Dennis and Debbie Osberg, former UB endorsed missionaries who serve at a school in Tegucigalpa, sent this note about Hurricane Felix:

“We are so thankful to report that the power of Felix faded during it’s run through the country and it didn’t produce the expected results on Honduras. There are some areas to the north that experienced flooding and damage but still much less than predicted earlier….It rained all night long but the winds weren’t strong for us. Also, we only lost electricity for brief amounts of time throughout the evening and into today. Our internet connection, which is a hanging wire from across the street and into our house, is still hanging strong, for which we are deeply grateful!”

honduras250.jpgHurricane Felix, a top-level Category 5 storm, struck the northeast coast of Nicaragua this morning with 160 mph winds. It is moving inland at 16 mph, and is now at Category 3 status. According to an email from Honduras about 10 am, rain has begun falling on La Ceiba, Honduras, the headquarters of our work in Honduras. Some areas of Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador will see 10-15 inches of rain, with 25 inches falling in some mountainous areas.

Felix is expected to cut across central Honduras, where some of our 80-some churches are located, including the capital city of Tegucigalpa, where missionary Abby Waterbury is stationed with World Gospel Outreach.

You may remember Hurricane Mitch in 1998, which killed 11,000 people and left 8,000 missing, mostly in Honduras and Nicaragua. Mitch severely ravaged La Ceiba, Honduras, as well as other places along the north coast where United Brethren churches are located.

Dennis and Debbie Osberg, missionaries who serve with the Academia Los Pinares school in Tegucigalpa (Dennis is principal), sent this email at noon today:

This morning as I write, Hurricane Felix is hitting eastern Honduras and Nicaragua with full force. The President of Honduras cancelled all schools in the country for today and tomorrow, so we’re definitely home and safely waiting. Please pray for the weakening of the storm as it passes through the entire country of Honduras and for His protection through it all. As we experienced in 1998 with Hurricane Mitch, the biggest problem in the city of Tegucigalpa is severe flooding and damage from the huge amount of rainfall causing mud slides throughout the mountains. Thankfully, we live on the mountain and not in the valley of the city. But so many people are affected during the storms, and our hearts are heavy for their protection and safety through whatever comes our way.

Right now we are watching CNN coverage and waiting peacefully. We have extra water, food, candles and each other, so we’ll be just fine….Thank you so much for your prayers during this time. Especially for many in the country that will have it much worse than our family. We fully expect to loose electricity and of course have no idea how long that will last.

Felix is projected to clip part of El Salvador, slam into southern Belize on Wednesday, and then cut across northern Guatemala and southern Mexico.

Please remember our Honduran brethren in your prayers, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, as Hurricane Felix proceeds inland and people are threatened with mudslides, flooding, and destroyed homes.

We are having a “baby shower” for our latest church plant: Imagine This LLC in Grand Ledge, Mich. Church planters Gordon and Lori Kettel have done an excellent job gathering a launch team of over 40 people in preparation for a launch date of October 21, 2007. United Brethren churches and individuals are invited to look over the list of items the church needs and contribute toward getting this new church off the ground. Here they are:

Come spend a weekend celebrating 40 years of Christian camping at Camp Living Waters (Luther, Mich.). A special commemorative weekend will be held September 14-16. There is no cost, but a free-will offering will be taken.

Events during the weekend include a Saturday evening concert by Eric Cherry, a Sunday morning worship service, plus horseback riding, hayrides, tours, singing, memories, and a Saturday night hog roast.
Check-in begins at 7 pm Friday. Checkout time is 2 pm Sunday.

Housing will be male/female cabins. RV sites are also available.
If interested, please RSVP for lodging and/or meals to:

National news reports told of the recent flooding in Findlay, Ohio. Darwin Dunten, pastor of First UB church in Findlay, reports that one-third of his parishioners were affected by the flooding. In addition, the church basement was flooded with sewer water. The church’s resources are going primarily toward helping people from the church.

