106 local church reports.
  • 96 reports from churches about their referendum results.
  • 99 signed local church covenants.


Back row (l-r): Carlos Salazar (MC – Holland, MI), Jimmy Santiago (MC – Chicago, IL), Volfi Valenzuela (MC – Ft. Wayne, IN), Tulio Duran (MC), Dalton Jenkins (UB – Yonkers, NY), Gary Rowland (MC – Ft. Wayne, IN), Martin Roman (MC – Kalamazoo, MI), Tom Blaylock (MC/UB – Everywhere), Gordon Kettel (UB – Grand Ledge, MI), Brian Reinhardt (MC – Sebewaing, MI). Front row (l-r): Bob Loar (MC – Blissfield, MI), Jeremy LeVan (MC – Mishawaka, IN), Matt Woodburn (MC – Macomb, MI), Roy Scott (UB – Brooklyn, NY), Howard Matthews (UB – Grandville, MI), and Josh Hossler (MC – Macomb, MI).

Church planters from the United Brethren Church and the Missionary Church held a retreat together January 29-31 in Orlando, Fla. They focused on three things: encouraging the church planters, sabbath rest, and learning from each other’s experiences. Tom Blaylock, who works part-time in church planting with both the UBs and MCs, headed up the event.