11 Nov Good News from George Rhodifer
I received this email from George Rhodifer, one of our ministers who has been battling leukemia. We’ve mentioned George several times on this blog, and have asked you to pray for him. Read George’s latest report and be encouraged, as well as reminded of the power of prayer.
I saw my Oncologist Thursday (November 6) and she had a good report on my leukemia. I sat in her examining room while she looked at my records on the computer. She was all smiles and saying mostly to herself, “Yes, that is good.”
Then she said, “Mr. Rhodifer, you won’t believe what I am reading on your progress. You have come a long way. Your Leukemia is now under control–not in remission, but under control.”
She said that she was only going to schedule one more series of chemo, and then see how things look after that. I started a series on Friday, and if everything goes okay, she said she won’t need to see me until December 2 to evaluate my progress.
Bishop, I am so excited about this report. It has to be the prayers that are going up for me, and the confidence that my doctor has encouraged me and my family to have. I know there is no known cure for this, but it could go into remission as God intervenes.
I read on the BishopBlog the really dark place I was in. That I only had a few months to live. Now my new doctor tells me my Leukemia is under control after only one series of chemo. PRAISE THE LORD! I hope you can put this on your blog as a testimony to the power of God and the good doctors that I have. Yes, I still have a way to go, but the picture is not as bleek. I feel good and have had no side affects to the first series of chemo shots (two a day for ten days). Keep me in prayer.
Yours in His service,
George Rhodifer