Churches have been inquiring about ways they can help. Instead of trying to coordinate things through the church, Pastor Dunten is pointing everyone to the United Way, which can coordinate on a much larger scale. If you’d like to help, you can call the United Way at: (419) 423-1432.

Pastor Dunten says the Mormon Church has mobilized an estimated 500 people to assist in the recovery. An official has pointed to the Mormons as the key to the city’s recovery. Hmmm.

People from several United Brethren churches are responding. A group from Monticello UB (Spencerville, Ohio) is going up to help, and several other UB churches have inquired. Pastor Dunten has also been been encouraged by the response from other UB churches in Findlay’s cluster.

First UB church can be used as a staging area for anyone who wants to come help. Call the church at: (419) 422-9398. You can also email Darwin at

Rev. Winston Smith called the United Brethren Office today and gave a report of the situation in Jamaica after Hurricane Dean.
The Parsonage and Christian Education Building/Dorm in Yorktown received a lot of damage. Roofs are off, rafters gone or broken, and much water damage. Many homes in the area are also damaged. Pastor Smith said that it would be impossible for a group to stay there if they came to help with repairs. He suggested that funds to help rebuild and repair would be better at this time.
New Garden Church in the hills lost its roof. He estimates the cost for replacing the roof at $150,000 Jamaican dollars or roughly $2300 US. Many homes were lost or damaged, and many people from the church and community lost most of their possessions.
The power returned to Kingston this morning. However, there is no power or phone service (land or cell) in the outlying areas. He has been having difficulty getting an assessment of damage due to lack of communication or being able to get to areas.
A Conference Council meeting will be held on Monday, August 27, to get an assessment from the different areas. Pastor Smith would like the needs assessment sent to him today or tomorrow so he can distribute it and go over it with the Council. The fax is working at the office.
Winston is receiving reports that the town of Malvern was hit hard (the police station and another public building were completely destroyed). He has not heard, however, anything about the camp, church, or parsonage there.
Gary Dilley, Director of Global Ministries, told Pastor Smith that we would continue to pray for them and that we would keep in touch to learn of other needs.

worshipweekend_180.jpgA “Worship4Life weekend” will be held August 24-25 (Friday and Saturday) at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. The event features John Chisum, an Integrity usic worship artist, songwriter, music publisher and producer, and instructor with the Integrity Worship Institute.

The weekend begins on Friday night with a concert by John Chisum at 7 pm. Then on Saturday, from 9 am to 3 pm, he will lead three workshops:

  • Worship4Life: the Power of Personal Praise and Worship.
  • The Word on Worship: Reclaiming Our Biblical Heritage in a Post-Modern World.
  • Com Expecting Jesus: The Pursuit of Authentic Corporate Worship

The cost is $5 for the concert, and $8 for both the concert and conference. Emmanuel prefers that people call for tickets andpick them up the day of the event.

Group_childrenworkshop.jpgA workshop for children’s ministry, called “Come to Jesus,” will be held September 29, 2007, at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. The workshop is sponsored by Children’s Ministry Magazine, which is a Group publication.

The workshop promises the following:

  • Discover how today’s kids are wired and how to best reach them for Jesus.
  • Get powerful tools that dramatically increase your teaching impact.
  • Discover 16 no-fail secrets for making discipline challenges all but evaporate.

Registration is $59 for an individual, $49 per person for groups of 2-9, and $45 per person for larger groups.

A Women’s Missionary Fellowship Convention will be held August 21 at Rhodes Grove Camp near Chambersburg, Pa. It begins at 9:30 a.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring auction items. The speakers will be Bob Eberly, Lois Conway, and Rev. John Christophel.

Rev. Howard and Eva Nell (Rash) Anderson will celebrate 50th anniversary on August 25. Eva Nell is the daughter of former Bishop Robert Rash, and Howard served as the denominational Director of Church Ministries until 1981, when he returned to the UB pastorate.

Any congratulatory cards or letters could be sent to their home at: 5301 N Stonyrun Lane, Fort Wayne, IN 46825.