Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries
Yesterday, I asked you to consider the question, “Do I feel I have a shared ownership of the church I attend?”

I hope you wrestled with that question and did not easily fluff it off. It is an important question to ask. Your view of what happens at the church is based on your answer to this question. Today, I want to share a Scriptural defense of who truly owns and should control the agenda of the church.

The church belongs to…Jesus Christ.

  • He is the head of the Church (Ephesians 1:22).
  • He died for the Church (Romans 5:8; 1 Thess. 5:10).
  • He determines the gifts each person receives through His Spirit (1 Cor. 12:11).
  • He freely gives us all things we need (Romans 8:32; 2 Peter 1:3).
  • He is the Savior of the church (Ephesians 5:23).
  • He holds every church in His hands (Revelation 3:1).
  • He gives the mission to the church (Matthew 28:19, 20).

We could give many more proofs. But the point is made. It is HIS church. His blood bought it; His Word established it; His Spirit fills it.

So how much do you think about His ownership and seek His direction about what happens at your church?

On Thursday, we will finally look at how we can say, “This is my church.”

Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries
I’ve been amazed to see so many people living in deception when it comes to their relationship with their own church. When disgruntlement raises its head, or when people resist change that will bring about greater effectiveness in fulfilling the mission of the church, it’s common to hear statements like these:

  • “But this is my church.”
  • “You’re not going to do that to my church.”

Generally, the term “my” implies not only identification with, but also ownership. My computer. My home. I own them. And I determine what happens with them.

There is the deception. Did you catch it? 

It is the same subtle deception Jesus spoke about in Luke 20. He tells a parable about a man who planted a vineyard, entrusted it to some farmers, and went away. He wanted to collect from his tenants and sent servants to do so. But they beat the servants and finally killed the owner’s son because they deceived themselves into thinking that they owned the vineyard. 

They worked it. They spent the time there. They kept the walls up. They watered it. How dare the owner try and take something from them!

So it is with churches. You can deceive yourself into thinking you can do with the church what you want because:

  • I am a member.
  • I have attended there for a long time.
  • I have given money to buy or build or pay off debts.
  • I have worked there for so long.
  • And no one has the authority or right to do anything without my permission. 

I want to take a couple installments to address ownership of the church and our proper relationship to the church.

To prepare, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I feel I have a shared ownership of the church I attend?
  • Do I see my church as a place of shared responsibility to the Owner?

One last thought. Jesus looked right at the people and asked what they thought the owner would do to the tenants? He told them he would come, kill those tenants, and give the vineyard to others. The people responded, “May it never be.” 

I pray it won’t be so for any of us.

Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries

Many of our churches spend thousands of dollars each year to make trips to other countries to experience ministry in a different culture. We encourage that ministry and those partnerships.  

But I would like to suggest that there are some other options that will accomplish similar ministry objectives.  

  • Why not consider sending some youth and adults to minister with Pastor Rubenia Bomatay and her Hispanic folks in Jamaica Plain, Mass.?
  • Our New York cluster group gives you Jamaican, Chinese, and Sierra Leonean options. Last year, Todd Yoder, youth pastor at Jerusalem Chapel (Churchville, Va.), took a group to work with our Bethel church in Yonkers, NY. Call and ask him what that experience did for their youth.

Randy and Toni Fennig have been in Sierra Leone for two months now. However, their shipping container has been stuck at the port, awaiting release by the government authorities.

The container includes a tractor. This week, Randy was told that in order to process the contents of the container, they need the tractor’s vehicle identification number. Since the tractor is packed at the back of the container, they’ll need to unload the entire container. That means placing the contents out on the dock, with lots of people milling around, until they can reach the tractor.

So that’s a concern. Pray that the container can get processed quickly, and that the Fennigs will receive everything they packed.

George Rhodifer sent this update on his condition.

“My doctor told me she is satisfied with my recovery from my blood infection and that she did not see any reason at this time to consider any more Chemo treatments unless my condition changes. She is going to monitor me and see how I do. She will tell me more when I meet with her December 2. She told my daughter that I beat the odds, because I should not be here. With my will to live and my faith in God, I may just go on beating the odds.”

George is pastor of Olivet Church in New Lebanon, Ohio. In early September, he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and given three months to live.

Emmanuel Community Church is hosting a free concert featuring rock band Attaboy and indie-rock newcomer The Fabulous at 7 p.m. on December 5.

Three of the four members of Attaboy, a Huntington-based alternative rock group, are graduates of Huntington University. Vocalist/keyboardist Amos Caley, who holds a degree in Bible and Religion, is the son of UB pastor J.
Michael Caley (Banner of Christ UB, Byron Center, Mich.).

The concert is open to the public and is sponsored by Huntington University,, and Emmanuel Community Church Student Ministries.

Marie Mellott passed away Sunday evening, November 23. She was the widow of Rev. O. Guy Mellott, who pastored the Heidlersburg UB church (Heidlersburg, Pa.) for over 20 years. For a short time, both Marie and Guy pastored the Mt. Olivet UB church in Aspers, Pa.

Memorial Service: Saturday, November 29. 10:15 – noon.
Location: Heidlersburg UB church, 2725 Heidlersburg Road, Gettysburg, Pa.
Viewing: 9 a.m. Saturday, November 29 (prior to the memorial service)
Officiating: Revs. Dan Summers and Phil Byers.

Condolences can be sent to the entire family at this address:

Mr. and Mrs. Darren (Beth) Mellott
198 Fickel Hill Road
Gardners, PA 17324

(Click on the chart for a larger view.)

Ron Ramsey, Bishop
This chart shows the average attendance in United Brethren churches since 1960. In the United States (the blue lines), we climbed to a high point in the mid-1970s, fell to a low point in the mid-1980s, then gradually grew back to a new high in 2004. What does it all mean?

The sharp decline after 2004 no doubt relates to our efforts to join the Missionary Church, and the aftermath (when a number of churches withdrew). But it looks like we have stopped the hemorrhage, and are growing again (albeit with a smaller number of churches).

Notice the green line, too–the worldwide attendance. Although the United States attendance hasn’t grown very much, the overseas work has done well. And most of our overseas churches are an outgrowth of the US churches.

The ups and downs in charts like this are open to lots of interpretation. Factors such as leadership, emphases, generational changes, and demographics can all play a role. We welcome your own interpretations. Leave a comment.